英语学霸网 优选频道 托福口语 题型简介及备考战略

托福口语 题型简介及备考战略


网易教育讯 2015年1月27日《2014-2015新东方托福年度陈述》正式发布。


吴奇 新东方教育科技集团教育培训师


在笔者多年的教育中,不难发现大大都同学的托福口语分数一般处于一个高不成低不就的为难局势。即便发扬得再不好,成果也不会低于15分。另一方面,即便非常尽力地预备,成果也一般很难打破23分 。那么,究竟大约如何打破23分的瓶颈就成了许多冲刺105分以上的同学所一起面临的疑问。在这儿,咱们首要分析一下23分的意义。在托福口语的评分傍边,每一道题分为四个等级,别离是4分(Good,优良);3分(Fair,杰出);2分(Limited,尚可);1分(Poor,较差)。而总分23分意味着口语六道标题的均匀得分是3分(Fair,杰出)。所以换而言之,打破23分的要害就在于如何从杰出做到优良。

为了非常好地破解从杰出到优良的高分密码,咱们首要来看看3分(Fair,杰出)的典范答复。在ETS的托福教师培训课程Propell Workshop中,供给了如下的演示:

标题:Task 2

Some universities require first-year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better for first-year students and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.


in my opinion / it would be in the better interest of a first-year student / to live in a dormitory / on campus // but I wouldn’t / make it // a requirement // i’d make it a / person / uh a personal / choice // just because they // get to know the other students better and the life and the community that is kind of stronger than to / when they live on the outside of [the/a?] campus



1. His pronunciation is clear, though his speech lacks fluidity and his pauses tend to break up natural syntactic groupings. 发音清楚,可是流利度欠佳,且卡壳打乱语句意群的构成,使答复不可联接。

2. He also has a rather flat intonation. Thus, while perfectly intelligible, his overall delivery makes the response somewhat difficult to listen to.语调没有高低。因而,即便答复清楚,但全体的表达仍然不简略被听懂。

从言语的运用(Language Use)层面来说,这一层面查询学生对词汇以及语法的运用。

1. He demonstrates control over a range of vocabulary, though it is not as automatic as that of a level 4 speaker.考生用词规模广泛,尽管不及4分水平同学来得恰当和正确。

2. He makes some notable grammatical errors (“the community that is kind of stronger than to / when they live on the outside of [the/a?] campus”).考生有显着语法差错,例如the community that is kind of stronger than to / when they live on the outside of [the/a?] campus一句可以改成Living in dormitories builds a strong sense of community than living off campus.

从主题的打开(Topic Development)层面来说,该层面首要查询学生论说疑问的逻辑以及是不是供给满足的理由和细节来说明和阐明自个的观念。

1. The speaker expresses an opinion with nuances and gives some support for it.考生所表达的观念与标题的需求稍有误差。标题问考生觉得哪种规则非常好,而考生答复的是学生最佳住校,但却不期望其变成一个需求。除此之外,考生在答复中供给了一些撑持其观念的信息。

2. At one point, the cohesion of the response breaks down notice. The sentence that includes “just because they // get to know the other students better” sounds at first like a counterargument to ideas expressed about living on campus. The listener must do some reprocessing to realize that this is actually an explanation of an earlier statement supporting why it would be in the students’ best interest to live on campus.在答复中,有一处逻辑联接不可紧密。第四行最初的just because有争辩反驳的意味。但经过分析考生下文的答复发现,其实是想提出一个在学校内居住的优点。所以考生并没有运用正确的言语恰如其分树立逻辑的联络,且需要考官进行分析才干收拾出正确的逻辑思路。

3. Because of these weaknesses and because the speaker only provides one reason for his opinion, the response does not seem fully developed.因为以上逻辑的疑问,以及考生只是只供给了一条理由,全体答复并没有打开。


I think/the first-year students/should live on campus/that is because/the first year/especia
托福口语 题型简介及备考战略插图
lly the first semester/they will have a heavy load of subjects/they have to follow/and that means they ha/they have to be able to be/uh/on time/in campus//and also/uh/the first year of campus life/needs them to familiarized/with buildings/with the surroundings/with the environment/of the campus itself//so/more times in campus nee/will uh/help them to do that//and/also/you you have to have lots of friends to be uh/able to/make yourself at home/in the campus//at least/this is the home for you/in the next four years/so it’s important to socialize//




1. The speaker maintains an even pace throughout the response with little noticeable hesitancy.考生答复疑问时语速适中且平稳,并只需少量得卡壳。

2. Her speech is clear with few pronunciation errors.发音清楚并很稀有差错。

3. She is able to use intonation effectively to convey meaning.考生可以有用地运用语调得改变偏重句中得要点并有用传递信息。

其次,在言语运用(Language Use)层面,考生得体现也可圈可点,例如,

1. She makes some systematic mistakes of grammar and minor errors of word choice. For example, she uses the expressions “in campus” and “in the campus,” rather than “on campus.” She begins the response discussing what “they” (students) should do, but then changes to the second person “you” (“…help them to do that//and/also you have to have/lots of…”).

考生语法和词汇有少量差错,例如把on campus说成了in campus和in the campus。除此之外,考生初步答复标题时,运用了第三人称得they,可是在后段,却运用了you。

2. The errors are generally minor and do not pose a problem for the listener.


最终,从主题的打开(Topic Development)层面,考官做出了如下评价:

1. She provides a fairly complete answer to the question.考生对疑问的答复根柢无缺。

2. She clearly states her opinion and then gives several reasons to explain why she thinks first-year students should live on campus.考生在一初步就陈述了她的观念,然后给出了多条理由来说明为啥大一重生住校好。

3. Most of the ideas are well supported. 一起,考生给出了细节来说明和阐明她的理由。

4. Overall, the response is complete and clearly presented.全体来说,考生的答复既无缺,又清楚易懂。


首要,主张托福口语的考生收拾出历年考过的标题。托福在大陆的考试当前来看根柢上在重复之前呈现过的考题。所以在这儿只需考生稍下功夫,便可在网络上找到曩昔几年的标题。然后,对这些标题进行构思,给出每道标题的答案,缘由,以及比方。在构思的一起,也可以把思路收拾成提纲,然后可以找教师,或许是语伴依照评分标准进行批改。具体查看思路是不是清楚,缘由是不是具有说服力,以及比方是不是具体。一起,也要查看语句和语句之间的逻辑联络。这样批改下来,信赖同学们在主题的打开(Topic Development)这一层面必定可以抵达4分(Good,优良)的需求。

接下来,看着预备好的提纲给出每道标题的答复。在答复时,主张各位同学录音。因为一方面可以起到计时的作用,另一方面,也可以经过回放录音找出自个词汇和语法上的差错(当然也可以和语伴一同)。这样一来,言语的运用(Language Use)傍边的疑问也被咱们处置了。



1. 托福口语需要多长时刻备考


2. 我发音不好,有浓重的口音,是不是托福口语无法拿到20以上?




作者: admin




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