英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 雅思口语 new technology

雅思口语 new technology


网上各种歪果仁吐槽从我国回到自个的祖国后,几乎感触回到了初始社会,撤离了几十年,出门还得带现金,好落后哦!还发视频向马父亲马叔叔求救,期望他们可以到自个的国家打开事务…… 还有美国人向我国兄弟介绍,说他们许多人见到二维码之后不晓得那东东是干啥用的!如今咱们现已习气了出门不带钱包,一个手机加充电宝走全国的感触真是太爽!快去跟雅思考官显摆一下,让他们吃醋去吧!

The new technology I’m constantly using is online payment.

Now in China we have two major online payment platforms, Wechat payment and Alipay. Originally, we mainly made online purchases using these two, but now basically every seller has their own QR code, we can use these two payment platforms in physical stores now, no matter it’s a fruit stand or a big supermarket. We just need to scan the QR code, and the payment is done.

This technology has made my life, I mean, everyone’s life more convenient. In the past, most stores only took cash or card, but sometimes when you didn’t have cash on you, and they didn’t let you use your card, you had to go and get cash, which was super inconvenient and time-consuming.

The best part is, in order to encourage consumers to use the online payment, Wechat and Alipay offered a huge discount to us. As long as we pay bills online, we could enjoy a 10-percent off discount. And recently, we could send our friends coupons, if they use them when they pay things online, we can get some reward, and by reward I mean, a small amount of money into our account.

Many foreigners are amazed by this new technology, and they are a little bit jealous of us, saying they would like to have this kind of payment platform in their own country.


seller = a person who sells something 例如:

a flower seller

The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller.

physical = [only before noun] connected with things that actually exist or are present and can be seen, felt, etc. rather than things that only exist in a person’s mind例如:

the physical world/ universe/ environment

the physical properties (= the color, weight, shape, etc.) of copper

She was intimidated by his physical presence.

Is there any physical evidence to suggest that a cr
雅思口语 new technology插图
ime has been committed?

stand = a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market = stall例如:

a hamburger / newspaper stand

on = being carried by somebody; in the possession of somebody 例如:

Have you got any money on you?

time-consuming = taking or needing a lot of time例如:

a difficult and time-consuming process

coupon = a small piece of printed paper that you can exchange for something or that gives you the right to buy something at a cheaper price than normal例如:

money-off coupons

clothing coupons

an international reply coupon

这儿其实指的是付出宝的跨年红包,不过说coupon考官可以非常好了解一些…… 因为那个功用假定要给考官解阐理解,估量得费会儿劲,而且考官也不必定了解得上去,所以仍是在他的认知规模内陪他谈天吧……











作者: admin




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