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704接连更新,持续重视哦~中英双语阅览703:a perfect life 完满的人生中英双语阅览702:discovery 发现中英双语阅览701:a poet to his beloved 诗人致挚爱中英双语阅览700:烟火 fireworks中英双语阅览699:self-awareness 自我知道中英双语阅览698:rains 雨天中英双语阅览697:dream within a dream 梦中梦中英双语阅览696:virtue ?美德中英双语阅览695:a psalm of life 人生礼颂中英双语阅览694:a poison tree 一棵毒树中英双语阅览693:if i can stop one heart from breaken 假定我能使一颗心免于破碎中英双语阅览692:there is a spell in autumn early 初秋有一段独特的时节中英双语阅览691:nocturne 夜曲中英双语阅览690:there is another sky 总有另一片天中英双语阅览689:i wish you bad luck 我祝你意外并苦楚中英双语阅览688:i wish it would rain中英双语阅览687:why did i dream of you last night? 为何我昨晚梦见了你?中英双语阅览686:pray 恳求中英双语阅览685:a letter to our daughter 扎克伯格写给刚出世小女儿的信中英双语阅览684:we shall go on to the end 咱们将战争究竟中英双语阅览683:the song of wandering aengus 流浪者安古斯之歌中英双语阅览682:fight against time 和时刻敌对中英双语阅览681:ordinary road 普通之路中英双语阅览680:you are the person i should cherish most 你是我最应珍惜的人中英双语阅览679:you have only one life ?生命只需一次,做自个想做的梦中英双语阅览678:after a while you learn 不久你就会理解中英双语阅览677:believe 请信赖中英双语阅览676:i don’t learn to buy 我无法具有中英双语阅览675:i love my naked despair 我爱我一无保存的绝望中英双语阅览674:always 常常中英双语阅览673:be with people when you are sad 哀痛时不必独处中英双语阅览672:if i knew 假定我晓得中英双语阅览671:you never 你不曾中英双语阅览670:gardenia in blossom 栀子花开中英双语阅览669:look at me ?看着我中英双语阅览668:yesterday 昨日中英双语阅览667:innisfree 茵尼斯弗利岛中英双语阅览666:for one last time 最终一次中英双语阅览665:if you’re going to try, go all the way. ?孤注一掷中英双语阅览664:how long will i love you 对你的爱会持续多久中英双语阅览663:new york is 3 hours ahead of california ?纽约时刻比加州早3个小时中英双语阅览662:chengdu ?成都中英双语阅览661:you miss me中英双语阅览660:scotty 斯科特中英双语阅览659:in me, past, present, future meet ?于我,曩昔、如今和将来中英双语阅览658:stop all the clocks 葬礼蓝调中英双语阅览657:your laughter 你的欢笑中英双语阅览656:我将生命与光彩献给守夜人中英双语阅览655:bright star 亮堂的星中英双语阅览654:dear dove 鸽子中英双语阅览653:slow, slow tune 声声慢中英双语阅览652:gone too soon 转眼即逝中英双语阅览651:bridge over troubled water 忧虑河上的金桥中英双语阅览650:to my wife 给老婆中英双语阅览649:you become a conduit of light 你要变成自个的那道光中英双语阅览648:in front of the door 门前中英双语阅览647:the world is beautiful 世界是秀丽的中英双语阅览646:sigh no more 别再叹气了中英双语阅览645:love and friendship 恋爱和友谊中英双语阅览644:are you the one 你是那自个吗?中英双语阅览643:so we’ll go no more a-roving ?好吧 咱们不再一同周游中英双语阅览642:city of stars 星光之城中英双语阅览641:whispering steppes 细语咽咽的草原中英双语阅览640:life 论生射中英双语阅览639:you’re beautiful 秀丽的你中英双语阅览638:love 论恋爱中英双语阅览637:here i love you 我在这儿爱你中英双语阅览636:marry yourself 嫁给自个中英双语阅览635:young and beautiful 风华正茂中英双语阅览634:the last letter 兵士的最终一封信中英双语阅览633:when we two parted 你我分隔的时刻中英双语阅览632:to be whoever you want to be 变成你想变成的那自个中英双语阅览631:the secret of happiness 高兴的诀窍中英双语阅览630: catch the star 捉住命运的启明星中英双语阅览629:into the west 向西行去中英双语阅览628:voice of silence 幽静之声中英双语阅览627:be yourself 做你自个中英双语阅览626:to the valley below 去那溪谷的下流中英双语阅览625:that’s why you go away 那就是为何你选择分隔中英双语阅览624:children 论孩子中英双语阅览623:promise 承诺中英双语阅览622:you are a lover from today 从今日起你变成一名爱人中英双语阅览621:you say that you love rain 你说你喜爱雨中英双语阅览620:light a fire 焚烧中英双语阅览619:my love 我的爱中英双语阅览618:don’t cry ?