英语学霸网 英语口语练习 英语四六级 160个听力短语及常用口语表达!

英语四六级 160个听力短语及常用口语表达!


at the risk of 冒着……的风险

account for 说明,阐明,因为

a case in point 有关的事例,例子

at ease with 对……感触轻松

back up 撤离,撑持

beyond hope 毫无期望

beyond reach 够不着;可望而不可以及

board the train 登上火车

be booked up 客满;(戏票等)已被预定一空

break the ice 打破僵局

break through 包围;获得打破性作用

break into tears/laughter 放声大哭/笑

bring about 致使,致使

by means of 用……,依托……

but for 要不是,假定没有

call it a day 今日到此中止

for sale 待售

fall back on 凭仗于,投靠

as follows 如下

get along well with 与……共处调和

give in 认输,屈从;交上

give up 扔掉;自首

give sb. a lift 让或人搭便车

give sb. a ring 打电话给或人

on guard against 警惕;防备

give birth to 生孩子;致使

go Dutch 各自付费

go into detail 具体叙说,逐个阐明

go hungry 挨饿

hang up 挂断(电话);悬挂

have one’s hands full 忙得腾不出手来

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

hold up 支撑;推迟

heart and soul 专心一意地

hand on 把……传下去

hand out 分发

hang about 徜徉;闲逛

head for 朝……方向走去

hold water 站得住脚;合情合理

hold true 有用;适用

if only 要是……就好了;期望

in particular 特别,特别

ill at ease 坐卧不安

in advance 预先,事前

in person 亲自,自己

in search of 寻找,寻求

in addition 另外,加之

in season 应时的,在旺季

in spite of 不管,不管

in broad daylight 青天白日之下

in theory 理论上

in disguise 假装,假扮

in vain 徒然,白吃力

in high spirits 兴味盎然;兴致勃勃

in the habit of 有……的习气

in question 正在谈论

英语四六级 160个听力短语及常用口语表达!插图
ep an eye on 照看,留心,亲近留心

keep track of 与……坚持联络

keep body and soul together 牵强坚持生计

keep in touch with 与……坚持联络

keep one’s promise 恪守承诺

know for sure 断定地晓得;必定

keep company 陪同

kill time 打发时刻

keep in mind 记住

keep secret 保密

last but not least 最终但相同重要的

lay down 放下,交出;规则

lay off 辞退;中止做

leave alone 不打扰;让单独待着

lead to 致使;导向

leave behind 留传;把……撇在后边

leave out 遗失,省掉;把……打扫在外

throw light on 使人晓得,阐明

live on 靠……日子,以……为食物

lose face 丢人

lose weight 瘦身

let down 使绝望;放下,降低

look out 留心;留心

make ends meet 量入为出

make sure 查明;有必要

make a fuss over 对……大惊小怪

make use of 使用

make no difference 没有不一样;无动于衷

mistake… for 把……错认为

make efforts 作出尽力

make fun of 讪笑

make sense 讲得通,言之有理

mind one’s own business 少管闲事

no matter 不管

no wonder 难怪

nothing but 的确;只不过

now that 已然,因为

nothing serious 没啥严峻的;没关系

on one’s own 单独;独登时

on purpose 成心

on sale 贱卖出售

on schedule 准时刻表,准时

on the contrary 正相反

on the spot 当即,当场

on vacation 休假

out of date 过期的,不必的

out of place 不恰当的,方枘圆凿的

out of fashion 过期

out of stock 缺货;脱销

out of work 赋闲

out of breath 喘不过气来

out of sight 看不见

out of tune 不合调;走调

out of question 没疑问,毫无疑问

out of the question 毫无可以的,必定做不到的

out of order 作业不正常的;不顺次序

out of print (书等)已售完的,已绝版的

pass on to 传递给

pass away 不见;去世

pick up 拿起;学会

point out 指出

prior to 在……之前

put forward 提出(需求、实际等)

put up with 忍耐,忍耐

rain or shine 不管晴雨;风雨无阻

read between the lines 领会出言外之意之意

run for 竞选

recover from 恢复;康复

result in 成果是;致使

ring sb. up 打电话给或人

stand by 袖手傍观;坚持

stand for 代表;主张;忍耐

stick to 张贴在……上;紧跟;忠于

see to it that 保证;必需要……

safe and sound 安靖无恙

on second thoughts 经从头思考;一转念

set aside 留出,拨出(时刻等);把……置于一旁

show off 夸耀;做作

shut up 住口

slip one’s mind 忘掉

be sold out 售完

strike the hour 整点报时

take after (在表面等方面)与(父、母等)相像

take pride in 以……骄傲

take shelter 流亡;避雨

take… seriously 注重;细心对待

take into consideration 思考到,顾及

lose one’s temper 发脾气,发怒

turn out 成果是;关掉

turn to 求助于,查阅

ahead of time 提前

from time to time 有时;不时

use up 用完,用光

under arrest 被捕;禁锢

under the weather (身体)不舒畅

upside down 倒转

when it comes to 一谈到……

wait in line 排队等候

white lie 好心的鬼话

white elephant 贵而无用的东西

walks of life 社会各界;各阶层人士

without doubt 毫无疑问地

may as well 不妨;最佳

without exception 一概;无一破例地

with regard to 关于,就……而论



作者: admin




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