英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 高中英语新旧教材不同观点比较





I’m very like my brother.

She’s a fine singer, as her brother used to be.


Please do it ________ I show you.

A. like B.as C.according to D.for


Do you have to feed plants like you feed chickens? (SEFC 1A L.17)

Nobody loves you like I do,baby.(《牛津英语用法指南》,Michael Swan)


She can’t cook like her mother does.她烹饪的技术不如她的母亲。

Don’t think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn the multiplication tables.不要以为你学习语法规则就象背乘法表一样。


Nobody loves you like I do, child.孩子,谁也没有像我这样疼爱你。(SEFC 1A 教师用书 P.96)

Please do it like I tell you.请你照我这样做。(同上)

This doesn’t taste like it should.它的味道不应该像是这个样子。(同上)

另外,like作连词也可代替as if,用于非正式文体,尤其在美国英语中。例如:

He sat there smiling like it was his birthday.(《牛津英语用法指南》,Michael Swan)





She spoke of me as her dearest friend.他说起我就像我是她最亲密的朋友似的。(SEFC 1A 教师用书 P.106)

They got united as one man.他们团结得像应该人似的。(同上)


He’s not as old as me.(《朗文当代英语词典》1993最新修订版)

I only like small animals, such as cats and dogs.(同上)

Why is he dressed as a woman?他为什么打扮得像个女人?(《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》)

Fight as men, or die as slaves?男子汉一样地战斗,还是奴隶般地死去?(《新英汉词典》增补本)

unite as one man团结得像一个人一样(同上)

They talked as old friends.(《现代英语用法词典》,张道真)

三、3 times longer than表示“比……长2倍,是……的三倍”

旧观点:对于n times +形容词或副词的比较级+than表示倍数的问题,传统语法中主要有两种观点:


Your house is three times longer than mine.你的房子比我的房子大了3倍(就是我的房子的四倍大小)(葛传gui,《英语惯用法词典》)

Give me three times more than Antonio borrowed from me.请你加三倍还给我安东尼奥向我借的钱。(旧高中英语课本第三册)


新观点:新教材摈弃了旧教材中的观点,采用了传统语法的第二种观点:n times+形容词或副词的比较级+than表示“比……大n-1倍,是……的n倍大”。例如:

(1)Line AB is 3 times longer than Line CD.

(2)Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD. (SEFC Teachers’ Book 1A P.110)

新教参解释道“句型(1)的含义是: AB线段是CD线段的3倍(若CD是1,则AB是3×1=3)。句型(2)的含义是:AB线段是CD线段的3倍,因此句型(1),(2)是同义结构。”

The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.现在旧金山市区和郊区的人口已是1906年的10倍以上了。(SEFC Students’ Book 1A P.27)

新教参中指出:ten times包含着“十乘……”,“……乘以十”,“十倍于…..”这一意思,原数如果是1,那么,10×1=10,即变成10,亦即是(原数)的十倍,或者说“增加到十倍”,而不表示“增加了十倍”。

Five times as many as people came to the demonstration as (did)last time.=Five times more people came to the demonstration than (did)last time.

I paid three times as much for the meal as they did.=I paid three times more for the meal than they did.

The Gross National Product is four times as much/high as(it was)a decade ago.=The Gross National Product is four times more/higher than (it was)a decade ago.(夸克等,<>华东师范大学出版社,P.1577)

夸克等认为“具数的as many(…)as和不具数的as much(…)as由一个倍数短语前置修饰时,就等于more(…)than”,但要注意“表示两倍时用twice as many as 或as much as,而不用more…than这个形式”。

We’re now hauling in ten times more fish than we did then.我们现在的捕鱼量是那时的10倍。(张道真,<>,1995年修订重印本,P.360)

The output of cotton in 1987 was five times greater than that of 1976.(章振邦,<>,第三版,P.384)


The irrigated area in this province is four times bigger than in 1978.这个省的灌溉面积比1978年增加了3倍。(薄冰,赵德鑫,<>,修订第四版,P.103)

需要指出的是,据福建<>教师版主编郭可慈老师文,“葛老生前对three times larger than的看法已有改变,认为宜作‘比……大二倍’解”。(<>,教师版1994年第13期)

由A.S.Hornby主编的The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English之1962年,1972年版与1991年版对此的观点也发生了变化。

times(PL) used to indicate multiplication:

Yours is ten times the size of mine(ten times as large as mine).

times n. [PL] used to express multiplication:

This book is 3 timesas long as/3timeslonger than/3 times the length of that one.


