英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 9分材料 雅思口语part3高分材料 新闻 The News

9分材料 雅思口语part3高分材料 新闻 The News

??关于年青烤鸭们来说,最令人头疼的论题大约就是新闻,the news。

很少看新闻,忧虑在雅思口语part 3有些被它难倒?快来学习下面的干货,深化晓得新闻,the news论题吧~

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1. Are there too many news reports?

There are news reports 24/7. They seem to go on non-stop. It is too much to handle almost. There are a number of different ways to keep up with the news nowadays with many apps and websites overloaded with it. You see some things on the news and wonder why it’s considered as news, when it’s really a waste of time.

reports 24/7 全天候供给报导

non-stop 直达的

too much to handle 太多了致使于不能控制

overloaded 使超载;担负过重

2. Do famous people often appear in the news?

Famous people are often in the spotlight and will appear in the news all the time. In fact, we are bombarded with celebrity gossip so it’s hard to miss it. The news outlets obviously think the masses are interested in every little detail of a famous person’s life.

in the spotlight 处于大众中心;出风头

all the time 一向;老是

bombard v.轰炸;

gossip n.8卦;闲谈

3.What kind of events would be considered as breaking news?

You could say political news, international affairs and major or radical events would fall into this category. Sometimes you will see a program interrupted with breaking news if it’s really important. Every time you visit a newspaper online they mention ‘breaking news’ and you wonder if it’s just a ploy to get more viewers.

fall into this category 这一类型

ploy n.战略,活动,作业

4.What kind of people would often get news coverage in China?

9分材料 雅思口语part3高分材料 新闻 The News插图
You will see celebrities, sports stars and political figures predominately getting news coverage in China. It’s safe to say they take up a lot of airtime. A case in point is when an actor has released a new movie and you will see them all over the news.

Predominately adv.分配;在..占优势

safe to say 可以这么说

case in point 恰当的比方

all over 处处;广泛




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