英语学霸网 英语口语练习 雅思口语 describe a memorable story told by someone

雅思口语 describe a memorable story told by someone


‘Story’ 这种雅思口语素材,尤其是interesting或者exciting的,一定要提前备起来,因为它既能用在book上,也可以用在movie上或者TV series上,像刚刚的机经里,不还单独考了个story么!很多烤鸭擅长讲love story,不过想把爱情故事讲的exciting不太好搞,所以为了轻松扣题,我们还是聊聊悬疑故事或者各种警匪片儿吧!



I’d like to talk about a suspense novel called Day and Night.

It was really thrilling, I was completely hooked after the first several pages, and it was just impossible to put it down.

It’s a story about twins fighting against criminals. In order to make the story easier to tell, let’s just call the bigger brother A and the younger one B. A is a policeman and B used to be a soldier. One day, A got accused of murder, but actually he was framed. In order to find out the truth, A and B decided to work together. But the thing is, A has some kind of disease that makes him afraid of dark, so he can only go out in the daytime. At night, his brother B would take his place, and by that I mean, B would pretend to be A and gather the evidence.

At the end of the first book, the author didn’t tell us who the real killer is and what happened to the twins.

The description of the book is really picturesque. Now this book has been adapted for television, and it’s super hot right now. I heard American website Netflix has bought the copyright of the show, so now foreign audience can enjoy the show as well.


I’d like to talk about a detective drama series called Day and Night. It’s based on a novel of the same name. It’s fair to say the show is a critical and commercial success.

It’s a story about twins fighting against criminals. The twins are played by my favorite actor. It’s challenging to play twins but he really pulled it off. His awesome acting skills are impressive. Besides, the special effects are incredible.


I’d like to talk about a story my classmate told me. It’s a suspense and detective story about two twins fighting against criminals.

My classmate didn’t tell me the ending of the story, ‘cause he didn’t know either. He said it was a serial novel, so it’s like ‘To Be Continued’, you know. He told me the second book wouldn’t come out until next year, so I guess the author just wanted to keep us in suspense.

I remember it well because he just told me this story a few weeks ago, and the plots are full of twists and turns. Besides, the ending is so unpredictable. It kept me guessing right to the end.


The story is about three criminals.

They used to be burglars, one day, they broke into a house, but they got caught by the owner. They freaked out, and they just killed everyone in the house except a baby. After that, the three of them were overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, so they decided to make a fresh start, and tried to make up for what they did by doing nice things to others.

They took the girl, and decided to raise her up. But unfortunately, the girl has got a serious hereditary disease, so they needed money for the medical fee. They gave up their personal life, and none of them got married. They lived together in a rented apartment, and they worked really hard to make money. However, their landlord has a nasty hobby, he likes to plant bugs in his apartment and listens to tenants’ conversations. So after 10 years, their secrets were not safe anymore. The landlord reported them to the police, and they got arrested and got sentenced to death.

This story is about morality and humanity, which is thought provoking.


雅思口语 describe a memorable story told by someone插图
pense = a feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to happen, somebody is going to tell you some news, etc.例如:

a tale of mystery and suspense

Don’t keep us in suspense. Tell us what happened!

I couldn’t bear the suspense a moment longer.

hooked (on something) = [not before noun](informal) enjoying something very much, so that you want to do it, see it, etc. as much as possible

frame somebody (for something) = [usually passive] to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty = fit up例如:

He says he was framed.

picturesque = (of language) producing strong mental images by using unusual words例如:

a picturesque description of life at sea

pull something off = (informal) to succeed in doing something difficult例如:

We pulled off the deal.

I never thought you’d pull it off.

keep somebody guessing = (informal) to not tell somebody about your plans or what is going to happen next 例如:

It’s the kind of book that keeps you guessing right to the end.

burglar = a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal例如:

Burglars broke into the gallery and stole dozens of priceless paintings.

break into something = to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc. by force例如:

We had our car broken into last week.

freak out = if somebody freaks or if something freaks them, they react very strongly to something that makes them suddenly feel shocked, surprised, frightened, etc.例如:

My parents really freaked when they saw my hair.

make up for = to do something that corrects a bad situation = compensate例如:

Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.

After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time.

Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.

A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August.

hereditary = (especially of illnesses) given to a child by its parents before it is born例如:

a hereditary illness/ disease/ condition/ problem

Epilepsy is hereditary in her family.

rented = that you pay rent for例如:

a rented studio

bug = (informal) a small hidden device for listening to other people’s conversations例如:

They planted a bug in his hotel room.

thought-provoking = making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue例如:

a brilliant and thought-provoking play











作者: admin




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