英语学霸网 英语学习资料 英语在线一对一外教:你一向在用的“How about”, 竟然是中式英语!

英语在线一对一外教:你一向在用的“How about”, 竟然是中式英语!


“how about” is chinglish
in my 10 years of teaching, this is probably the most common (常见的) mistake i hear, sometimes hearing it several times a day. i understand the confusion (利诱). in chinese, we like to say “ ___ 怎么样?” for example, 新教师怎么样, or “how about the new teacher?”
the problem is, in english, we don’t say “how about.” i think the reason so many chinese students say this is because
英语在线一对一外教:你一向在用的“How about”, 竟然是中式英语!插图
they 英语在线一对一外教 英语在线一对一外教 英语在线一对一外教 remember it from the sentence “how about you?” later, i will explain why it is ok to say only in this sentence.
to properly (正确的,恰当的) ask 怎么样, we have to use the “be” verb. so in the example above, you should say “how is the new teacher?” if you want to ask your friend “你昨日看的影片怎么样”, you would say “how was the movie last night?”
ok ok, but we can say “how about you?” right? so why is it ok in this sentence? it’s because one of the only times (只需在这个情况下) you can say “about” is in a follow-up question. if you remember, the question before “how about you?” is “how are you?” that’s the “be” verb. in the reply “i’m fine thanks, how about you?” – well, you can see “about” is used in the second (follow up) question. (“about”一般都是伴跟着之前一个疑问、作为第二个问句来标明 “那你觉得…怎么样?”)
another example:
woodie: hey, you
英语在线一对一外教:你一向在用的“How about”, 竟然是中式英语!插图(1)
wanna get a beer after work today?
denzel: naw, 英语在线一对一外教 英语在线一对一外教 i don’t really like beer.
woodie: ok, how about whiskey then?
steve: you watch a lot of movies right? how was the new resident evil (生化危机) movie?
malloy: it sucked! (太烂了)
steve: oh… how about beauty and the beast (佳人与野兽) ?
malloy: it was great!
the only other time “how about” is ok is when we are making a suggestion (当咱们在供给主张时).
for example:
ethel: my body is so sore after exercising all day today.
connie: how about we go get a massage together?
to make it simple, just try to remember, whenever you want to ask someone “___ 怎么样”, just use the “be” verb (is, are, was, etc), and you should be fine. so… how was my explanation?
假定想单独问“xxx怎么样”,大约用“how + be动词(is, are, was…)”的句式发问
假定想进一步提出不一样选项、主张,可以用“how about…”,可是必定有上文做条件!
vocabulary 生词表
confusion /k?n’fj???n/ n. 利诱,混杂
common /’kɑm?n/ adj.英语在线一对一外教 英语在线一对一外教 常见的,广泛的
e.g.:learning a new language is a common problem with living in a different country.
properly /’prɑp?li/ adv. 正确地,恰当地
e.g.:steve wasn’t able to properly set up in the tent – it collapsed when he was sleeping inside.
suggestion /s?’d??st??n/ n. 主张
e.g.:no one listens to steve’s suggestions anymore because they are often useless.


作者: admin







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