不要啼哭中英双语阅览617:and if thou wilt, forget 诀别之歌中英双语阅览616:i have been here before 我曾来过这儿中英双语阅览615:the jar of love ?爱之瓶中英双语阅览614:walk on ?走中英双语阅览613:i love life ?爱日子中英双语阅览612:message ?留言中英双语阅览611:你要去信赖没有到不了的明日中英双语阅览610:we have lost even 咱们甚至丢掉了中英双语阅览609:let it be forgotten 忘掉它中英双语阅览608:give up love 甩手恋爱中英双语阅览607:but you didn’t ?可是你没有中英双语阅览606:she walks in beauty 伊人倩影中英双语阅览605:on a stair i stood 我站在楼梯上中英双语阅览604:loves all of you 爱上你的悉数中英双语阅览603:fragment 断章中英双语阅览602:be my valentine 我的情人节礼物中英双语阅览601:born as the bright summer flowers 生如夏花中英双语阅览600:hello it’s me 你好 是我啊中英双语阅览599:fortuitousness 偶尔中英双语阅览598:you know my heart 你懂我的心中英双语阅览597:the furthest distance in the world 世界上最悠远的间隔中英双语阅览596:homesick 乡愁中英双语阅览595:ode to the west wind 西风颂中英双语阅览594:if i were a boy again ?假定再回到年少中英双语阅览593:if i knew 假定我晓得中英双语阅览592:do something for yourself 做你自个中英双语阅览591:true nobility 真实的尊贵中英双语阅览590:add luster to your personality 让特性大放异彩中英双语阅览589:be whole in life 寻求人生的无缺中英双语阅览588:the wisdom of life 大才智中英双语阅览587:cherish every moment 珍惜每一刻中英双语阅览586:relish the moment 品尝如今中英双语阅览585:the art of living 日子的艺术中英双语阅览584:be grateful to life 感恩日子中英双语阅览583:people in your life 你日子中的我们中英双语阅览582:live in the present moment 日子在此时此时中英双语阅览581:rules of life 日子的原则中英双语阅览580:industry significance 勤劳的意义中英双语阅览579:life inspiring ?日子的启示中英双语阅览578:with tolerance ?宽恕之心中英双语阅览577:make the opportunity 创造机缘中英双语阅览576:love your life 酷爱日子中英双语阅览575:my father was my hero 我父亲是我的英豪中英双语阅览574:the woman in my life 赐予我生命的女人中英双语阅览573:words from the heart 最终的表达中英双语阅览572:the color of friendship ?友谊的颜色中英双语阅览571:that’s what friends do ?兄弟就该这么做中英双语阅览570:the key of a car 一把车钥匙中英双语阅览569:to the unknown teacher 致无名之师中英双语阅览568:the joy of living ?日子的快乐喜爱中英双语阅览567:we are on a journey 人生之旅中英双语阅览566:life is too short to be little 人生苦短休计较中英双语阅览565:the man and the opportunity 人与机缘中英双语阅览564:have faith in others 信赖别人中英双语阅览563:for the sake of other men 为别人而活中英双语阅览562:a key to happiness ?高兴之钥中英双语阅览561:the happy door ?翻开高兴之门中英双语阅览560:adcice to a young man ?给年青人的主张中英双语阅览559:we’re just beginning ?咱们正在起跑点中英双语阅览558:the joy of labor ?劳作之乐中英双语阅览557:a great friend ?一个巨大的兄弟中英双语阅览556:the unbearable lightness of being 生射中不能承受之轻中英双语阅览555:the road not taken ?没有走过的路中英双语阅览554:today is a new day 今日是新的一天中英双语阅览553:feed your mind ?充分你的思维中英双语阅览552:阻挡你寻找愿望的十大鬼话中英双语阅览551:england’s bar customs ?英国人的酒吧礼仪中英双语阅览550:babylon hanging garden ? 巴比伦空间中花园中英双语阅览549:the nile ?尼罗河中英双语阅览548:the warmth in winter ?冬日的温暖中英双语阅览547:the first snow 初雪中英双语阅览546:compassion ? 怜惜之心中英双语阅览545:a lesson of life ?日子的一课中英双语阅览544:leisure time ?空闲时刻中英双语阅览543:the gettysburg address ?葛底斯堡的讲演中英双语阅览542:companionship of books ?以书为伴中英双语阅览541:if i rest, i rust ?假定我歇息,我就会生锈中英双语阅览540:in life we are happiest when… 日子中,咱们最夸姣时……中英双语阅览539:the world as i see it ?我的世界观中英双语阅览538:never want too long ?莫待花谢时中英双语阅览537:love is the best legacy ?