英语学霸网 英语口语练习 托福独立口语高分模板和参阅范文详解 维护环境解救地球

托福独立口语高分模板和参阅范文详解 维护环境解救地球



Please give your suggestions on saving our planet since we are facing serious environmental problems.

Please include reasons and details in you explanation.


It is a fact that the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems and I ’ d like to offer the following suggestions: First of all, as water shortage is a universal problem in many parts of the world, I suggest that everyone should conserve freshwater resources by reducing our daily consumption. For example, we could flush the toilet by the water we have used to wash our face. Secondly, big cities in the developing world are the victims of air pollution, so the less use of private cars is a way out. We could take some public transportation, such as metro and bus instead.

And as for my mental health, I think I will try to listen to some light music before going to bed. It will help improve the quality of sleep. And when I run into some bad things I’ll complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to myself.



1. 逻辑很清楚,办法描绘的很理解,极好 ;

2. 内容中有丰厚的细节而且真实可信,很有说服力 ;

3. flush the toilet;metro and bus instead 这些比方用得很恰当

这份答复逻辑清楚、细节到位、例子真实都是至关重要的得分点。咱们也看到标题中需求咱们 using specificexamples and details,而这份模板为咱们完满诠氏缢如何展示真实的有细节的日子化的比方。


1. 最初请转述 statement:we are facing serious environmental problems 与 the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems;

2. 环保类论题有关表达堆集

1 ) water shortage 水本钱短少

2 ) suggestion 当 ” 主张 ” 讲的时分是可数名词,当 ” 暗示 ” 讲的时分才不可以数。其他标明主张的词:recommendation 也可数,advice 不可以数。

3 ) conserve freshwater resources 维护淡水本钱


动词 protect, preserve, conserve 名词 protection, preservation, conservation

尽管都是维护,但 3 者仍有少许不一样:

A. protect somebody/something/yourself ( against/from something ) 意思是:to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc. 维护或人或某物不遭到损伤

例如:to protect rare wild animals from extinction 维护珍稀野生动物免于灭绝

B. preserve somebody/something ( from something ) 意思是:to keep somebody/something alive, or safe from harm or danger 维护或人或某物活着或免于受伤,其近义词是 save

例如:The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.


C. conserve something 意思是: to use as little of something as possible so that it lasts a long time 尽可以地少用某物以便让它可以持续很长时刻 ( 这其实是关于不可以再生动力的一种维护 )

例如:Renewable energy resources can help conserve fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. 可再生动力有利于维护化石燃料并削减碳排放。

4 ) reduce our daily consumption 削减往常的耗费,the less use of private cars 削减关于私家车的运用,这儿为咱们演示了两种标明 ” 削减 ” 的方法。

5 ) sth. is a way out ……是一条将来

6 ) the victims of air pollution 大气污染的受害者。

此外:常见的环境污染还包括:水污染 ( air pollution ) 土壤污染 ( soil pollution ) 噪声污染 ( noise pollution )


It is a fact that the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems and I ’ d like to offer the following suggestions:

First of all, as water shortage is a universal problem in many parts of the world, I suggest that everyone should conserve freshwater resources by reducing our daily consumption. For example, we could flush the toilet by the water we have used to wash our face.

Secondly, big cities in the developing world are the victims of air pollution, so +the less use of private cars is a way out. We could take some public transportation, such as metro and bus instead.

托福独立口语高分模板和参阅范文详解 维护环境解救地球插图
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