英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 毕业工作后该如何学习高阶英语,有什么方法


大概是因为现在媒体传播越来越迅速,科技对大家的生活影响越来越显著了。很多外界的信息,最新的资讯大多以英文形式出现。所以现在人意识到毕业工作的重要性了。 很多人都觉得出了校门就不需要再接着学习英语了,直到有一天工作上需要了,才知道原来知识才是傍身的最佳技能。对于毕业工作后该如何学习高阶英语,给几点建议。



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对于自身基础委实英语基础很差的人士,如果自己控制力也不够强,还是选择上英语培训机构比较好。但是找靠谱的老师辅导,贵是肯定的。找机构吧,肯定贵,老师还不一定靠谱。我这里建议题主先从网络上找一些基础课的视频教程开始,既能省钱,有的甚至免费,又能学到知识,同时还能判断一下老师水平。设想一下,如果你花几万块钱去机构学,老师青涩的不行,还不如YouTube上免费的视频课听的有效果,那这钱就不值得这么花。很多人自学英语,总是会进入误区,因为觉得的资源很多, 各类材料充足,但是不知道自身错误点,语法结构也只是散乱无体系的。

For those who have a very low level of English based on their own basic English, it is better to choose an English training institution if they are not in control. Many people learn English by themselves. They always go into misunderstanding because they think that there are many resources for online learning English and all kinds of materials are sufficient. However, they do not know their own mistakes and their grammatical structures are scattered and non-systematic.


Familiar with the grammar, the word can be connected into the sentence, familiar with the sense of language, from a rigid word into a sentence, continue to be familiar with the word, and finally be able to find the feeling of language from rote. The results of my own evaluation, because after this month and did not continue to test once, so only their own evaluation, reading a lot of proficiency in the word and grammar also understand, the speed has greatly improved, so the basic can understand more than 80%. Listening will be swinging at 23 to keep up with a minimum of 18 points when not feeling. The words above, there are tens of thousands of words in cocoa English, there are already more than 5,000 vocabulary review progress is not too slow

很多人学习英语,大多时间花费在背诵单词上面,语法结构直接忽视,关于语法的问题,不是说了解就够了 ,因为学习英语需要系统的理论式展开。如果单纯只会翻译单词意思,看着中文翻译,一句一句的翻译成英文,但是文章整体的机构和意义会因为缺乏语法结构串联,显得不贴切,然后再和原文对照,这其中发现的东西,简直可以用惊讶来形容,比如发现了中文和英语的最大区别,英语是说谁谁就做主语,也就为什么他们会有各种被动语态,因为很多都是事情、事物做主语的。

Many people learn English, most of the time spent reciting words above, grammar structure directly ignored, on the grammar of the problem, not to say that understanding is enough, because learning English requires a systematic theory of expansion. If only simply translate the meaning of the word, but the overall organization and meaning of the article because of the lack of concatenation of grammatical structure, does not seem appropriate, and then compared with the original, which found in the things, Can be described as astonishment,for example, found the biggest difference between Chinese and English, English is that who is the subject of the subject, why they have a variety of passive voice, because many things, things are the subject。



作者: admin





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