最佳的遗产是爱中英双语阅览536:the unbearable lightness of being ?生射中不能承受之轻中英双语阅览535:what i have lived for 我为啥活着中英双语阅览534:two roads ?两条路中英双语阅览533:the more loving one ?让咱们变成更有爱心的人中英双语阅览532:have faith and expect the best ?胸怀崇奉并寻求完满中英双语阅览531:freedom ?珍惜安适中英双语阅览530:dream-a passion within you ?愿望-你心中永久的热情中英双语阅览529:today, i choose… 今日,我选择……中英双语阅览528:slow dance ?怠慢你的舞步中英双语阅览527:the value of time 时刻的价值中英双语阅览526:rock me to sleep ?摇篮曲中英双语阅览525:life story ?日子的故事中英双语阅览524:do not stand at my grave and weep ?请不要在我坟前啼哭中英双语阅览523:never give up hope ?永不扔掉期望中英双语阅览522:releasing the past ?往事如烟中英双语阅览521:always be… ?常常…..中英双语阅览520:be free ?安适人生中英双语阅览519:love what you do, do what you love ?爱你所做,做你所爱中英双语阅览518:loving yourself unconditionally ?专心一意爱自个中英双语阅览517:a morning wish ?在清晨许个愿中英双语阅览516:why i love you ?我之所以爱你中英双语阅览515:make room for happiness ?为高兴腾点空间中英双语阅览514:love at first sight ?一见钟情中英双语阅览513:sonnet 116 十四行诗116中英双语阅览512:莎士比亚 sonnet 18 十四行诗18中英双语阅览511:an october sunrise 十月的日出中英双语阅览510:life story 日子的故事中英双语阅览509:i love thee 我喜爱你中英双语阅览508:《春江花月夜》愿逐月华流照君……中英双语阅览507:desiderata 心之所向中英双语阅览506:to the virgins, to make much of time ?致少女,珍惜韶光中英双语阅览505:i’m imperfect, but i’m perfectly me ?我不完满,但很无缺中英双语阅览504:the significance of failure ?失利的意义中英双语阅览503:when i have fears ?每当我惧怕中英双语阅览502:what is success ?成功的内在中英双语阅览501:virtue ?美德中英双语阅览500:life is a journey ?人生如旅中英双语阅览499:if ?假定中英双语阅览498:i loved you ?我早年爱过你中英双语阅览497:the best mother 最好的母亲中英双语阅览496:the lost mistress ?失掉的恋人中英双语阅览495:a child’s angel 孩子的关照天使中英双语阅览494:when love beckons you 爱的呼唤中英双语阅览493:as we rush ?向前中英双语阅览492:answers ?答复中英双语阅览491:a lane in the rain ?雨巷中英双语阅览490:i wandered lonely as a cloud 我似流云天自游中英双语阅览489:goodbye again, cambridge ?再别康桥中英双语阅览488:life is a game 日子是一场游戏中英双语阅览487:journey to the bottoms of the pacific ocean 到和平洋底的旅行中英双语阅览486:how the moon was kind to her mother 月亮对母亲的爱中英双语阅览485:adopt positive thinking into every day 活泼看待每一天中英双语阅览484:work 作业中英双语阅览483:you know my heart ?你晓得我的心中英双语阅览482:the furthest distance in the world ?世界上最悠远的间隔中英双语阅览481:believe in the future ?信赖将来中英双语阅览480:facing the sea with spring blossoms ?面朝大海,春暖花开中英双语阅览479:friend 兄弟中英双语阅览478:abundance is a life style 充足的日子方法中英双语阅览477:the beautiful lady yu 虞佳人中英双语阅览476:books 书本中英双语阅览475:on his blindness 哀失明中英双语阅览474:a story on an island 孤岛上的故事中英双语阅览473:put the glass down 放下手中的杯子中英双语阅览472:how to find true love 如何发现真爱中英双语阅览471:a perfect heart 完满的心中英双语阅览470:black charcoal, white shirt 黑木炭,白衬衣中英双语阅览469:the warmth of a glass of milk —杯牛奶的温暖中英双语阅览468:the rainy day 雨天中英双语阅览467:autumn 秋中英双语阅览466:hamlet 哈姆雷特中英双语阅览465:random thoughts 随感录中英双语阅览464:life is what we make it 日子靠咱们自个创造中英双语阅览463:a moment of joy 顷刻的欢喜中英双语阅览462:sadness of august 8月的忧伤中英双语阅览461:random thoughts 随感录中英双语阅览460:life is like a coffee 日子是杯咖啡中英双语阅览459:every day is a gift 每一天都是特别的日子中英双语阅览458:we are on a journey 人在旅途中英双语阅览457:address at gettysburg 葛提斯堡演说中英双语阅览456:a true instinct for the beautiful 让爱漂亮的天资常在中英双语阅览455:balance of nature 天然平衡中英双语阅览454:a man’s a man for a’ that 人老是人,不管那悉数中英双语阅览453:i remember, i remember 我记住,我记住中英双语阅览452:to spring 寄给春天的诗中英双语阅览451:too dear for the whistle 因小失大中英双语阅览450:carry on! 