英语学霸网 英语口语练习 225句 BBC高频英语短语,英语口语写作全赖它了

225句 BBC高频英语短语,英语口语写作全赖它了

??1. Knock your socks off 拍案叫绝

2. Work your socks off 拼命干活

3. Armed to the teeth 悉数配备

4. Under someone’s thumb 受人控制

5. Have egg on your face 尴尬不堪

6. Turn a blind eye 视若无睹

7. Burn a hole in your pocket-有钱就想花

8. Strapped for cash 手头紧

9. Pay through the nose for something 出高价,花大代价

10. Dirt cheap 非常廉价

11. A nest egg 贮藏金

12. To have deep pockets 资金雄厚

13. Binge- watch?⒕纭薄⒔恿雌?

14. To pull the plug on something 中止、遏止

15. To be on the same wavelength 意气相投

16. To get your wires crossed 发生误解、误解

17. To be firing on all cylinders 状况绝佳

18. To blow a fuse 愤然大怒

19. Take the field 运建议上台,上场

20. To harp on about something 滔滔舶

21. To pop the question 求婚

22. At each other’ s throats 唇枪激辩地争持

23. To hit it off (with someone) 一见如故

24. To have a crush on someone 沉浸或人

25. To fall for someone 沉浸一自个

26. To throw a wobbly 非常愤恨、极不高兴

27. To make a song and dance about something 小题大做

28. To have a change of heart 改动主见,改动情绪

29. To get something out of your system 发泄

30. To have your heart in the right place 好意好心,心肠仁慈

31. The salt of the earth 诚笃仁慈的人

32. Not for all the tea in China 有天大的优点也不干

33. To be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小费事

34. To have bigger fish to fry 还有要事要办

35. To egg someone on 鼓动、煽动

36. To acquire a taste for something 初步喜爱某事物

37. In the flower of your youth 风华正茂

38. All over the shop 零乱、处处都是

39. Hit the nail on the head 击中要害

40. To put your foot in it 说走嘴了

41. To toe the line 规行矩步

42. To fancy someone 喜爱上了某自个

43. An all-rounder 多面手,全才

44. To take shape 初步成形

45. A body blow 沉痛的失利丧命击

46. Pull your punches 手下留情

47. Out on a limb 处于危境、孤立无助

48. Takes the biscuit 太离谱了

49. A wake-up call 警钟、警告

50. Work up to (doing something) 做好意理预备(就事)

51. Tricks of the trade 某学生意或作业的诀窍

52. To break into (a profession) 打入(- 个作业领域)

53. Tie the knot 成婚

54. To throw money at (a problem) 为处置疑问花大笔钱

55. The powers that be 掌权的人

56. New blood 新鲜血液

57. To have a soft spot 对人或物有特别好感

58. To look daggers at (someone) 对或人横眉而视

59. Up to your eyeballs (in something) 忙得不可以开交

60. To while away the time 消磨时刻

61. Tear your hair out抓狂

62. To knock someone down with a feather 令人大吃-惊

63. To lose sleep over something 过度担忧而失眠

64. Run for cover – Abigail is coming!从速躲一阿比盖尔号暴风雨即将降临!

65. To hang on (to) someone’ s every word 一字不漏的倾听

66. A dab hand 熟行,内行

67.To be(stuck)in a rut 呆板庸俗–成不变

68. To have (got) someone’s back 困难时刻大力撑持

69. To throw your hat into the ring 怅然迎战,承受应战

70. To bury your head in the sand 躲避实际

71. The lie of the land 机构规划和运作方法

72. In hand 正在进行中

73. At hand 在手边

74. As quick as a flash 快如闪电般地

75. Ring around 打一圈电话

76. Scream your head off 大声狂叫

77. Show your face 出头

78. Get your skates on! 快点!

79. Ask for the moon 想入非非

80. Sunny-side up 单煎- -面的荷包蛋

81. When push comes to shove危殆关头迫不得以采纳行为

82. To file away存档

83. To flag up致使留心

84. Top of the heap冠绝群雄

85. On another planet在另一个世界

86. Hold your tongue坚持缄默沉静

87. Black and white是非清楚的

88. Under a cloud遭到置疑

89. Soaked to the skin湿透了

90.In a spin晕头转向

91. The bare bones梗概

92. It never rains but it pours祸不单行

93. In deep water堕入窘境

94. A pillar of society社会栋梁

95. Putting out fires救活救场

96. To flock to蜂拥而至

97. Culture vulture文明秃鹰

98. Take the weight off your feet歇歇脚

99. Flip out失控暴怒

100. Have a whale of a time玩得非常爽快

101. Rise to the top升到最高层

102. Let off steam发泄被压抑的情感

103. Put your feet up翘起脚来完全放松

