英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 雅思口语里的影视明星们


之前跟大家叨咕过好多次,雅思口语里面,明星绝对可以占好大一片天,除了明摆着考大家“体育明星”“演员”“歌手或者乐队”,还有很多话题都可以扔进去明星素材,比如feelsurprised to meet someone,a person who can do well in work,a person in the newsthat you’d like tomeet等等。下面给大家准备了几位影视明星,从生平和成就简单的介绍了一下子,大家根据喜好各取所需,整合到自己的答案里面吧:


The person I’d like to meet is Li Bingbing who’s a famous Chinese actor.The first time I knew about her is from a piece of news on TV. In the news shewas awarded the title of Asian Star of the Year by the Hollywood magazineVariety. Although she’s over 40, she still looks gorgeous. And she’s extremelytalented. That’s when I started to pay attention to her. And I followed herWeibo, which is like the Chinese version of Twitter, so that I can get herlatest news update.

She was born in a family of 2 kids and she’s never her parents’ favoritebecause her sister was the top student in the class and she was horrible at herstudy. But she’s gifted in other ways. Since she was a child, being an actor washer biggest passion. With her persistent hard work, she finally got accepted byShanghai Theatre Academy, one of the most renowned universities in China.

I can’t remember how many movies she starred in and which one of them madeher a household name. What impressed me the most is her acting in Transformers 4and Resident Evil. You know, playing a role in the Hollywood blockbuster is adream for most Chinese actors; even a character without any lines is hard toget. But she could play an important role in these movies, which proves the factthat she’s got great talent and the ability to seize the opportunity.

If I met her, I would express how much I admire her, and it would be betterif I could take a picture with her and get the autograph.


I’d like to talk
about Wang Baoqiang, a famous Chinese comic actor.

He doesn’t have a very decent appearance, I mean, he’s verticallychallenged, and he’s tan, which is not a charming skin tone in the eyes ofChinese people. Plus, he looks like a cartoon character, which sometimes makeshim hilarious, so he just has the magic power to make people laugh no matterwhat facial expressions he makes.

If I remember right, he learned martial arts at the age of 6, and I believethat’s why he’s not very tall, because from my experience, people who do martialarts tend to be short. So when he walks on the red carpet, he needs to wearelevator shoes, at least that’s what I’m told.

He started his acting career in an independent movie, but most peoplestarted to know him as a supporting actor in the movie A world without thieves,which left a deep impression on the audience and he became a hit overnight. Andlater, he stared in several other movies like Lost in Thailand, Lost on Journeywhich are both box-office hits.

He comes from humble roots, but he always had a dream to become a comicactor, because he thought bringing people joy and laughter is the mostmeaningful and rewarding job he could think of. With endless effort, he workedhis way up to the top of the show business. He has starred in many box-officehits, and each one is better than the last.


I’d like to talk about Rowan Atkinson, AKA, Mr. Bean.

When he was young, he was kind of funny looking, I mean, he looks OK withbig eyes and high-bridged nose, but his facial expressions were reallyhilarious.

People might think that as a comic actor, he must be outgoing andoptimistic, but few people know the fact that he once suffered from depressivedisorder. And another thing people might not hear of is that he graduated fromOxford University majoring in electromechanical engineering, which had nothingto do with acting. I was really impressed when I heard this. And I was told thathe was also a racer, which was unbelievable. I can’t imagine him sitting in therace car driving on the tracks. So I think his life is pretty interesting.

So I believe acting is in his blood, which is like a gift that makes himtruly special. He is highly respected in the UK. I remember he was invited tothe wedding ceremony of Prince William, and he performed in the opening ceremonyof London Olympic Games.

But sadly, these days, he’s kind of retired from the show business. We canhardly ever see him, but I’ll never forget the joy and laughter he broughtme.










作者: admin




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