英语学霸网 优选频道 托福口语提分的九大绝技



  绝技 1 随时随地操练口语 。

Practice wherever you can and whenever you can. Any practice is good,whether you speak to someone who is a native English speaker or not.

  绝技 2 以表达清楚为主,句型多样化为次。

It’s important to build your confidence. If possible, use simple Englishsentence structure that you know is correct, so that you can concentrate ongetting your message across.

  绝技 3 斗胆运用所

Try to experiment with the English you know. Use words and phrases you knowin new situations. Native English speakers are more likely to correct you if youuse the wrong word than if you use the wrong grammar. Experimenting withvocabulary is a really good way of getting feedback.

  绝技 4 透过身体言语了解对方意思并作出回答。

Try to respond to what people say to you. You can often get clues to whatpeople think by looking at their body language. Respond to them in a naturalway.

  绝技 5 尽量避免翻译。

Try not to translate from or into your own language. This takes too muchtime and will make you more hesitant.

  绝技 6 遇到不知该如何表达的时分,用一些常用词标明自个正在思考。

If you forget a word, do what native English speakers do all the

time, and say things that “fill” the conversation. This is better thanbeing completely silent. Try using um or er, if you forget the word.

  绝技 7 语速不要过快。

Don’t speak too fast. It’s important to use a natural rhythm when speakingEnglish. But if you speak too fast, it will be difficult for people tounderstand you.

  绝技 8 说话时尽量放松,让发音流利顺畅。

Try to relax when you speak. When you speak English at anormal speed, youwill discover that most of the pronunciation skills, such as linking betweenwords, will happen automatically.

  9 杀手锏 :别怕开口说!随时随地操练,你会更自傲

Don’t be shy to speak! The more you practise, the more confident you’llbecome.


作者: admin




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