英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 雅思口语机经 8月4日、5日全国考试论题汇总【2】

雅思口语机经 8月4日、5日全国考试论题汇总【2】

A music group/band/singer in your country (杭州、南宁)

Describe a music group/band/singer in your country

You should say:

Which person or band

Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs

What kind of music they/he/she sing(s)

And explain why you admire them/him/her

A Famous Person (青岛、南昌、深圳、重庆)

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:

who this person is (or, was)

how you first learnt about him or her

how/why this person is famous

and explain why you would like to meet this person.

A Child (青岛)

Describe a child you know

What is he/she like

What about his/her personality

And how do you know him/her

A Character in a TV programme or in a film (南宁)

Describe a character in a TV programme or in a film you like.

You should say:

who the character is

when you first saw the TV programme or film

what kind of person the character is

and explain why you like this Character.

An Interesting Person (长沙)

Describe an interesting person

You should say:

who he or she is

where he or she is living

how you knew this person

and explain why do you think he is interesting

A happy marriage (上海、广州)

Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage.

You should say:

who they are

how long they have been married

how they live their lives

and explain why you think they are happily married.

A Happy Person(武汉)

Describe a happy person you know.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

what kind of person he or she is

and explain how they show happiness.


A natural beauty (北京、青岛、贵阳、重庆、南昌)

Describe a place of natural beauty

You should say:

Where it is

What it is

What do you do there

and explain why do you it is nice

A street in your village ,town or city(澳大利亚)

Describe a street in your village, town or city

You should say:

where it is

What the main buildings are in(on)that street

What you usually do in (on) that street

And explain how you feel about this street or why you like it.

A River or Lake (重庆)

Describe a lake/ river/ sea you know/ have been to /recommended.

You should say

Where it is located

When you go

Who you go with

And explain the reason why you choose it to say.


Electronic product (深圳、西安)

Describe an electronic product you own or willing to own

you should say: what is it.

how did you get it.

what do you use it for

why do you think it’s useful.

A gift (present ) you gave to others (杭州)

Describe a Present you gave to someone

What it is

Who you gave


Explain his feeling when he received the present

Your favorite communication method (福州、南京)

Describe your favorite communication method

You should say:

What it is

What is the advantage

When you use it

And explain why it is your favorite ways of communications

TV program (姑苏、成都)

Describe a TV program that you like to watch

You should say:

What type of program it is

When you watch it

Why you watch it

And explain what you learn from this program

A book or magazine you’d like to recommend to others (杭州)

Describe a book or magazine you would like to recommend to others

You should say:

what’s the name of the book

what type of book it is

what content it has

and explain you would like to recommend to others

Electronic product (深圳)

Describe an electronic product you own or willing to own

you should say: what is it.

how did you get it.

what do you use it for

why do you think it’s useful.

A Childhood Toy (惠州)

Describe a toy that was special to you when you wer
雅思口语机经 8月4日、5日全国考试论题汇总【2】插图
e a child.

You should say:

when you got it

who gave it to you

and explain how you used it (how you played with it).

Something Expensive You Would Buy (南昌)

Describe something expensive you would buy when you have enough money.

You should say:

what it is

how long you saved for it

where you would buy it

and explain why you want to buy it.

Your Favorite Weather(南昌)

Describe your favorite weather.

what kind of weather it is

when this weather usually occurs

what you usually do during this weather

and explain how this weather affects you.


A Happy Childhood Event (北京)

Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well.

You should say:

what the event was

when and where it happened

who was with you

and explain why you remember this event so well.

Part 3

Will you remember this event for ever?

Do you think that childhood is rather important for adults?

A free day (青岛、太原、南昌)

Describe a free day you want to enjoy if you have a day off from your work or school

You should say:

Where you will go

What you will do

Who you will spend the day with

And explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day

Something Difficult You Did (广州、杭州、兰州、南宁、南昌)

Describe something difficult you did.

You should say:

what is was

when and where you did it

who was with you

and explain why you think this was difficult.

A happy family news (杭州、武汉)



And explain why it made you happy

Your Future Work Plans (青岛)

Describe a job you would like to have in the future.

You should say:

what this job would involve

what study you would need to do to prepare for this work

why you would like to have this job

and explain what skills you would need for this work.

A wedding (南昌)

Describe a wedding you attended.

You should say:

whose wedding it was

who was there

where it was

and explain how you felt at this wedding

A thing or experience make you laugh (郑州)

Describe a thing or experience make you laugh

You should say:

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

And explain why this event made you laugh

An Exciting Experience (郑州)

Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting.

You should say:

when you did it

where you were when you did it

who you did it with

and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

A team/organization/club you took part in (郑州、南京、重庆、福州、南昌)

Describe a team/organization/club you took part in at college

what did you do

who was with you

how the team influenced you

An experience you have to be polite (武汉)

Describe an occasion you have to be polite.



how to be polite


作者: admin




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