英语学霸网 成人英语 2021年5月雅思口语新题part2&3 有关环境维护的法令或法规

2021年5月雅思口语新题part2&3 有关环境维护的法令或法规

??Describe a law or regulation
2021年5月雅思口语新题part2&3 有关环境维护的法令或法规插图
about environmental protection.

You should say:

What it is

How you first learned about it

Who benefits from it

And explain how you feel about this law or regulation

1 Are there any rules on campus? Can you give me some examples?

2 What should teachers do to make students obey rules?

3 Are there any laws about education in China?







1 学校里有啥规则吗?你能给我一些比方吗?

2 教师大约怎样做才干让学生恪守规则?

3 在我国是不是有任何关于教育的法令?


A law relating to environmental pollution that I think is excellent, butshould be made even stricter, is the law to reduce private cars on the roads byrestricting the number plates that are allowed on the roads each day. It meansthat only number plates ending in certain numbers can drive on the roads oncertain days. This results in there being much less traffic on the road at anygiven time, and people have to alternate they days they drive, and the days theytake public transport. It’s quite a fair law really, and means that everyone,rich or poor, must limit the amount of driving they do in the city, which, inturn, means that the air pollution is kept a little lower than it otherwisewould be, and of course, helps to ease some of the traffic congestion too. Theproblem with this law is that rich people who have two cars, end up justchanging the car they use each day, so that they are actually driving every dayanyway. This is the problem with a lot of laws in my country, and in mostcountries, actually, if you’re really rich you can always find ways around them!Generally I am very supportive of all types of environmental laws because Ithink that now is the time when we should all be making a lot of effort to helppreserve the natural environment, reduce air pollution and emissions, and savewater and resources. The planet needs our help in this regard, and it benefitsus in the long-run, to take care of the planet by abiding by environmental lawsas well as making our own individual efforts to be responsible – recycle plasticbottles, use less water, try to take public transport more, use less plasticbags if we go to the market – things like this.




作者: admin




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