坚持中英双语阅览449:the value of time 时刻的价值中英双语阅览448:sorrows of the millionaire 百万财主的沉痛中英双语阅览447:a curious decision 夸姣的载决中英双语阅览446:animal and machine 动物与机器中英双语阅览445:happy life at a tavern 小客栈的快乐喜爱中英双语阅览444:a psalm of life 人生颂中英双语阅览443:night in the open world 露天世界的夜晚中英双语阅览442:the flight of youth 芳华的飞逝中英双语阅览441:an hour before sunrise 日出前的一小时中英双语阅览440:reading good books 阅览好书中英双语阅览439:beautiful smile and love 秀丽的浅笑与爱心中英双语阅览438:freedom 安适中英双语阅览437:serenity 恬静中英双语阅览436:success is on the other side 成功就在对面中英双语阅览435:nature 天然中英双语阅览434:the value of time 时刻的价值中英双语阅览433:the choice of companion 选择兄弟中英双语阅览432:application and perseverance 实习与坚持中英双语阅览431:the love of beauty 爱漂亮中英双语阅览430:human life a poem 人生如诗中英双语阅览429:be happy 高兴中英双语阅览428:companionship of books 以书为伴中英双语阅览427:the goodness of life 生命的夸姣中英双语阅览426:what i have lived for 我为何而生中英双语阅览425:three days to see 假定给我三天光亮中英双语阅览424:what will matter?啥才重要?中英双语阅览423:look around you 看看你周围中英双语阅览422:louder than anything you can say 行胜于言中英双语阅览421:life struggle 生命的斗争中英双语阅览420:shining light dark corners 照亮漆黑角落的光辉中英双语阅览419:sure you can 信赖自个中英双语阅览418:summon up courage 鼓起勇气中英双语阅览417:hope is the thing with feathers 期望是长着羽翼的东西中英双语阅览416:catch of a lifetime 终身的收成中英双语阅览415:if were a boy again 假定再回到年少中英双语阅览414:the wisdom of life 人生大才智中英双语阅览413:we are on a journey 咱们在旅途中中英双语阅览412:do something for yourself 做你自个中英双语阅览411:life inspiring 日子的启示中英双语阅览410:with tolerance 宽恕之心中英双语阅览409:make the opportunity 创造机缘中英双语阅览408:words from the heart 最终的表达中英双语阅览407:appointment with love 爱的约会中英双语阅览406:love is just a thread 爱如丝线中英双语阅览405:with one small gesture 不经意间的行为中英双语阅览404:what is love? 爱是啥中英双语阅览403:that’s what friends do 兄弟就该这么做中英双语阅览402:a fib 小小的鬼话中英双语阅览401:a box full of kisses 装满吻的盒子中英双语阅览400:be whole in life 寻求人生的无缺中英双语阅览399:我惧怕你说,你喜爱我中英双语阅览398:假定有一天你想哭中英双语阅览397:美国最火绘本《有一天》中英双语阅览396:朱自清《仓促》transient days中英双语阅览395:the rainy day 雨天中英双语阅览394:the life i desired 我所寻求的日子中英双语阅览393:find the beauty around you 发现身边的美中英双语阅览392:because of his love 因爱之名中英双语阅览391:waiting for love 爱的等候中英双语阅览390:in life we are happiest when… 日子中,咱们最夸姣时中英双语阅览389:born to win 天然生成贏家中英双语阅览388:the strenuous life 艰苦的人生中英双语阅览387:of studies 谈读书中英双语阅览386:the lover and the beloved 施爱者和被爱者中英双语阅览385:the pleasure of reading 读书之乐中英双语阅览384:the art of living 日子的艺术中英双语阅览383:true and false simplicity 真实的质朴与虚伪的质朴中英双语阅览382:a leap in thought 思维的腾跃中英双语阅览381:the life i desired 我所寻求的日子中英双语阅览380:these things shall never die 这些夸姣不会消逝中英双语阅览379:one true love 真实的爱中英双语阅览378:blood, toil, sweet and tears 热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪中英双语阅览377:keep your goals in sight 莫让方针太悠远中英双语阅览376:develop your own helping rituals 伸出你的友善之手中英双语阅览375:the world as i see it 我的世界观中英双语阅览374:love at first sight 一见钟情中英双语阅览373:the happy door 高兴之门中英双语阅览372:success is a choice 成功是一种选择中英双语阅览371:love your life 酷爱日子中英双语阅览370:you are what you do 你是你的所为中英双语阅览369:a psalm of life 人生礼赞中英双语阅览368:life is a game 日子是一场游戏中英双语阅览367:the man and the opportunity 人与机缘中英双语阅览366:eyes can speak 双眼会说话中英双语阅览365:on lying 论扯谎中英双语阅览364:to 给中英双语阅览363:perseverance 持之以恒中英双语阅览362:success is a choice ?