英语学霸网 英语口语练习 雅思口语高分模板及短语 关于快乐回忆的话题

雅思口语高分模板及短语 关于快乐回忆的话题


Describe a magazine or newspaper that you like to read.

You should say:

what magazine or newspaper it is

what the magazine or newspaper is about

how often you read it

and explain why you like to read it.

Ok then, I’m going to describe a newspaper that I like reading, and it’s actually one of Hangzhou’s local papers called the Morning Express. The reason I started reading this particular paper is basically because it came free with my digital TV subscription, so it would be a bit of a waste if I didn’t read it!

好,那我描述一下我喜欢看的报纸,它实际上是杭州的一家地方报纸,叫《晨报》。我之所以开始阅读这篇特别的论文,基本上是因为它免费提供我的数字电视订阅,所以如果我不阅读它,那将是有点浪费 !

Anyway, as for what the newspaper is about, well, it actually covers quite a range of news, such as current affairs, business, sports, local and national news, you name it! But I’d say it essentially focuses on regional news, because after all, it is just a local paper, which, as far as I know, is only circulated in and around Hangzhou.

不管怎么说,至于报纸是关于什么的,嗯,它实际上涵盖了相当多的新闻,比如时事、商业、体育、地方和国家新闻,你说得对 ! 但我想说,它主要关注地区新闻,因为毕竟,它只是一份地方报纸,据我所知,它只在杭州及其周边发行。

And with regard to how often I read it, well, I guess pretty much every day actually, although to be precise, I hardly ever read it in its entirety, as it would be far too time-consuming, especially as I’m not that fast a reader, so I normally just flick through and read only the interesting-looking articles.


So finally, as to why I like this paper, well first of all, I would say it’s really informative, and it helps me keep up-to-date with what’s going on around me, otherwise I wouldn’t have much of a clue, to be honest with you! And I guess another thing worth mentioning is that the newspaper is generally very well-written, because the articles, on the whole, are conc
雅思口语高分模板及短语 关于快乐回忆的话题插图
ise and not too wordy, unlike many other newspapers I’ve read in the past!

所以最后,关于我为什么喜欢这份报纸,首先,我会说它确实信息量很大,而且它帮助我跟上周围发生的事情,不然的话我就没有多少线索了,老实说 ! 我想还有一件值得一提的事情是,这份报纸通常写得很好,因为总的来说,这些文章很简洁,不太冗长,不像我过去读过的许多其他报纸 !

Ok, I think that’s just about everything, so thanks very much for listening.



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