英语学霸网 成人英语 雅思口语 Describe a time when you helped someone

雅思口语 Describe a time when you helped someone


我们千万不要忘掉,雅思口语Part 2的一个重要的元素是“describe”呀!简明简明的讲故事习气必定要改掉,这儿不是查询我们归纳文章粗心,而是告诉考官,我有描绘细节的才能。

Part 2有一道很经典的标题—Describe a time when you helped someone,下次假定你真的要描绘“扶老奶奶过马路”,也要把前因成果描绘理解,这种作业类的论题比单纯的描绘物品类论题简略多了!回想一下小学时分学习的“记叙文六要素”(时刻,地址,人物,作业的缘由,经过,成果),依照次序整起来吧:

This topic reminds me of the time I helped two strangers.

The other day, when I was walking on the street, two foreigners came up to me, asking for directions. They told me where they are from, but I’ve never heard of the country, so I couldn’t remember the name exactly. Anyway, they explained they were travellers, and they got separated from their friends. What’s worse, both of their phones were dead, and they didn’t have any cash on them, but they were pretty sure their hotel was not far away, so they were wondering if I could give them some directions. Actually, I don’t have a very good sense of direction, but lucky for them, I happen to know that hotel, so I just showed them the way patiently. They didn’t speak much English, so I had a hard time explaining which way they should go. I even offered to walk them their, ‘cause I was afraid they could get lost again, but they didn’t want to put me to a lot of trouble. So in the end, I just drew them a ‘map’ on a napkin. Actually their hotel was quite easy to find, I guess, with my help, they could find their way back with no trouble at all.


come up to somebody = to move towards somebody, in order to talk to them例如:

He came up t
雅思口语 Describe a time when you helped someone插图
o me and asked me the way to the station.

dead = (of machines or equipment) not working because of a lack of power 例如:

a dead battery

The hard disk is dead.

Suddenly the phone went dead.

wonder if / weather = used as a polite way of asking a question or asking somebody to do something 例如:

I wonder if you can help me.

I was wondering whether you’d like to come to a party.

happen to be / to do = to do or be something by chance 例如:

She happened to be out when we called.

You don’t happen to know his name, do you?

This happens to be my favorite restaurant.

The door happened to be unlocked.

Walk somebody + adv./prep. = to go somewhere with somebody on foot, especially in order to make sure they get there safely 例如:

He always walked her home.

trouble = extra effort or work 例如:

I don’t want to put you to a lot of trouble.

I’ll get it if you like, that will save you the trouble of going out.

Making your own yogurt is more trouble than it’s worth.

She went to a lot of trouble to find the book for me.

Nothing is ever too much trouble for her (= she’s always ready to help).

I hope the children weren’t too much trouble.

I can call back later—it’s no trouble (= I don’t mind).











作者: admin




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