成功是一种选择中英双语阅览361:clear your mental space 收拾心灵的空间中英双语阅览360:when you are old ? 当你老了中英双语阅览359:the orange 桔子liberty is order 安适就是次序(中英双语阅览358)love 爱(中英双语阅览357)april days 四月的日子(中英双语阅览356)中英双语阅览355 | ambition 志向中英双语阅览354 | true nobility 真实的尊贵中英双语阅览353 | a better tomorrow 一个非常好的明日中英双语阅览352 | be an optimist 做一个旷达者中英双语阅览351 | confidence is built, not inborn 决心并非生而有之中英双语阅览350 | learn to live in the present moment 学会活在当下中英双语阅览349 | shadow 影子中英双语阅览348 | i dreamed a dream 我曾有梦中英双语阅览347 | you are awesome 你是杰出的中英双语阅览346 | the story of life 日子的故事中英双语阅览345 | the smile 浅笑中英双语阅览344 | home 家中英双语阅览343 | a pair of precious hands 名贵的双手中英双语阅览342 | poverty and richness 贫穷与赋有中英双语阅览341 | friendship is your psyche’s guard 友谊是魂灵的卫士中英双语阅览340 | cherish as going 且行且珍惜中英双语阅览339 | a perfect heart 完满的心中英双语阅览338 | life is all about choices 日子充溢选择中英双语阅览337 | four seasons of life 人生四季中英双语阅览336 | all you remember 你所记住的悉数中英双语阅览335 | love and time 爱和时刻中英双语阅览334 | our love is simple as a song 咱们的爱简略如歌中英双语阅览333 | stop comparing and being your best 中止比照,做最佳的自个中英双语阅览332 | a successful relationship 成功的豪情中英双语阅览331 | when we two parted 咱们俩别离时中英双语阅览330 | relish the moment 拥抱此不韶光中英双语阅览329 | adopt positive thinking into every day 活泼看待每一天中英双语阅览328 | life is what we make it 日子靠咱们自个创造中英双语阅览327 | every day is a gift 每一天都是特别的日子中英双语阅览326 | what’s love? 啥是爱?中英双语阅览325 | we are on a journey 人在旅途中英双语阅览324 | life is to be whole 人生在于无缺中英双语阅览323 | a blooming tree 一棵开花的树中英双语阅览322 | the pride of youth 芳华的骄傲中英双语阅览321 | sun of the sleepless 失眠人的太阳中英双语阅览320 | dream and poetry 梦与诗中英双语阅览319 | 被子的大地《the land of counterpane》中英双语阅览318 | allan taylor《scotty》中英双语阅览317 | 沃尔特·惠特曼《啊,船长!我的船长!》中英双语阅览316 | 莎翁《sonnet 130》朗读者:抖森中英双语阅览315 | 人生誓词 this is your life中英双语阅览314 | don’t go far off ?不要脱离我中英双语阅览313 | i love this land 我爱这土地中英双语阅览312 | yet do i marvel 可是我感到惊奇中英双语阅览311 | song of wisdom 才智之歌中英双语阅览310 | be happy 活得高兴中英双语阅览309 | the road not taken 未选择的路中英双语阅览308 | you know my heart 你晓得我的心中英双语阅览307 | solitude 独处中英双语阅览306 | old black joe 老黑乔中英双语阅览305 | facing the enemies within 直面内在的敌人中英双语阅览304 | giving life meaning 给生命以意义中英双语阅览303 | wild fire 野火中英双语阅览301 | if i rest, i rust 假定我歇息,我就会生锈中英双语阅览300 | down by the salley gardens 来到柳园中英双语阅览299 | the river-merchant’s wife: a letter中英双语阅览298 | when her love beckons you 当爱向你挥手中英双语阅览297 | courage 勇气中英双语阅览296 | the more loving one 让咱们变成更有爱心的人中英双语阅览295 | if i were a boy again 假定我又回到了年少中英双语阅览294 | genius at work 天才在作业中英双语阅览293 | genius at work 天才在作业中英双语阅览292 | three days to see 假定具有三天光亮中英双语阅览291 | the old man and the sea 老人与海

