雅思口语机经里article也算是一道考前有必要预备的论题,5月份考的是describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper,之前也考过很具体的an article you read from a magazine or from the internet about healthy life,不管是哪个,假定单独预备,那就亏大了!
就拿第二道来说哦,是不是你必定预备过an activity you do to keep fit?那么咱们在移用到article论题的时分,就讲的“官方”点儿,别说是自个做的,就说是文章介绍的!假定他们只需要咱们介绍一篇article,那就非常好办了啊!不管是人物类的interesting story或许local news都可以往上整!甚至是介绍咱们我国的interesting tradition的都不算跑题对吧!所以这样的?头侄甭厶猓虮鹪俪粤δ灾?rack your brains)想材料啦!下面以人物类的偷梁换柱为例,来看看如何跟“文章”联系在一同:
This topic reminds me of an article I read on a magazine called Today’s Businessman, which is a popular/well-known Chinese magazine that tells stories of successful/legendary entrepreneurs.
This article is about the life story of an old man who has experienced ups and downs in his career.
His name is Chu Shijian, who used to be a bigwig in the tobacco business. He has made a great profit for our country, but at the age of 60, he was accuse
d of taking bribes, and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
After 7 years, he was bailed out, but he had nothing left at that time. For most people who have experienced such a huge frustration, it’s nearly impossible to get back on their feet again in the rest of their lives, let alone achieving something impressive.
However, he’s not an ordinary man. He borrowed some money from his old friends and rent a farm to grow mandarin oranges. Selling stuff on the Internet was really hot at that time, he seized the opportunity and put his oranges on the Internet. He named his product “inspiring orange”.
3 years later, his name appeared on the Forbes list in China. And he gained people’s respect and admiration because of his hard work.
This article has made a deep impression on me because it is so encouraging, and I hope I could be someone like Mr. Chu in the future.