英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 雅思口语 a historical period–明朝

雅思口语 a historical period–明朝



I’d like to share a story about a Chinese emperor. My history teacher told me this story.

It happened in Ming Dynasty. The emperor at that time was really into carpentry and handicrafts. And he was pretty good at making those artworks. The sculptures he made were delicate. Some of them are about beauties, and others about natural landscape. He even held exhibitions in his palace and let those officials comment on his work. Obviously, no one dared to say anything bad about it, all he heard was compliments, so he was really confident in himself. And one day, he even held a nationwide competition about carpentry. The winner would get a lifetime supply of money and a high position in the government.

People found this whole thing ridiculous, especially when the country was constantly at war and there were natural disasters like flood or earthquake all year round. How could this emperor have so much spare time to hold such an inappropriate competition? He was supposed to devote all of his time and energy to defending his country and rescuing people who are in danger.

So finally, people couldn’t stand it anymore, and a revolt broke out, a year later, the emperor got overthrown.


I’d like to talk about Ming Dynasty. This period of time is really popular in our history books, ‘cause lots of fun stuff happened at that time. To me, the most hilarious, but also the saddest part of this Dynasty was its emperor, who’s the most ridiculous and irresponsible emperor I’ve ever known.

He basically spent all his waking hours in his own ‘studio’, making his works of art. He never cared about his people. So Ming Dynasty didn’t last for long.

What happened in that dynasty has become a lesson for national leaders in modern society.


carpentry = the work of a carpenter (a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures)

handicraft = activities such as sewing and making cloth that use skill with your hands and artistic ability to make things

to teach handicrafts

Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft.

delicate = made or formed in a very careful and detailed way例如:

the delicate mechanisms of a clock

official = (often in compounds) a person who is in a position of authority in a large organization例如:

a bank/ company/ court/ government official

a senior official in the State Department

Palace officials are refusing to comment on the royal divorce.

compliment = a remark that expresses praise or admiration of somebody例如:

to pay somebody a compliment (= to praise them for something)

‘You understand the problem because you’re so much older.’ ‘I’ll take that as a compliment!’

It’s a great compliment to be asked to do the job.

to return the compliment (= to treat somebody in the same way as they have treated you)

nationwide = happening or existing in all parts of a particular country例如:

a nationwide campaign

The police conducted a nationwide hunt for the missing prisoners.

ridiculous = very silly or unreasonable = absurd例如:

I look ridiculous in this hat.

Don’t be ridiculous! You can’t pay ??50 for a T-shirt!

It was ridiculous that this should be so difficult to say.

They ate and drank a ridiculous amount.

revolt = a protest against authority, especially that of a government, often involving violence; the action of protesting against authority例如:

the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381

to lead / stage a revolt

The army quickly crushed the revolt.

the biggest back-bench revolt this government has ever seen

Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt.

(formal) The people rose in revolt.

break out = (of war, fighting or other unpleasant events) to start suddenly例如:

They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939.

Fighting had broken out be
雅思口语 a historical period–明朝插图
tween rival groups of fans.

Fire broke out during the night.

overthrow = to remove a leader or a government from a position of power by force例如:

The president was overthrown in a military coup.











作者: admin




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