中英双语阅览290 | 沁园春·雪 snow adopted after ?the tune of chin yuan chun

中英双语阅览289 | night

中英双语阅览288 | i wandered lonely as a cloud

中英双语阅览287 | love at first sight 一见钟情

中英双语阅览286 | you know my heart 你晓得我的心

中英双语阅览285 | spring beauties 春之美神

中英双语阅览284 | 这颗心对你的景仰之情

中英双语阅览283 | right here waiting 此情可待

中英双语阅览282 | 致自个的一份信

中英双语阅览281 | 有了你,我的日子就有了光中英双语阅览280 | 日子之中不要等

中英双语阅览279 | 你就是这么毁了你的人生

中英双语阅览278 | 为了爱你,我将和时刻敌对(莎士比亚)

中英双语阅览277 | 你的安适别人无法夺走

中英双语阅览276 | if you forget me 假定你忘了我

中英双语阅览275 | since there’s no hope 已然缘分已尽

中英双语阅览274 | 不要爱上像我这样的人

中英双语阅览273 | 李清照《声声慢》slow, slow tune

中英双语阅览272 | 仓央嘉措:最佳不相见

中英双语阅览271 | i believe我信赖

中英双语阅览270 | an empty dream 梦一场中英双语阅览269 | 我喜爱你不是因为你的姿势, 而是因为和你在一一起我的姿势中英双语阅览268 | 当你扔掉探究,人生就结束了

中英双语阅览267 | once for a whole day 那一天(仓央嘉措)

中英双语阅览266 | i like for you to be still 我喜爱你静静的中英双语阅览265 | if i knew 假定我晓得

中英双语阅览264 | loneliness 孑立中英双语阅览263 | down by the salley gardens 相遇在莎园中英双语阅览262 | back home ?回家中英双语阅览261 |
dover beach ?多佛海滩中英双语阅览260 | to his coy mistress 致羞怯的情人中英双语阅览259 | an ingenious love letter ?一封绝妙的情书

中英双语阅览258 | 李白《长干行》

中英双语阅览257 | let her go 甩手恋爱

中英双语阅览256 | the furthest distance in the world 世界上最悠远的间隔

中英双语阅览255 | on children 论孩子

中英双语阅览254 | ?homesick 乡愁

中英双语阅览253 | ?hello 你好吗?

