英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 雅思口语 describe a time that you saved money for sth

雅思口语 describe a time that you saved money for sth




The thing that I saved up for is my first smart phone.

That was when I was in high school, smart phones just came on the market, I really wanted to have one, that way I could get rid of my old
雅思口语 describe a time that you saved money for sth插图
‘bulky’ phone, you know, the old style Nokia that was like a brick. However, my mom refused to buy me one, ‘cause she thought it was just a waste of money. Plus, all those new functions would just be a distraction.

However, I was dying to have one, so I decided to save money to get it myself.

Back then, I didn’t have too much pocket money, so sometimes I had to skip breakfast to save money. And for two months, I didn’t buy any snacks or clothes for myself. I realized later, however, saving was far from enough, in order to get the money I needed, I had to figure out a way to make money. So I offered to do housework for my mom, ‘cause in my experience, my mom would give me more pocket money if she’s in a good mood. And I asked whether anyone I knew needed a tutor, so I could get some payment from this ‘part-time job’.

And after about 3 months, I finally got enough money to buy the smart phone I wanted, and I was on top of the world when I got it.


save = to keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy a particular thing例如:

I’m not very good at saving.

I’m saving for a new bike.

We’ve been saving up to go to Australia.

You should save a little each week.

I’ve saved almost £100 so far.

on the market = available for people to buy例如:

to put your house on the market

The house came on the market last year.

There are hundreds of different brands on the market.

get rid of somebody / something = to make yourself free of somebody / something that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw something away例如:

Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.

The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.

I can’t get rid of this headache.

We got rid of all the old furniture.

bulky = (of a thing) large and difficult to move or carry例如:

Bulky items will be collected separately.

distraction = a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking about例如:

I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.

be dying for something / to do something = (informal) to want something or want to do something very much例如:

I’m dying for a glass of water.

I’m dying to know what happened.

pocket money = allowance = a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually every week or every month

skip something = to not do something that you usually do or should do例如:

I often skip breakfast altogether.

She decided to skip class that afternoon.

figure out = discover

Oh, well done, Sherlock. Did you figure that out all by yourself?

on top of the world = very happy or proud, in a position of eminent success, happiness, or fame











作者: admin




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