英语学霸网 英语学习资料 雅思口语常见话题 Studies

雅思口语常见话题 Studies

Model Answer

  1、Do you work or are you a student?

I am a senior student majoring in English.

  2、What subject are you studying?

I’m doing arts in Peking University. The subject is not what I’m concernedabout, it doesn’t actually bother me that much. I focus on the campus life.

  3、Why did you choose to study that subject?

English sounds beautiful and knowing English means more opportunities whileyou hunting a job in China.

  4、Is that a popular subject in your country?

Yes. Language is the most effective way of learning other culture. KnowingEnglish means you can read more and understand more since it is the worldlanguage. Moreover, it gives you more chance when hunting jobs.

  5、Do you think it’s popular because people want to gain knowledgeor is there some other reason?

Some people are knowledge-oriented and some people are job-oriented.

  6、What are the most popular subjects in China?

Anything related to finance is popular in china, like marketing andaccounting.

  7、Why did you choose that university?

I want a university that was far enough away from my family then I can beindependent. Also, the grounds and buildings are so beautiful. Everyone who wentthere seemed a little smug to me and I like the atmosphere in my university.

  8、Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at yourschool/university?

On each Friday night I go to swimming club. Also, I love school nights.When it comes we dress up in our old school uniform and we get giggles throughthe whole night.

  9、Do you think it’s important to choose a subject youlike?

Yes. I believe interest is the best teacher. When you have some interest ina subject you can teach by yourself. It is the biggest motivation oflearning.

  10、What are your favorite classes/ courses/ subjects atuniversity?

I like English because its pronunciation sounds beautiful and it gives methe access to more sources like books, TV programs and radio. Moreover, it givesmore confidence and opportunity to travel to foreign countries.

  11、What’s the most interesting part of your subject?

Foreign teacher’s classes never disappoint me. He tells us a lotinteresting stories he has experienced in several countries. He discussesdifferent culture, food and traditions in China and western countries withus.

  12、What are your future work plans?

I want to be a translator or interpreter. I don’t like stay in one placeand doing
雅思口语常见话题 Studies插图
the same job every day. It’s too boring. However, being a translatoror interpreter gives me the chance to meet different people from differentcountries and I think that is interesting.

  13、How will you get the job you want?

Work hard on my subject and study more English, not only the languageitself but also culture, history, food and traditions.

  14、Why are you taking the IELTS test?

The reason is I want to study abroad and achieve more, experiencingdifferent education system, knowing more western culture.

  15、In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have youbenefited from your school/university experience?

Fist, I live on campus and that was a huge amount of fun. Second, I canmanage my timetable. I make sure I balance my learning with enjoying the socialactivities and organizations which makes me become independent and beingresponsible. Anyway, I love college.





作者: admin




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