英语学霸网 优选频道 雅思口语考试第二部分 策略一 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Strategy 1

雅思口语考试第二部分 策略一 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Strategy 1

Hi, my name is Kara. In today’s lesson we’re going to look at part 2 of the IELTS speaking section.

嗨,我叫卡拉。在今天的课程中,我们将探讨雅思考试口语考试的第 2 部分。

I’ll start by explaining what happens in part 2. Then later, we’ll look at one strategy for answering questions in part 2.

我将首先解释第二部分的内容。然后我们将学习回答第 2 部分题目的一种策略。

Ready? Let’s get started.


So in part 2, the IELTS speaking section, you’ll be given a question card, pen, and paper. Once you have the question card, you’ll have one minute to take notes and think about how you’re going to answer.

所以在雅思口语考试的第 2 部分,你会收到一张问题卡,笔和纸。一旦你拿到问题卡,你将有 1 分钟的时间做笔记并思考如何回答。

Then when that one minute is up, you’ll need to speak for two minutes straight. A lot of students actually consider part two to be the hardest part of the speaking test.


That’s because this part is not a dialogue. So you must be able to talk for two minutes all by yourself.


So having a strategy is really important. We’ll talk about that later.


First, let’s take a look of what a question card might look like. Here is a sample question card.


Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have. You should say what it is, how long you’ve used it, what you’ve used it for and describe why it’s important to you.


As you can see, you’ll be given a topic that the examiner will expect you to talk about and there are also bullet points included to help guide you.

To give you a few more examples, the question might ask you to describe someone who has had an important influence in your life, or a website you often use, an important decision you’ve made in your life, or a country you’d like to go to in the future.


These questions can be about almost anything. Luckily, there are some part two questions that we already know show up often on real IELTS exams.


So to score higher on part two, it’s definitely important to practice these questions. But don’t worry, you can find all 80 of these common test questions on our website at bestmytest. com/IELTS.

因此要在第二部分中获得更高的分数,练习这些问题肯定很重要。但是请放心,你可以在 bestmytest.com/IELTS上找到所有 80 个常见问题。

Feel free to check them out. Okay, now let’s get to the strategy part.


When you were given a question card, you’ll see there are bullet points provided for you. These bullet points can give you clues about what to talk about in your answer.


Technically speaking, you don’t have to stick to them if you have something else related to the question you want to talk about, but we recommend that you use them as much as possible to form your answer. So now that you’ve got these bullet points and you’ve got one minute to prepare, you’ll need to think about how you’re going to structure your response.

从技术上讲,如果你有这个问题的其它相关内容要说,就不必坚持说这些要点,但我们建议你尽可能多地使用它们来构思你的答案。既然你已经看到了这些要点,而且你有 1 分钟的准备时间,那么你需要思考你将如何组织回答。

Next, I’d like to teach you about the ways to structure your answers. Really there are two ways to do this.


And that’s because sometimes you might find one works better for you than the other. It all depends on what kinds of questions you end up getting on the test.


I recommend that you practice both of these ways and then decide which one works most naturally for you. In this lesson, I will talk about the first way.


In the first way, the structure of the response is divided into three parts. In the first part, you’ll give an introduction.


In the second part, you’ll include the main points and in the last part, we’ll talk about how you feel or what you might do in the future. With this structure, you can easily fill up the two minute time frame.


We’ll talk about just a simple introductory phrase like I’m going to talk about. . . Or I would like to talk about will work just fine.


For example, well, I have many pieces of electronic equipment at my house, but I’m going to talk about my laptop or I’d like to talk about my laptop. Or you can say something like, hmm, that is an interesting topic.


My first thought is. . . Or that’s a tough question for me, but. . .


Here are some more examples. Hmm, this is an interesting topic.


My first thought is that I find a lot of electronic equipment useful but I’m going to talk about the laptop I have. Hmm, that’s a tough question for me, but if I had to choose, I choose to talk about my laptop.


Okay, so the introduction usually takes up around 10 seconds. Then you’ll want to move on to talk about the main points.


The section covering the main points is the most difficult part. So make sure you listen up and pay attention.


Let’s discuss the most important part, the main points. When you decide what you want to talk about, the first thing you want to do is think about question words like who, what, where, when.


Then you could start coming up with basic responses to these questions. Let’s try this.


What? My laptop.


It is HP. It has good configuration.


Oh, and it’s Windows 8. When did I get it?

哦,它是 Windows 8 系统。我什么时候得到它的?

On Black Friday, a few years ago. Where did I get it?


I bought it from Best Buy. Who was there with me?

我从 Best Buy 那里买的。谁和我在一起?

My mom. It was a present from my mom.


As you can see, this information should take at least 15 to 20 seconds. Here is what I would say.

你可以看到,这些信息至少需要 15 到 20 秒。以下就是我要说的。

My laptop is manufactured by HP. This laptop has a good configuration and it supports most of the latest software.

我的笔记本电脑是 HP 制造的。这部电脑有很好的配置,而且它支持大多数的最新软件。

It came with Windows 8 operating system and a warranty for three years. I remember my mom bought it for me as a present.

它的操作系统是 Windows 8,而且有三年保修。我记得我的妈妈把它买给我作为礼物。

We bought it at Best Buy. I remember it was Black Friday, so the computers were on sale and we got a great discount.

我们是在 Best Buy 买的。我记得那是黑色星期五,所以电脑在打折,我们享受了很大的折扣。

Next you can start looking at the bullet points and then choose two of them to talk about. Again, you can write down a few ideas for each bullet point on the card.


For example, it might look like this. What I used it for?


I used it to study to take notes and I used it for entertainment to watch movies and listen to music. How long I have used it?