旧观点:传统语法中,however作“但是,可是”讲时只能用作副词,不能用作连词,Micheal Swan在《牛津英语用法指南》中特别指出:不要把连词however(意为“无论怎样”in whatever way,no matter how)与副词however(意为“但是,可是”but,on the other hand)混用。《朗文当代英语词典》的看法与上同。

新观点:however作连词用时,有“然而,尽管(in spite of this)”的含义。它不能像but一样直接连接两个分句,而必须另起新句,并用逗号分开。however可放在句首,也可以插在句子中间。徐达山、王福祯在《英语惯用法大词典》中写道:however作转折连词时,意义与并列连词but相近,只是语气稍弱些。它是起对照、对比或反衬前后两个句子的作用,只能在意义上贯通两个句子,而不能像并列连词but那样在形式上起串联作用。请注意观察下列例句中however的位置、标点符号的使用和第二分句句首首字母的大小写。

Tom was not there(,)but his brother was.

(误)He would like to go.But he can’t.

It’s raining hard.However,I think we should go out.

He hasn’t arrived.He may,however,came later.

He said that it was so;he was mistaken,however.


Later,however,he decided to go.后来,他们就决定去了。(《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》)

He was mistaken,however.可是他错了。(同上)


My name is Robert,_________most of my friends call me Bob for short.

A. then B.instead C.however D.but



My name is Robert._________most of my friends call me Bob for short.

A. Then B.Instead C.However D.But

MY name is Robert;_________,most of my friend call me Bob for short.

A.then B.instead C.however D.but



She can’t be a professor—she’s so young.


1.–There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

–It__________a comfortable journey.(NMET1995)

A. can’t be C.shouldn’t be C.mustn’t have been D.couldn’t have been

2.I didn’t see her in the meeting-room this morning.She________at the meeting.(上海1991)

A. mustn’t have spoken B.shouldn’t have spoken

C.needn’t have spoken D.couldn’t have spoken

3.Jack_________yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.(上海1997)

A. mustn’t have arrived B.shouldn’t have arrived

C.can’t have arrived D.need not have arrived


I can hear the Brown’s phone bell ringing but no one is answering it.They mustn’t be at home.我听到布朗家的电话铃在响,但是没有人接;他们相想必都不在家。(SEFC 1A 教师用书 P.122)

Mr.Green mustn’t have received my letter,otherwise he would have replied before now.格林先生想必没有收到我的信,要不然他在这之前就早已回过信了。(SEFC 1A 教师用书 P.126)

His absence mustn’t have been noticed=His absence can’t have been noticed.(《新编英语语法》第三版) 依据新观点,上面的高考题除所标示的答案外,1-3题还可分别选CAA。

六、spend (money) on/in doing something/something

旧观点:spend作“花费”讲时要注意搭配:spend(time/money)(in) doing something, spend(time/money)on something,其中in,on不得换用。

新观点:spend (money) in/on doing something/something中的in,on可以换用,v-ing形式前的in/on也可省略。例如:

He spent half his money (on/in) helping the poor.他花去他一半的钱来帮助穷人。(SEFC 1B 教师用书 P.129) Bob spent a lot of money (on/in) organizing the concert.鲍勃花了许多钱来组织那场音乐会。(同上)

They spend a lot of money on advertising.(《朗文当代英语词典》1993最新修订版)

He spends a lot of money on(in) entertaining friends.(《现代英语用法词典》重排本,张道真)

He has spent a fortune on improving his property.(同上)

The boss spends some money on entertaining the workers every year.(《英语惯用法大词典》,王福祯,徐达山)

He spent half a year on writing a short play.(同上)

另外,spent (money)后的介词还可以是for/in+名词,或接动词不定式。例如:

to spend $4,000 for/on a new car(《朗文英汉双解活用词典》)

The girl spent ten yuan in a cassette of music.(《英语惯用法大词典》,王福祯,徐达山)

He spent five yuan in two tins of coca-cola on his journey.(同上)

The company spends a large sum of money to make advertisements every year.(同上)

七、Nice to meet you可用于分手时的道别

旧观点:Nice to meet you用于见面时的问候,Nice meeting/to have met you用于分手时的道别。

新观点:除Nice meeting you,Nice to have met you可用于分手时的道别外,Nice to meet you也可用于分手时的道别,此时Nice to meet you为It was nice to meet you.之略。例如 1.Well,it’s getting late.I must be off now.Nice to meet you.(SEFC 1A P.1)

2.A:Please excuse me,but I really have to be going. B:Yes,of course.It was nice to see you.