中英双语阅览252 | ?facing the sea with spring blossoms 面朝大海,春暖花开

中英双语阅览251 | ?愿得一人心 白首不别离

中英双语阅览250 | a tree in bloom 一棵开花的树

中英双语阅览249 | ?生射中不值得咱们去做的30件事

中英双语阅览248 | ?9位名人美到极致的语句

中英双语阅览248 | ?love me little, love me long 爱我少一点,爱我久一点

中英双语阅览247 | ?舒婷《致橡树》 to the oak tree

中英双语阅览246 | ?顾城最经典的一首小诗《门前》

中英双语阅览245 | ?戴望舒《雨巷》(附音频)

中英双语阅览244 | ?the nails and the fence 钉子和篱笆(附音频)

中英双语阅览243 | ?i like for you to be still ?我喜爱你是幽静的(附音频)

中英双语阅览242 | 朱自清《仓促》(含音频)

中英双语阅览241 | be yourself, never give up 坚持自我,永不扔掉中英双语阅览240 | a story

239.?中英双语阅览239 | 马克?吐温给年青人的主张mark twain is advice to youth(附音频)

中英双语阅览238 | ?if i …… 假定我……(附音频)

中英双语阅览237 | ?love your mother 爱你的母亲(附音频)中英双语阅览236 | ?if 假定(附音频)中英双语阅览235 | ?the wholeness of life 人生的无缺中英双语阅览234 | ?give yourself a relaxing day 给自个放松(含音频)中英双语阅览233 | ?big rocks 人生的大石头(含音频)中英双语阅览232 | ?success in life 成功(含音频)中英双语阅览231 | ?live like it’s heaven>230.?中英双语阅览230 | ?长大了有啥优点?中英双语阅览229 | ?express your love 表达你的爱(含音频)中英双语阅览228 | ?you are special 你是异乎寻常的(含音频)中英双语阅览227 | ?spare no efforts in doing things 凡事都须竭尽全力(附音频)中英双语阅览226 | how to be true to yourself 怎样做个表里如一的人(附音频)中英双语阅览225 | 你要变成自个的那道光中英双语阅览224 | 你尽力变好,并不是为了配得上谁中英双语阅览223 | think it over 好好想想(附音频)中英双语阅览222 | love after love 爱复爱(附音频)中英双语阅览221 | so much to learn 学无止境(附音频)中英双语阅览220 | 莎士比亚 sonnet 130 ?第十四行诗130(附音频)中英双语阅览219 | bright star ?亮堂的星(附音频)中英双语阅览218 | ?when the wind blows 当风吹起的时分中英双语阅览217 | the passionate shepherd to his love ?牧羊恋歌(附音频)中英双语阅览216 | words to life 请记住日子告诉你的悉数(附音频)中英双语阅览215 | 活成自个想要的姿势(附音频)中英双语阅览214 | the list of 10 harsh truths 生长中10个严格的实际中英双语阅览213 | what do women really want? 女人最想要的是啥?中英双语阅览212 | 宁可孑立,也不迁就中英双语阅览211 | distance 远方中英双语阅览210 | how strong are you? 你有多健壮?中英双语阅览209 | 假定你可以选择 if you could choose中英双语阅览208 | 13句史上最美丽的英文语句(附音频)中英双语阅览207 | 13句史上最美丽的英文语句中英双语阅览206 | 刘亦菲朗读《无声胜有声》中英双语阅览205 | 在最美的时分你遇见了谁中英双语阅览204 | this is your life 这是你自个的人生中英双语阅览203 | story of life 生命的故事(附音频)中英双语阅览202 | life story 日子的故事(附音频)中英双语阅览201 | these things shall never die 这些夸姣不会消逝(附音频)中英双语阅览200 | a pair of precious hands 宝贵的双手(附音频)中英双语阅览199 | love and friendship 恋爱和友谊(附音频)中英双语阅览198 | life is a gift 享受日子(附音频)中英双语阅览197 | love and time 恋爱与时刻(附音频)中英双语阅览196 | 假定有一天你想哭(附音频)中英双语阅览195 | stray birds《飞鸟集》 泰戈尔(附音频)中英双语阅览194 | salty coffee 咸咖啡(附音频)中英双语阅览193 | four wives in our lives 生射中的四位爱人(附音频)中英双语阅览192 | a carpenter’s story(附音频)中英双语阅览191 | self-awareness 自我知道(附音频)中英双语阅览190 | the cobbler and the banker 皮匠和银行家(附音频)中英双语阅览189 | the river-merchant’s wife: a letter 长干行(附音频)中英双语阅览188 | the rainy day 雨天(附音频)中英双语阅览187 | think it over 好好想想(附音频)中英双语阅览186 | these things shall never die 这些夸姣不会消逝(附音频)中英双语阅览185 | love your life 酷爱日子(附音频)中英双语阅览184 | don‘t look back 离别曩昔(附音频)中英双语阅览183 | 合适步崆最佳的(附音频)中英双语阅览182 | 你生而无缺(附音频)中英双语阅览181 | never stop dreaming(附音频)中英双语阅览180 | opportunity(附音频)中英双语阅览179 | a carpenter’s story(附音频)中英双语阅览178 | the joys of writing(附音频)中英双语阅览177 | just for today(附音频)中英双语阅览176 | a summer day(附音频)中英双语阅览175 | 林徽因《你是人世的四月天》英文版(附音频)中英双语阅览174 | as i walked out>173.?