黄茶 Yellow Tea
黄茶:Yellow Tea(按鲜叶原料的嫩度,黄茶又分为黄芽茶、黄小茶和黄大茶)
黄芽茶:yellow bud tea, Huangya cha(君山银针、蒙顶黄芽属于黄芽茶)
yellow tea, Huangxiao cha (霍山黄芽、北港毛尖、平阳黄汤等)
黄大茶:large-leaf yellow tea, Huangda cha(皖西黄大茶、广东大叶青茶)
君山银针:Junshan Silver Needle
蒙顶(霍山)黄芽:Mengding(Huoshan) Huangya
闷黄 yellowing (黄茶的核心工艺)
Yellow tea is a tea peculiar to China and it originated before the 16th century.The main growing areas are Hunan, Anhui and Hubei provinces.黄茶起源于16世纪,是中国的特产。其主要产地为湖南、安徽和湖北
Yellow tea is the partially fermented to make the leaves take on a
yellow coloration.黄茶是轻微发酵并闷黄的茶类。
The yellow tea has typical yellow color of tea leaves and infusions, attributed by the unique process of yellowing. 黄茶的特点是黄叶黄汤,源自独特的闷黄工艺。
The manufacture of yellow tea is similar to green tea, from the plucking ofthe fresh leaves to the final drying. 从鲜叶采摘到最后干燥,黄茶的加工工艺近似于绿茶。
1.本文选自张丽霞 朱法荣主编的《茶文化 学英语》、林治 李皛鸥主编的《茶艺英语》及张正竹、李大祥的《茶学专业英语》
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