A:It was nice to meet you,too.And please give my regards to Mrs.Smith.

B:I will.Good bye.(《高中英语口语教程》,王振亚,教育科学出版社) 3.B:…Oh,excuse me.I must be going now,I’m afraid.

A:It was so nice to meet you again.

B:It was nice to meet you,too.And please say hello to George.

A:I will.Good-bye.(同上)

八、right表示all right之意

旧观点:right意为“正确,对”,用于对某事的正误进行的判断。all right意为“好的”,表示赞同、满意等。也可回答How are you?之类的问候语。 新观点:right可代替all right表示对他人的建议、请求、命令等的赞同或对某事的满意等。例如:

1.Yang Mei:I’d like to study medicine and come a doctor. Sara:Right.Nice meeting you.Yang Mei.Bye.(SEFC 1A P.3) 2.Sharon:I’ve got a pain here.Just here.Ouch!

Dr.Yang:Right.Let me examine you.(SEFC 1B P.1)

3.A:Shall we start now?我们现在开始吧?

B:Right!Let’s start.行,开始吧。(《英国口语词典》,段立新,外语教学与研究出版社)

4.A:I’m going to the 3rd Avenue.我要去第三大街。

B:Right you are,sir,I’ll drive you there.好嘞,先生,我开车送您去那儿。(同上)

5.A:I’ll let you know when I find the title you want.我找到了您要的那本书就告诉您。

B:Righto!Thanks!See you later.好,就这样吧!多谢您了!回头见!(同上)




I suggest that you don’t ask him home for the vacation.(SEFC 1A P.55)

Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem?我们怎样处理这个问题,你能给出个主意吗?(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,第四版)

He said that he would not be long and suggested that we waited for him.他说他不会去很久,并建议我们等他。(《英语惯用法大词典》,徐达山,王福祯,北京科学技术出版社)

I suggested that this is done forthwith.我建议此事应立刻去做。(同上)

Your niece in the shop suggested I might call and see you.你在商店的侄女建议我来拜访你。(同上)

十、I’m sorry可表示遗憾

旧观点:I’m sorry用于礼节性的或真正的道歉。因此下题不能选A(答案是C)。

–I’d like to go with you,but I’m busy with my examinations these days.


A.I’m sorry. B.Really? C.What a pity! D.Never mind.

新观点:I’m sorry可表示遗憾,相当于Bad luck!或What a pity/shame!用于应答对方告知的一些不如意的话,表示遗憾、同情或安慰。为I’m sorry to hear that.之略。例如:

1.A:I was going to play volleyball on Monday,but I can’t now.

B:I’m sorry./Bad luck!/What a pity!(SEFC 1A P.56)

2.A:Wang Lin is ill and has to go to hospital.

B:I’m sorry to hear that.(《初中英语口语教程》,王振亚,教育科学出版社)

3.A:I’m sorry to hear your bike was stolen last week.Has the police found it?

B:No,not yet.(《高中英语口语教程》,王振亚,教育科学出版社)

4.A:Is there anything wrong,Li Jun?You look sad.

B:Well,I’ve failed the college entrance examination.

A:Oh,I’m sorry to hear it.

B:Thanks,Zhao Hong.I thought I was going to pass it.(同上)

5.A:You look worried.你似乎有点心神不定。

B:I just got a letter saying my sister is in hospital with meningitis.我刚刚接到一封信,说我妹妹得了脑膜炎住进了医院。

A:I’m sorry to hear that.Hope it isn’t serious.哦,这倒确实叫人不安。但愿情况不太严重。(《实用英语口语指南》,张健,唐见端,金盾出版社)


十一、any other后可接复数名词

旧观点:any other后接单数名词。

新观点:any other后除可跟单数名词外,还可跟复数名词。例如:

Our class is better than any other classes at playing basketball in our school. (SEFC 2A P.41)

Did you see any other films?你看过别的电影吗?(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,第四版)

I don’t have any other cups than those [(that/which)I have] in the sink.(《英语语法大全》,夸克等,华东师范大学出版社)

Have you any other book[books] on this subject?(Palmer)(《现代英语用法词典》,重排本,张道真)

Aren’t there any other doctors?就没有别的医生了吗?(《现代英语惯用法词典》,费致德)

