英语学霸网 英语口语练习 往常日子的常用语句


??Wake up! 醒醒!

It‘s time to get up 该起床了

It’s time to wake up 该起床了

It‘s time to get out of bed. 该起床了

It’s time to get ready 预备起床了

Get up soon. 快点儿起床

Rise and shine! 该起床了(太阳都出来了)!

Do you ever sleep through your alarm clock? 你常常闹钟响了仍蒙头大睡吗?

Would you turn off the alarm clock? 能帮我关掉闹钟吗?

Please turn off the alarm clock. 请把闹钟关了。

I‘m sleeping. 我正在睡觉。

It’s too early. 太早了。

It‘s still early. 时刻还早呢。

I don’t want to 我真不想起

I don‘t wanna get up. 我真不想起

I’m still sleepy. 我还困着呢

I‘m still drowsy. 我还困着呢

I’m still yawning. 我还打欠伸呢

I have a hangover 昨日的酒还没醒呢

Can I sleep for another five minutes? 我能再多睡5分钟吗?

Are you awake? 你醒了吗?

Are you up yet? 你起床了吗?

You don‘t need to scream. mom! 母亲,你不要在吼了!

I’m up! 我醒了!/我起来了!

I am now. 我刚醒。

You finally got up 你总算起来了

I overslept. 我睡过头了。

I‘ve only just woken up, I had no idea it was so late. 我刚刚醒来。一点也不晓得已这么晚了。

I’m a night person 我是个夜猫子

Did the alarm clock go off? 闹钟响了吗?

Did the alarm clock buzz? 闹钟响了吗?

Did the alarm clock ring? 闹钟响了吗?

Yes, it did. 是的,响过了。

But I didn‘t hear it at all. 可我一点都没听到。

What time did you set last night? 你昨晚定在几点了?

Six o’clock. 六点呀。

Did you stay up late last night? 昨晚你熬夜了?

Did you go to bed late last night? 昨晚你熬夜了?

No, I couldn‘t fall asleep 哪儿啊,几乎没睡着

I’m a morning person 我喜爱早上

You‘re up later than usual. 你今日起的比往常晚了。

How did you sleep? 昨晚睡得怎样?

Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗?

Sleep okay? 睡得好吗?

Yes, I slept very well 嗯,睡得挺好

You were snoring last night 昨日晚上你打呼噜了

Did I keep you up? 影响你睡觉了吗?

You d
idn’t sleep well. 你没有睡好吧。

I had a nightmare 我做了个可怕的梦

I lost sleep last night. 昨晚我失眠了。

It‘s all right now 如今没事了

You left the light on 你一向没关灯啊

You forgot to turn off the light 你忘了关灯了


Hurry up and get dressed. 快换衣裳

Put your clothes on. 把衣裳穿上。

What should I wear? 穿啥好呢?

What should I put on? 穿啥好呢?

Which dress should I wear? 穿那件好呢?

Which one should I wear? 穿那件好呢?

The red one. 穿红的吧!

You’re wearing your sweater inside out. 你毛衣穿反了。


Fold up your quilt. 叠好被子。

Let‘s fold up the futon 把被子叠好

Let’s put the futon away 把被子收起来吧

Put those pajamas away! 把睡衣收好


Wash your face. 洗洗脸。

I have to go wash my face 我得洗脸了

Did you wash your face? 你洗脸了吗?

I‘m washing those 我正要洗呢

Did you brush your teeth? 刷牙了吗?

Have you brushed your teeth? 刷牙了吗?

Brush side to side. 支配刷。

Don’t brush too hard. 不要刷得太用力。

Comb your hair. 梳一下头发。

I have to comb my hair 我得梳梳头了

I shouldn‘t be ready for half an hour yet. 我要半个小时今后才干梳洗结束。


It’s time to eat breakfast 该吃早饭了

It‘s tome to have breakfast 该吃早饭了


What time shall we leave? 咱们几点出门?

Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. 快点吧,否则你上学就要迟到了。

Are you ready? 预备好了吗?

Don‘t move slowly. 别磨蹭。

Just a second. I’m almost ready here. 等一下,我这就好。

Time is running out. 快没时刻了。

I have to rush! 我得赶忙走!

Let‘s go. 咱们走吧。

Are you going to be late today? 你今日会晚回来吗?

What time are you coming home? 你几点回来?

I’ll be home at the usual time. 平缓常相同。

Aren‘t you forgetting something? 没忘了啥东西吧?

Don’t forget to lock the door. 别忘了锁门。

Did you lock the door? 你锁门了吗?

Have a nice day! 祝你一天开心!


作者: admin




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