英语学霸网 英语口语练习 本周英语新闻精读(4.11


周一 4.11
“官方媒体何罪之有?”刘欣英文激辩西方记者(摘自china daily)
well see who gets better following on the international platform.
咱们用英语(打开世界交流和对话),你能愿望英语是我的第二言语吗?我的母语是中文。肖恩,恕我直言,你可以试试用中文进行世界交流? 然后咱们来看看,咱们俩谁能在世界平台上得到更多重视。
with all due respect 恕我直言,唐突的说
following n.(总称)跟从者
thatre always discredited because we are “state media”, and i hear this phrase all the time, so often, even in this forum, even from oksana from rt.
ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong coming from the state media, especially when you come from china because the state needs to represent the people. if the state doesnt represent the people, people will not watch it, people will not follow your leadership, you will be gone tomorrow.
ill give you two sets of statistics. can you guess the level of trust of the chinese people in their central government, meaning their political system? and can you guess the level of trust the chinese people have in their media? both from international sources. take a wildest guess.
the first one is from harvards 13-year long survey which revealed that ?90% of chinese people trust the central government. the second from statista — all these are open source, by the way. the number has gone from 70 to 80% of the chinese people trust in their press.
why? you think the chinese government is so bad? you think the chinese system is so bad? you think the chinese press is so bad? but the people trust both. why?
because we do a very good job and we deliver. because what people hear, what people read match what they see. and there is a great sense of unity, of cohesion because of that. and thats why china can deliver because people trust the government, people trust our media, and in return, we can do things together.
deliver v.实施承诺,不负所望(熟词生义)
match v.与…相匹配、相共同
cohesion n.凝集性
secondly, democracy. is in chinese but you can find an english version.
switch to n. 改动为…
enshrine v. 把…庄重地载入
we, being strong, being literate, being open minded, open to criticism as well. the chinese system is not perfect, chinese media is not perfect. we have a lot of problems. but by doing all of these, we are strong, we can be immune to disinformation. thats all i want to say.
be immune to 对…免疫,不受…的影响
周二 4.12
科学家初度在活人肺部发现微塑料(摘自china daily)
c pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of living people for the first time. the particles were found in almost all the samples analyzed.
lodge v. (被)固定住
the scientists said microplastic pollution was now ubiquitous across the planet, making human exposure unavoidable and meaning “there is an increasing concern regarding the hazards” to health.
ubiquitous adj. 无处不在的
exposure n. 露出(在风险傍边)
在这句话中,across the planet要比on the planet好一些,因为across包括一种动态感,标明微塑料污染规模仍在扩展。
samples were taken from tissue removed from 13 patients undergoing surgery and microplastics were found in 11 cases.
remove v. 去掉,切下
undergo surgery 承受手术,阅历手术
huge amounts of plastic waste are dumped in the environment, and microplastics contaminate the entire planet, from the summit of qomolangma to the deepest oceans. microplastics have been found in the placentas of pregnant women, and in pregnant rats they pass rapidly through the lungs into the hearts, brains and other organs of the foetuses.
dump v. 丢掉,倾倒
contaminate v. 污染
pollute仅指有害物质使水、空气、土壤等生态环境遭到污染;contaminate除了描述生态环境遭到污染之外还可以跟血液、食物等,如contaminated blood/food,contaminate还有引申义:玷污、腐蚀(人的思维道德)
placenta n.胎盘
foetus n.胎儿
周三 4.13
the rise of the influencer economy (摘自the economist)
influencer指影响力大的人,可以了解成咱们平常说的“大v”或许“网红”,能表达这个意思的还有一些其它词,比方internet celebrity/star。
for consumers, influencers are at once a walking advert and a trusted friend.
at once除了有“马上马上”的意思,还有“一起”的意思,恰当于at the same time.
for intermediaries that sit between them and brands, they are a hot commodity.
commodity n. 这个词的意思除了“产品”之外,还有“有价值的东西”这层意思。所以a hot commodity指的是“抢手事物”“香饽饽”。
for the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a conduit to millennial and gen-z consumers, who will be responsible for 70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on bling by 2025, according to bain, a consultancy.
conduit 转义是指液体、气体、电线的“管道”,常引申为传递思维观念、金钱、武器等的“通道”,用法为 be a conduit to/for
bling n.原意是描述珠宝等闪闪发光的姿势,现指奢华高档的首饰或服装
and for regulators, they are the subject of ever closer scrutiny.
on march 29th news reports surfaced that china’s paternalistic authorities are planning new curbs on how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post.
surface 作名词是?妗钡囊馑迹鞫试虮昝鳌案〕鏊妗保徊揭晡俺氏帧⒙冻觥薄?br>
tip 作动词标明“给小费”,在文中语境下可以翻译成“打赏”。
taken together, all this makes them impossible to ignore.
这一段尽管低矮,但信息量却不少,它从花费者、中心商、品牌商、监管机构四个不一样视点对“网红大v”集体进行介绍,为咱们的写作供给了学习。比方2021年外研社国才杯写作大赛省赛的高文文的主题是gig economy(零工经济),咱们也完全可以从效能供给方、平台、花费者、监管机构等视点去描绘这一表象,添加文章的广度和深度。
周四 4.14
gunman opens fire on brooklyn subway; at least 10 shots (摘自china daily)
ten people were shot and 13 others were injured in a shooting during the morning rush hour at a new york city subway station tuesday.
the morning rush hour早顶峰
witnesses were riding the subway as it neared the 36th street subway station in brooklyn’s sunset park just before 8:30 am when the gunman opened two smoke grenades, brandished a 9 mm handgun and fired at least 33 times striking 10 people – seven men and three women – according to nypd chief of detectives james w. essig.
纽约市警方称,当天早上8点30分,地铁在即将抵达布鲁克林日落公园邻近的第36街地铁站时,嫌疑人先是在地铁内抛掷了两枚烟雾弹(smoke grenades),然后掏出9毫米手枪开枪33次,致使10人(七男三女)遭到枪击。
ride the subway/an elevator 搭乘地铁/电梯
brandish v.激动地挥舞(武器)
james (the gunman) called in the tip and told authorities he was at a mcdonalds on the lower east side of manhattan, the sources confirmed. he told police he saw his face on the news and knew he was wanted.
he told the operator he would be inside the restaurant charging his phone but could not provide his phone number. the call dropped moments later and was followed by a 911 call from another person who said they had spotted james.
operator n.电话接线员
charge one’s phone给手机充电
the call dropped. 电话挂断
follow v. (指时刻或次序)在…后发生
spot v. 看见,留心到,发现
james was charged in federal court with violating a law that prohibits terrorist and other violent attacks against a mass transportation system, according to breon peace, us attorney for the eastern district of new york. if convicted, he could spend life in prison, peace said.
美国纽约州区域查看官布里恩·皮斯(breon peace)标明,布鲁克林地铁枪击案嫌疑人弗兰克·詹姆斯挟制公共交通体系平安,已被指控犯有恐袭罪,假科罪名树立,他接见会面临终身拘禁的赏罚。
if convicted, he could spend life in prison. 这个语句运用了虚拟口气,而且它的条件状语从句中省掉了主语和be动词,弥补无缺大约是if he were to be convicted, he could spend life in prison.
the subway shooting represents a long-feared nightmare scenario for new york city, which relies heavily on its mass transit system. …ridership has not returned to its pre-pandemic levels, in part due to wariness over an increase in violence on the transit system.
heavily adv. to a great degree
mass transit system公共交通体系
ridership n. (乘坐某种交通东西的)客流量
wariness n.稳重,留心

