英语学霸网 英语口语练习 读报刊学英语 在线教育-逐渐认识你的老师-精读笔记02

读报刊学英语 在线教育-逐渐认识你的老师-精读笔记02

“Don’t delete your browser history,” Lin Kai warns his 11-year-old son, who is supposed to be live-streaming lectures delivered by his schoolteachers. Mr Lin has reason to be anxious. To curb the spread of covid-19, the authorities have closed schools and universities indefinitely. But “study must not stop”, says the education ministry. Under its orders, the country’s biggest exercise in remote learning is under way,watched over by parents. Mr Lin, who lives in the eastern city of Hangzhou, has caught his son being distracted by online games. He wants his son to know that he will inspect the browser for evidence of such naughtiness.


①“Don’t delete your browser history,” ②Lin Kai warns his 11-year-old son, ③who is supposed to be live-streaming lectures ④delivered by his schoolteachers.


本句是包含一直接引语的复合句。②是主句,①是直接引语,作为warn的宾语;③是who引导的非限制性定语从句,who指代“his 11-year-old son”;④是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰限定名词lectures;


be supposed to(按规定、习惯、安排等)应当,应该,须

e.g. I thought we were supposed tobe paid today. 我以为我们今天会领到薪水呢。

e.g. 这些都不是从天上掉下来的,而是中菲关系原本应有的常态。None of this has happened by accident; it merely reflects what the relationshipis supposed to be like.

stream:名词用法表示“小溪、小河”,其动词用法在计算机领域就可表示“用流式传输,流播”,意思是无须待整个文件下载到计算机便可播放互联网上的视频或音频文件;live-stream在这里也是动词用法,是现场直播的意思。live-stream lectures直播讲座/教学

常见名词词组:live streaming流媒体直播,ive streaming video流媒体视频;

e.g. With the combined power of e-commerce and live-streaming, an individual can set a higher daily sales record than a major retailer. 在电商和直播的合力下,一个人可以创造比大型零售商。

curb:to control or limit sth, especially sth bad 控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)

e.g. He needs to learn to curb his temper. 他得学着控制自己的脾气。

e.g. 共同遏制信息技术滥用take collective action to curb information technology abuses

根据前几期的精读笔记,我们又可以总结出来,表达“限制,控制”概念的替换词有5C:curb/contain/control/constrain/check,还有stem,rein in等

indefinitely /ndefntli/ :for a period of time with no fixed limit 无限期地

e.g. The visit has now been postponed indefinitely. 这次访问现在已被无限期地推迟。

under way:having started 已经开始;在进行中

e.g. 中国文化中心设立工作正在有序推进。At present, the work to complete the establishment of the Chinese Culture Center is under way on a regular basis.

e.g. Preparations are well under wayfor a week of special events in May. 五月份特别活动周的准备工作已经顺利开展。

watch over sb/sth:to take care of sb/sth; to guard and protect sb/sth 照管;监督;保护

exercise:作名词时我们熟悉的含义是“锻炼、运动”,在这里是熟词僻义,表示“an activity that is designed to achieve a particular result (为达到特定结果的)活动”

e.g. an exercise in public relations 公共关系活动

naughtiness/ntins/ 顽皮,淘气

读报刊学英语 在线教育-逐渐认识你的老师-精读笔记02插图

“不要删除你的浏览器历史记录,”林凯(音译,Lin Kai)警告他11岁的儿子说。孩子原本应该在听学校老师进行的直播讲座。林先生感到焦虑是有原因的。为了控制2021新冠肺炎(covid-19)传播,当局已经无限期地关闭了中小学和大学。但是教育部规定,“停课不停学”。根据教育部规定,全国进行着最大规模的远程教育活动,而监督孩子远程学习的任务便交给了家长。林先生家在中国东部城市杭州,他发现儿子被网络游戏分散了注意力。他想让儿子知道,他会检查浏览器,看是否会抓到儿子玩网络游戏的证据。


There are other ways to enforce discipline. Liu Weihua, who teaches at Wuhan University of Technology, cold-calls his students during live streams. With sit-down exams now impossible, his grading system places more emphasis on how students perform in classroom discussions, Mr Liu explains. These are conducted using video-conferencing platforms such as Dingtalk by Alibaba, a tech giant, and Ketang by Tencent, a competitor.


①With sit-down exams now impossible, ②his grading system places more emphasis on ③how students perform in classroom discussions, ④Mr Liu explains.




cold-call:to make a cold call. 打陌生推销电话; 进行陌生推销拜访,上门推销;其名词形式为cold-calling,cold caller就表示陌生拜访者、电话销售



place emphasis on:重视,强调


还有其他方法来加强纪律。在武汉理工大学(Wuhan University of Technology)任教的刘伟华(音译)会在直播中让学生上麦。刘先生解释说,由于现在不可能坐在教室考试,他的评分体系更加强调学生在课堂讨论中的表现。课堂讨论可以通过视频会议平台进行,如科技巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的钉钉(Dingtalk)及其竞争对手腾讯课堂(Ketang)。


Slow internet speeds at home are no excuse for shirking, says Yue Qiu, a secondary-school teacher in Beijing. If connections are too wobbly for video calls, students can download audio files and assignments. Parental supervision is encouraged. The municipal government of Beijing has decreed that, in households with two working parents, one is entitled to stay home without any loss of pay.



e.g. Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked. 公司有严格的纪律,没有人偷懒。

e.g. 脱贫摘帽后工作放松,有的摘帽县出现撤摊子、甩包袱、歇歇脚的情况,有的摘帽县不是把精力物力用在巩固成果上,而是庆功搞铺张浪费。Finally, we have seen efforts slacken after exits from poverty, with some counties abandoning poverty alleviation projects, shirking their responsibilities, or choosing to take a break, while others have wasted energy and resources on celebrations instead of building on their achievements.

wobbly不稳定的;摆动的;作名词时,指的是突然发脾气,throw a wobbly勃然大怒;猛发脾气


households with two working parents双职工家庭


e.g. You will be entitled toyour pension when you reach 65. 你到65岁就有资格享受养老金。


岳秋(音译,Yue Qiu)是北京一名中学教师,她说,家里网速慢不是偷懒的借口。如果看直播授课时网络连接太不稳定,学生可以下载音频文件和家庭作业。家长要在家监督。北京市政府已经颁布法令,双职工家庭有一人可带薪在家看护未成年子女。


作者: admin




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