英语学霸网 优选频道 为啥想学编程 想当程序猿 英语怎么答 雅思口语材料

为啥想学编程 想当程序猿 英语怎么答 雅思口语材料

??Coding is something I have always wanted to learn these few years and l believe it is a modern skill that most people should possess. Let me explain why. 编程是我这几年一向想学的东西,我信赖这是大大都人都大约掌控的现代技能。让我来说明一下缘由。

First of all, in this era of rapid development and wide application of information technology, having some knowledge of computer science has become a necessity. Even if you are not going to be an engineer, you ought to learn some basic principles, so you can understand how the high-tech industry works. 首要,在这个信息技能快速打开和广泛使用的年代,具
为啥想学编程 想当程序猿 英语怎么答 雅思口语材料插图

It has even been said that coding is the new literacy. Coding may not be taught in standard school curriculums yet; however, kids are already starting to learn basic computer programming with the help of tutors. 甚至有人说,编码是一种新的文明。编码可以还没有在标准的学校课程中教授,可是,孩子们现已初步在教师的协助下学习根柢的核算机编程。

Moreover, studying programming will teach you how to think logically and improve your problem-solving skills. 此外,学习编程可以教会你如何进行逻辑思考,前进你处置疑问的才能。

Coding forces you to start with a plan, and then identify potential trouble areas, which you will then have to troubleshoot. Logical thinking and problem-solving skills are applicable in multiple facets of life, be it in developing a media strategy or trying to figure out why your internet browser isn’t working.


Last but not least, knowing how to code leads to new career opportunities and attractive income. Coders, web developers and programmers alike are still in high demand and are one of the best-paid professionals. In fact, if you browse job search websites, you will find that the number of vacancies for coders exceeds most other professions, and their median salary is much higher too.


In a nutshell, coding is so beneficial that would like to put it at the top of my list of skills I want to learn. 简而言之,编码是如此有利,我想把它放在我想学习的技能列表的首位。


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