十二、It’s no good to do something

旧观点:在It’s no good/no use/useless/useful等之后要用v-ing形式,不用不定式。

新观点:在It’s no good/no use/useless/useful等之后常用v-ing形式,也可用不定式。例如:

It is no good to read without full understanding.(SEFC 2A P.33)

Do you think it would be any good to try and see her tomorrow?(Hemingway)(《现代英语用法词典》,重排本,张道真)

I knew it was no good to say anything,so I stood by Mog.(Mis)(同上)

But what good was it to talk to him?(Greene)(同上)

It is no use your running away.[It is no use for you to run away.](ELD)(同上)

We’re decided that it’s no use to worry,Dinny.(Galsworthy)(同上)

There is no use in complaining(of complaining,to complain)(《现代英语惯用法词典》,费致德)

笔者的看法是,尽管It’s no use to do something.这种结构存在,但其使用率远远不如It’s no use doing something,尤其是成语或谚语中的v-ing形式不宜改为不定式。

It’s no use crying over split milk.覆水难收。


It is no good________other’s shortcomings.

A.to joke about B.to joke with C.joking with D.joking about

十三、at the end可单独用作状语

旧观点:at the end不可像in the end,by the end等词组一样单独使用,其后要跟of短语,即构成at the end of短语。 下面这道题不选B,正是因为命题者认为at the end不可单独使用(答案是A)。

________she worked out the difficult problem and went out for a rest.

A.In the end B.At the end C.By the end D.On the end

新观点:at the end意为“最后,尽头”,起副词的作用,可单独用作状语。例如:

At the end,discuss your answers with the rest of the class.(SEFC 1B p.3)

At the end,he left all the waste things from the car at the side of the street and drove away.(SEFC 2A P.42)

Oh,at the end of some songs that some songs that everyone’s familiar with,then they can join in.(SEFC 2B P.49)

At the end we got back to the entrance of the forest,but we didn’t see Sun Yao.(SEFC 2B P.115)



旧观点:在key,way,entrance等名词后只能用介词to,例如:the key to classroom,the way to museum,the entrance to cinema等。


At the end we got back to the entrance of the forest,but we didn’t see Sun Yao.(SEFC 2A P.115)

The explosion did a good deal of damage to the entrance of the building.(Wood)(《现代英语用法词典》,重排本,张道真)

She had appointed to meet Wilfrid at the entrance of it.(Galsworthy)(同上)

at the entrance to/of the cinema通向电影院的入口处(《英语惯用法大词典》,徐达山,王福祯)

Have you got the key of this door?(ELD)(《现代英语用法词典》,重排本,张道真)

the key of a lock/the door/the room这把锁(门,房间)的钥匙(《英语惯用法大词典》,徐达山,王福祯)

十五、the next train前可以用介词by


He missed the early bus________which he went to work.

A.by B.for
C.among D.in


Your father is going to travel down by the next train.(SEFC 2B P.33)

I am going up by the quarter to twelve train.(Macaulay)(《现代英语用法词典》,重排本,张道真)

My friend and I returned to town by the midnight express train.(Doyle)(同上)

He went there by the 8:30 train.他乘8点30分的火车去的。(《英语惯用法大词典》,徐达山,王福祯)




新观点:由动词加后缀-ing构成的(如doing, walking, running等)词形称为动词的-ing形式(-ing form)。


1. 作主语

Talking is easier than doing.

It’s no use talking about it.

2. 作宾语

don’t mind going on foot.

3. 作表语

Seeing is believing.

The story is moving.

4. 作宾语补足语

I saw them coming across the road.

5. 作定语

There is a swimming pool in our school.

China is developing country.

The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.

6. 作状语

Being ill, she went home.

Having finished their homework, they had a rest.



I don’t remember Lao Wu saying that.

He kept (on) working.




十七、having done的否定形式可以是having not done


Having not received any news from home for so long, she got more and more homesick. (SEFC 2B P.120)

新观点:having done的否定式可以将not置于having后。


Having not understand what he said, I asked him to repeat his directions.我因为没听懂他所说的,所以请他把他的指示在说一遍。(《贺氏英文法全书》下册,P.370)

Having never flown in an airplane before, the little girl was surprised and a little frightened when her ears popped.这小女孩以前从未坐过飞机,她的耳朵砰砰作响时,她又惊奇又有一点害怕。(同上)



旧观点:当定语从句的先行词被the only修饰且先行词指物时,关系代词必须用that。于是,有些同志认为下面的句子是错误的:

Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.(SEFC 3A P.16)



作者: admin





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