英语学霸网 英语学习资料 用不烂的雅思口语素材–帝都



提到北京,除了天安门和长城,你还会想到什么?或者换个问法,如果让雅思考生描述一个拥挤的地方(a crowded place)或者被污染的地方(a place that has been polluted),貌似北京的地铁和空气质量总是莫名其妙的躺枪…… 不过正因为这是我们熟悉的素材,聊起来肯定会滔滔不绝,如果经历过地铁早晚高峰或者各种莫名其妙高峰的同志们,辛酸血泪史貌似两分钟不够用啊!而且不要忘记,北京不光地铁人多,火车站的人潮涌动和随地而安的壮观场景,经历过春运的孩子肯定记忆犹新,把所见所闻娓娓道来就OK了。

This topic reminds me of the time I took a trip to Beijing last year.

When I arrived at the train station, I was astonished by the number of passengers there. It’s like everywhere, the ticket office, the square, the waiting room, literally, everywhere was packed with people. Most of them are visitors like me and migrant workers, ‘cause Beijing Train Station is a major transfer station in China.

There was not enough space for everyone in the lounge, so I could see passengers sitting or just lying on the ground. After they finished eating instant noodles or other snacks, they would just throw the package away on the ground. So the whole place was scattered with garbage like waste food, empty bottles and things.

I waited in a long line for our taxi, and I just couldn’t stop coughing because of the heavy smog. Maybe it was caused by car exhaust fumes and the waste material from factories. And things didn’t get any better when we got in the car. We were stuck in traffic for over two hours. The cars were bumper to bumper on the road. It took us almost three hours to get to our hotel.

When we finally arrived, it was already pretty dark, but when I opened the curtain, I couldn’t see any stars, maybe because of the heavy air pollution, or light pollution.

I guess it’s one of the most crowded cities / heavily polluted cities in the world.


astonished = very surprised 例如:

The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes.

My parents looked astonished at my news.

She seemed astonished (that) I had never been to Paris.

He was astonished to learn he’d won the competition.

waiting room = a room where people can sit while they are waiting, for example for a bus or train, or to see a doctor or dentist

literally = used to emphasize the truth of something that may seem surprising例如:

There are literally hundreds of prizes to win.

migrant = a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work 例如:

migrant workers

The country has a large seasonal migrant population, who work on the coffee and cotton plantations for part of the year.

lounge = a room for waiting in at an airport, etc. 例如:

the departure lounge

nstant = [only before noun] (of food) that can be made quickly and easily, usually by adding hot water例如:

instant coffee

and things (like that) = (informal) used when you do not want to complete a list例如:

She likes nice clothes and things like that.

I’ve been busy shopping and things.

bumper = a bar fixed to the front and back of a car, etc. to reduce the effect if it hits anything 例如:

a bumper sticker (= a sign that people stick on the bumper of their cars with a message on it)

The cars were bumper to bumper on the road to the coast (= so close that their bumpers were nearly touching).

light pollution = the existence of too much artificial light in the environment, for example from street lights, which makes it difficult to see the stars











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