对话内容:Oli: Hello?Kasia: Oli, hi!O: Sorry, who’s this?K: It’s Kasia.O: Oh, hi! Sorry, didn’t have your number saved.K: No worries. Listen: some of us are going rafting this weekend. Do you want to come?O: Wow, that sounds great! Yeah, sure.K: Brilliant! I’ll text you the details.O: Okay, cheers for the invite, see you then I guess.K: Bye!
1. 当对方打来电话时,假定你不晓得对方的身份,可以简略地用升调说一声“Hello?”,以此标明友爱,并暗示对方介绍身份;问询对方身份时,用“Who’s this?”;
2. 假定两边对彼此都很了解,则没有必要说“How are you?”;
3. 电话用语可以很随意,比方Wow, yeah, 或许是动词当作名词运用的invite.
1. 给兄弟打电话,假定判别出对方还没有认出自个,则应先做毛遂自荐,说“It’s Kasia.”。记住,电话中永久不要说“I’m Kasia.”;
2. 阐明打电话的来意时,越简略越好:Listen, some of us are going rafting this weekend. Do you want to come?
3. 结束对话时可以很随意,用bye或许see you即可。
对话内容:Kasia:Good afternoon, Oxford Online English, How can I help?Oli: Hello, could I speak to Michael Hart, please?K: Who’s calling, please?O: My name is Oli Redman. I’m calling concerning a proposal which Mr. Hart sent to me.K: One moment, please… I’m afraid he’s not available right now. Would it be alright for him to call you back in about 30 minutes.
O:Yes, that would be fine.K:And does he have your number?O: Yes, he called me last week, so he must have it.K: That’s fine. He’ll call you in half an hour or so. Is there anything else I can do for you?O: No, that’s all. Thanks for your help.K: You’re welcome. Thanks for calling, and have a nice day!O: And to you. Goodbye!
1. 开场用语要无缺,如good afternoon, good evening等,不要用hello;
2. 假定是代表公司接电话,在说完最初问好语后要介绍公司的全名,比方Oxford Online English,然后说How can I help you?
3. 问询对方身份时,要用正式用语:Who’s calling, please?不能用Who’s this?
4. 主体有些均为正式用语,比方I’m afraid he’s not available right now. Would it be alright for himto call you back in about 30 minutes?
5. 结束对话时一般用一个比照宛转的语句:Is there anything else I can do for you? 最终一般要添加一句夸姣祝福,比方Have a nice day!
1. 介绍自个的身份时,假定对方是陌生人,则用”my name is …”,不要用”This is…”;假定对方是兄弟,这时才干够用”This is…”;
2. 标明来意时要用正式用语,这儿介绍三种常用句型:
I’m calling concerning…I would like to ask about…I want to discuss … with you.
3. 在结束电话之前必定要向对方标明谢谢:Thanks for your help. 答复对方的夸姣祝福时,可以说You too或许And to you. 最终说再会要用Goodbye,最佳不要用bye-bye.
对话内容:Kasia: Hello?Oli: Kasia? Hi, it’s Oli.K: Hi, Oli.O: So, we were thinking of going to the cinema tonight. Do you guys want to come?K: Sorry, say that again.O: I said, we are thinking of going to the cinema.K: The sounds are very quiet. Can you speak up a bit?O: Can you h
ear me now?
K: Hello, sorry. I can’t hearO: How about now?K: Ah, yes, that’s better!O: Sorry, I’m in the subway, and the signal’s not so good.K: So, what were you saying?O: I wanted to say… Hold on, my battery’s about to die. Can I call you back later?K: Sure, I’ll be free till…
从Kasia的视角:1. 当你一初步没有听理解对方的话时,非正式场合下可以说:
Sorry, say that again.What was that?What did you say? 正式场合下可以说:
I’m sorry: could you repeat that?Could you say that again, please?2. 假定仍是没有听理解对方的话,非正式场合下可以说:Can you speak up a bit?假定是正式场合,则可以说:The sound is low. Would you mind speaking a little more loudly?
1. 假定要说明自个的手机没有信号,可以说:
The signal’s not so good.I don’t have much signal.There’s not much reception here.
2. 假定要说明自个的手机快要没电了,可以说:
Hold on, my battery’s about to die. Can I call you back later?Sorry, I run out of my battery. I’ll charge my phone. Can I call you back later?
1. 当对方要找的人不在,问询对方是不是想要电话留言时,可以说:
Would you like to leave a message?Can I take a message?Should I give him/her a message?
2. 当对方问询自个是不是要留言时,即便你的确想要留言,也不要直接答复Yes,那样会显得很不礼貌。这儿供给几个答复:
Can you ask him to…?Could you tell her that…?Just let him know that…具体而言,你可以这么说:Could you tell her that I’ll be arriving at five o’clock, instead of half seven? 既有礼貌,又无缺传达了留言内容,是电话用语的极佳典范。
3. 假定留言内容非常重要,需要从速传达给有关人,那么可以说:
Please make sure he gets it as soon as possible; it’s really important.It’s urgent, so please tell her as soon as you can.
4. 假定留言内容不是那么紧迫,你可以说:It’s not urgent, so just let him know when he’s free.
举个比方,暂居美国的你想要给手机换套餐,你给客服打电话,客服会问:“What’s your SSN?”你一脸懵逼,问询啥是SNN,成果等来的却是更多听不理解的专业术语。
这种情况下你掌控再多的“Could you repeat that again?”“I can’t follow you. Say that again, please.”也杯水车薪。
2. 亡羊补牢,为时不晚。