英语学霸网 英语学习资料 黄文琪雅思口语 Part1新题 Trees树

黄文琪雅思口语 Part1新题 Trees树

I planted those apple trees. 我种了那些苹果树。

jujube/du:du:b/trees 枣树

There are some jujube trees in the courtyard. 院里种了几棵枣树。

peach tree 桃树

be laden/ledn/with fruit结满了果实

The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit. 第二年夏天,桃树上结满了果实。

fall with a great crash哗啦一声倒了

Thetreefell with a great crash.那棵树哗啦一声倒了。

is in bud发芽

The tree is in bud already.树已发芽。

oak tree橡树

in the leafy shade of a tree 在枝繁叶茂的树荫下

Wesat inthe leafyshadeofan oak tree.我们坐在一棵枝繁叶茂的橡树树荫下。

dig a hole 挖坑

water the trees 浇树

Look! The people are planting trees on the mountain, some are digging the holes, someare carrying the water, others are watering the trees. 看!人们正在山上种树,一些人在挖坑,一些人在担水,其他人在浇树。

maple tree 枫树

He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born. 他在我出生时在埃杰顿大道我家的院子里挖了个坑,种了一棵枫树。

turn red in autumn在秋天变红了

Maple leaves turn red in autumn. 枫叶在秋天变红了。

weaves baskets from willow用柳树的枝条编织篮子

Jenny weaves baskets from willow she grows herself. 珍妮用自己栽种的柳树的枝条编织篮子。

grow close together紧挨着一起成长

The trees grew close together. 这些树紧挨着一起成长。

are coming into leaf 开始长叶子

The trees are coming into leaf. 树开始长叶子了。

cut out the sunlight遮住了阳光

Tall trees cut out the sunlight. 高高的树木遮住了阳光。

arch over the path呈拱形遮阴了小道

Tall trees arched over the path. 大树呈拱形遮阴了小道。

be laden with apples挂满了苹果
黄文琪雅思口语 Part1新题 Trees树插图

The trees were laden with apples. 树上都挂满了苹果。

prune trees剪枝

When should you prune apple trees? 苹果树应该什么时候剪枝?

be in blossom 盛开

The trees are in blossom. 树上鲜花盛开。

sling a hammock between two trees在两棵树之间挂一个吊床

We slung a hammock between two trees. 我们在两棵树之间挂了一个吊床。

shelter the house from the wind给房子挡住了风

Trees shelter the house from the wind. 树给房子挡住了风。


黄文琪雅思口语|part1 新题:New activity 新活动

黄文琪雅思口语|Part1 新题:bargain 讨价还价


雅思口语|1-4月Part1考题:Newspaper and magazine报纸和杂志

雅思口语 Part2:APP 手机应用


作者: admin




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