I’ve used it for one year. But I want to upgrade.


These are just some notes that help you remember what you need to talk about. The most important thing is to look at these notes and think about your life experiences as you talk.


It’ll make it easier for you to discuss the topic more naturally. Okay, now let me sho
雅思口语考试第二部分 策略一 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Strategy 1插图
w you how to introduce each bullet point.


What I usually recommend for students is to try using phrases like with regards to this, I’d say. . . or as for this, I’d say. . . to get started. For example, as for what I use it for, I’d say it is useful in virtually all aspects of my life, including studying and entertainment.


Or with regards to how long I have used it, well, I had my old laptop for over five years, but I finally decided to upgrade and bought my current one a year ago. Finally, you want to focus on questions that start with why.


There is usually a why question on the question card. In this case, the question is why is the laptop important to you?


Okay, let’s review how you can answer the main points part. First, consider the answers to who, what, where, or when questions.


Then spend time talking about two of the bullet points and finally, provide reasons explaining why you have an opinion. So that’s the main points part.


If up to this point you still have not used all two minutes of your time, you can extend your answer by talking about how do you feel overall and what you might like to do in the future in regards to the topic. Doing that should help you add another twenty seconds.

如果到目前为止你还没有用完整整两分钟的时间,你可以通过谈论你关于这个话题的总体感觉以及你将来想做什么来拓展答案。这样做应该可以帮助你再增加 20 秒。

You can always start with sentences like: Oh, overall I feel this way and in the future I think I will do this. All right, ready?


Let’s try a full answer. This is an interesting topic.


My first thought is that I find a lot of electronic equipment useful, but I will talk about the laptop I have. My laptop is manufactured by HP.


It has good configuration and it supports most of the latest software. It came with Windows 8 and a warranty for three years.

它有很好的配置,并且支持大多数最新的软件。它的系统是 Windows 8,保修三年。

I remember my mom bought it for me as a present. We got it at Best Buy.

我记得我妈妈把它买了当作礼物送给我。我们是在 Best Buy 买的。

I remember it was Black Friday, so the computers were on sale and we got a great discount. As for what I use it for, I’d say it is useful in virtually all aspects of my life, including studying and entertainment.


For instance, I used my laptop to take notes. I used to take notes by hand in high school, but it was extremely time-consuming.


Now with my laptop, I could type notes directly into a document. It’s just much easier and faster.


I also use my laptop for entertainment. For example, when I get home from school, I listen to music on my laptop.


On the weekends, I like watching my favorite TV shows on Netflix. If I didn’t have my laptop, I would have to use my phone to watch videos and I think the phone screen would be too small for me to really enjoy it.

在周末,我喜欢在 Netflix 上看我最喜欢的电视节目。如果没有我的笔记本电脑,我就不得不用我的手机看视频,而我认为手机屏幕太小了,无法很好地欣赏。

But regards to how long I’ve used it, well, I had my old laptop for over five years, but finally decided to upgrade and bought my current one a year ago. Finally, I want to talk about why the laptop is important to me.


As I said earlier, this laptop has become an essential piece of equipment for me in almost every aspect of my life. I used it to watch movies, listen to music and take notes.


I even use it to write a blog and play games occasionally. Overall, I feel I’m a bit emotionally attached to this laptop as it became a part of my life.


I think in the future I will continue to use it as long as I can. It’s really valuable to me.


Let’s try another question. This time it’ll be your turn to practice your answer.


Remember you have one minute to prepare and two minutes to talk. Go ahead and practice yourself.


I will come back in three minutes to give my answer. Here is the question.


Okay, how did you do? Let’s hear my answer.


This is an interesting topic. My first thought is that I got injured multiple times in my life, but today I’m going to talk about my experience of breaking my leg three and a half years ago.


Before I broke my leg, I had never been seriously injured before in my life. My leg injury was the result of a slightly embarrassing accident that happened while I was riding my bicycle and not paying close attention to where I was going.


I remember that I got a phone call, looked down at my phone and then I accidentally crashed into the curb next to me. That’s when I fell off my bike and landed directly on a hard bone in my leg near my ankle.


As for what happened next, I think it is kind of a blur to me now, but I recalled being in quite a bit of pain and feeling very helpless. Regarding how I handled it, I remember I called a friend to come pick me up and take me to the doctor right away.


Luckily, I didn’t need to go to work that day. When we arrived at the doctor’s office, my friend helped me walk into the office because I couldn’t walk at all.


Finally, the doctor took an x-ray and put my leg into a cast. I had to wear the cast for the next six weeks while my leg healed.


My friend helped me go to the doctor and drive me places. It was humiliating and painful, but at least I’m okay now.


Overall, I feel I was very lucky to have friends who helped me out as well as good medical care. No one wants to get in an accident, but my. . . in my opinion, I was actually very fortunate to have such great support in the situation.


Okay, that’s the end of today’s video. And remember practice makes perfect.


You can go to our website at bestmytest. com/IELTS to practice more IELTS part 2 speaking questions and to improve your speaking by listening to sample responses by native speakers. I hope you enjoyed this video.

你可以访问我们的网站 bestmytest. com/IELTS 来练习更多的雅思口语考试第二部分的问题,并通过听母语人士的范例回答来提升你的口语能力。我希望你喜欢这个视频。

Feel free to leave comments and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on social media for even more. In our next video, I’ll be talking about the second way to structure the IELTS speaking part two answer.

请随时发表评论,别忘了订阅我们的 YouTube 频道,并在社交媒体上关注我们获取更多内容。在下一个视频中,我将讨论第二种构思雅思口语第二部分回答的方法。

Thank you for watching and see you soon.


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