104. Close knit紧密相连

105. To squirrel something away把东西贮藏起来

106. To pop your head out把头探出去

107. To fly off the handle大发脾气

108. To look someone in the eye双眼直视或人

109. Take the plunge冒险测验

110. Big cheese重要人物冒险测验

111. A yellow streak胆怯如鼠

112. Spark off致使,引发

113. Spice up添加快乐喜爱

114. Go it alone只身单作

115. Full steam ahead!

116. Hold your horses别着急全速行进!

117. The tail end结尾

118. Break the ice打破僵局结尾

119. Stony-faced 面无表情的

120. Snowed under忙得不可以开交

121. Dead as a dodo完全过期了

122. A long shot成功的期望很迷茫

123. Roll out the red carpet盛大等待

124. To be on ice放置

125. Skate on thin ice情况危殆,如履薄冰

126. The writing’s on the wall不祥预兆

127. Down the pan落空了

128. Second wind再次振奋起来

129. Whatever floats your boat随心所欲

130. In the eye of the storm暴风之眼

131. To fall on your sword承担责任

132. To bite off more than you can chew自不量力

133. No sweat没疑问134. To see red大怒

135. Shoo-in十拿九稳的人

136. A window of opportunity机缘之窗

137. To steal someone’s thunder窃为己有

138. As flat as a pancake平如煎饼

139. At liberty安适,随意

140. Give something the thumbs up附和撑持

141. Making waves无事生非致使颤动

142. A ray of sunshine ^ 缕阳光

143. To go down like a lead balloon不受等待或起反作用

144. To sail close to the wind顶风而行

145. To bite someone’s head off严肃呵斥

146. Up in the air悬而未决

147. Step by step -一步一步地

148. Stare in the face清楚明晰

149. Kick up your heels好好享受

150. Touch wood期望走好运

151. Put on the spot使为难

152. Bear with me耐性点儿

153. Light up欢欣

154. Nip it in the bud防患于未然

155. Monkey business猢狲幻术

156. To be snookered上圈套了

157. To duck out of避开

158. More than meets the eye跨越视觉还有文章i

159. High-flyer志向极高的人

160. Hold your horses别着急

161. A tall order艰巨的使命

162. In the same boat在同~条船上

163. A pillar of society社会栋梁

164. Barking mad像疯狗相同乱叫

165. Butterflies in my stomach肚子里有蝴蝶?

166. In the pink身着粉色仍是身体安康?

167. Big cheese重要人物

168. Full of hot air揄扬大王

169. To toy with somebody捉弄豪情

170. At liberty安适,随意

171. To carry a torch for someone单牵挂

172. To keep your eyes peeled坚持高度警惕

173. Bow to pressure迫于压力垂头让步

174. You’re a star!你真棒!

175. Loan shark放高利贷者

176. Crabby脾气浮躁的

177. Not give a monkey’s毫不在乎

178.Up to speed晓得最新情况

179. To the letter-字不差

180. Turn the page翻过这页

181. Bread and butter生计

182. In the picture晓得概况

183. What’s up?啥事?

184. Wash your hands脱胎换骨了

185. Weigh in宣告定见

186. With bare hands赤手空拳

187.In the hole负债累累

188. Turn to jelly惧怕/发颤

189. A tough nut to crack扎手的疑问/难处的人

190. Donkey work单调庸俗的作业

191. Stick your neck out冒风险

192. Play your cards right就事稳当

193. On the right track在正确的路途上

194. Busy bee大忙人

195. To go under the knife承受手术医治

196. Two-faced双面派

197. Spill the beans泄露隐秘

198. To gamble on something下赌注

199.A piece of cake趁热打铁

200. The lion’s share最大比例

201. In the red欠钱,亏本

202. Push the boat out显摆气,大举庆祝

203. Say cheese!笑- -笑,说”cheese”!

204. Feeling blue心境压抑

205. Crack on从速持续吧

206. Keyed up激动万分

207. Scraping the barrel滥竽凑数,牵强迁就

208. Junk mail
225句 BBC高频英语短语,英语口语写作全赖它了插图

209. A grey area灰色地带

210. To dawn on总算理解

211. Sour grapes吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸

212. Under the table私下,隐秘地

213. Hold the fort守住堡垒

214. Horse around闹着玩儿

215. To chicken out临阵畏缩

216. Child’s play趁热打铁

217. Wise old owl日子经历丰厚的人

218. Catty阴恶凶狠

219. Cheap as chips像薯条-样廉价

220. Ducks in a row并井有条

221. The sands of time韶光

222. Lay your cards on the table摊牌

223. Live in the present活在当下

224. Get your skates on!快点!

225. To branch out另辟六合

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