4.15 周五
president xi began his inspection tour in the city of wuzhishan in the central and southern parts of hainan island on monday afternoon.
inspection n. 调查
maona village of shuiman township is a li ethnic village in the city of wuzhishan. it has been building a beautiful countryside and developing rural tourism in recent years. upon his arrival at maona, xi walked along the village road and looked around.
upon… prep. 一…就…
human resources are the key to promoting all-round rural revitalization, xi stressed. he called for fostering a contingent of officials that are politically upright, professionally competent and strictly disciplined in conduct, and encouraging talented people of all types, including entrepreneurial individuals, college graduates returning to their hometowns to start businesses, as well as ex-servicemen, to commit themselves to advancing rural revitalization. the primary-level party branches in rural areas must be strengthened to ensure that they play a crucial role in this endeavor, he said.
xi expressed his hope that the province, with a sense of historical responsibility that will build the hainan free trade port (ftp) into a shining brand name of china.
all-round rural revitalization全部村庄复兴
a contingent of officials干部部队 contingent指的是(由志趣相投的人构成的)部队、代表团
politically upright, professionally competent and strictly disciplined in conduct政治过硬、身手过硬、个性过硬
entrepreneurial individuals致富带头人(字面意思是有创业本质的人)
the primary-level party branches底层党组织


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