英语学霸网 优选频道 2014年12月27、28日独立托福口语小规模猜测及参阅答案


??2014年12月27、28日的托福考试大约要点温习哪些标题? 新东方国外部的孟炎教师为我们带来12月27、28日托福独立口语猜测题,本猜测为小规模猜测题,包括托福口语第一题16套,第二题17套。期望我们获得满足的托福成果!

1. What kind of activities do you enjoy at school?

I like to do lots of sports in school. In our school, we have a very up tostandard gym. we have a very nice swimming pool, basketball court, badmintoncourt and other facilities. I like play basketball most. usually I playbasketball with my best friends. Also I like to read books in our schoollibrary. reading books make a man intelligent and it offers you experience thatyou will probably not have in your daily life. Apart from that, I like to attendlectures offered by lots of prestigious professors. I am very curious and eagerto learn. so these lectures definitely are my favorites.

2. Talk about what you like to do during spare time. Give specific reasonsand details in your explanation.

I like to do lots of sports in the recreation. In our school, we have avery up to standard gym. we have a very nice swimming pool, basketball court,badminton court and other facilities. I like play basketball most. usually Iplay basketball with my best friends. also I like to read books in our schoollibrary. Reading books make a man intelligent and it offers you experience thatyou will probably not have in your daily life.

 3. Your friend wants to have a more healthy eating habit. What suggestionswould you give to this friend?

I would suggest my friend to eat healthy stuff like vegetables, like salad,tomatoes, and broccoli. Also, in order to have enough nutrient needed for theday, I would suggest my friend to have some sea food, like salmon, tuna, shrimpand stuff like that. They are high in protein, low in carbs. These food areactually easy to cook, you can just steam them, and eat the seafood with somelimes or lemon. Another suggestion for my friends is that always avoiding fastfood and junk food, like French fries, fried chickens, and hash brown, andstuff. With these two suggestion in mind, my friend can develop a very goodeating habit.

4. What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details inyour answer.

There are lots of ways for the city to reduce air pollution. Firstly, theycan cut down the usage of cars and other vehicles, thus the car exhaust can bereduced. The decision makers should invest more money to improve publictransportation, like adding more bus routes, making public transportation moreaccessible; develop express local trains and renovating bumpy roads. Secondly,the government should put forward some policies to punish factory who dischargelots of gas emission into the air, for example, they can impose a heavy tax onthese factories. Plus, they can subsidize the environment conscious companiesthat use renewable energies like natural gas, wind power and nuclear power.

5. Describe a place you would like to study in.

My most favorite place to study is my campus coffee shop. when I want toread some English materials, I would stay inside of the coffee shop. when I feellike to practice my speaking English, I can always have the choice to go outsidesit around the patios to read out loud. despite all these advantages, you canalways enjoy a cup of good-tasting coffee. also, if you feel like to eat somesnacks, you can get very delicious cookies. that will give you enough energy tostudy.

6. Which technology do you think has made the greatest impact on people’slives in your country. Airplane, computer, or television.

I would say that computer has the greatest impact on people’s lives. Todaypeople use computer for everything, like watching news, watching movies,listening to music, and even doing shopping on-line, computer provides lots ofentertainment, it makes our life more fulfilling. Apart from that, computer is am
ust in a working environment, people use computer to do all kinds of work in acompany, like sending emails, filing paper works, and even using excel to createtables and charts, the use of computer in workplace great improved ourproductivity.

7. Your university is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirdorms. What is your opinion and why?

I think this is such a brilliant idea, TV programs like documentaries canbe very informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They coverlots of topics like sports, animal world, history, and even religions. You canreally learn a lot about all kinds of stuff. By watching TV is dorm, studentscan learn a lot. What’s more, students are very sometimes depressed about theirschool, and they need some relaxation, and I think entrainment programs on TVserve as a great way for students to relax, like reality shows, and poker gameshows.

8. What is the most important quality the teacher should have?

I would say the most important quality of a good teacher is knowledge. Asknown to all, the teacher’s job is to impart knowledge and enlighten thestudents’ creativity. A teacher is supposed to be an expert in his or her ownfield, they should also have some knowledge in other fields, cuz lots of subjectare related with other fields for example, geopolitical science deals withgeography and politics, behavioral economics is about psychology and economics.Most important of all, a knowledgeable teacher will be more popular than ateacher with very limited knowledge.


作者: admin




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