中英双语阅览173 | dover beach(附音频)中英双语阅览172 | from the princess(附音频)中英双语阅览171 | when you are old(附音频)中英双语阅览170 | funeral blues(附音频)中英双语阅览169 | life story(附音频)中英双语阅览168 | the flea(附音频)中英双语阅览167 | youth(附音频)中英双语阅览166 | the flight of youth(附音频)中英双语阅览165 | happiness is an inward thing(附音频)中英双语阅览164 | the coffee place (附音频)中英双语阅览163 | love and like(附音频)中英双语阅览162 | you have>161.?中英双语阅览161 | successful english learning(附音频)中英双语阅览160 | a forever friend(附音频)中英双语阅览159 | in search of lost time(附音频)中英双语阅览158 | life is like a coffee(附音频)中英双语阅览157 | true love(附音频)中英双语阅览156 | every woman is a treasure(附音频)中英双语阅览155 | song of the flower(附音频)中英双语阅览154 | five balls of life(附音频)中英双语阅览153 | every woman is beautiful(附音频)中英双语阅览152 | the love of beauty(附音频)中英双语阅览151 | left behind(附音频)中英双语阅览150 | the year of wandering(附音频)中英双语阅览149 | spring and fall(附音频)中英双语阅览148 | treasure starfish(附音频)中英双语阅览147 | look around you(附音频)中英双语阅览146 | the secret of happiness(附音频)中英双语阅览145 | happiness is a journey(附音频)中英双语阅览144 | i remember, i remember(附音频)中英双语阅览143 | love your mother(附音频)中英双语阅览142 | keep your goals in sight(附音频)中英双语阅览141 | napoleon to josephine(附音频)中英双语阅览140 | learn to live in the present moment(附音频)中英双语阅览139 | good mistakes(附音频)中英双语阅览138 | left behind(附音频)中英双语阅览137 | ?true and false simplicity(附音频)中英双语阅览136 | ?world of smiles(附音频)中英双语阅览135 | all the good things(附音频)中英双语阅览134 | ?what i have lived for(附音频)中英双语阅览133 | ?there is a lady sweet and kind(附音频)中英双语阅览132 | 假定给我三天光亮 three days to see(附音频)中英双语阅览131 | ?英文诗 《solitude》 孑立(附音频)中英双语阅览130 | 抖森:the passionate shepherd to his love (附音频)中英双语阅览129 | ?约翰尼 · 德普朗读(附音频)中英双语阅览128 | ?莎士比亚最有名的《十四行诗》sonnet 18(附音频)中英双语阅览127 | ?仓央嘉措《那一刻》(附音频)中英双语阅览126 | ?with>125.?中英双语阅览125 | ?appointment with love(附音频)中英双语阅览124 | ?life inspiring(附音频)中英双语阅览123 | ?follow your dream(附音频)中英双语阅览122 | never too late to become what you want to be中英双语阅览121 | dream and poetry(附音频)中英双语阅览120 | life struggle(附音频)中英双语阅览119 | playing a violin with three strings(附音频)中英双语阅览118 | a special letter(附音频)中英双语阅览117 | dream and poetry(附音频)中英双语阅览116 | the pride of youth(附音频)中英双语阅览115 | life is to be whole(附音频)中英双语阅览114 | adopt positive thinking into every day(附音频)中英双语阅览113 | our love is simple as a song(附音频)中英双语阅览112 | words to live by(附音频)中英双语阅览111 | love and time(附音频)中英双语阅览110 | you are awesome(附音频)中英双语阅览109 | poverty and richness(附音频)中英双语阅览108 | confidence is built, not inborn(附音频)中英双语阅览107 | true nobility(附音频)中英双语阅览106 | perseverance(附音频)中英双语阅览105 | a friend is a friend forever(附音频)中英双语阅览104 | these things shall never die(附音频)中英双语阅览103 | keep your goals in sight(附音频)中英双语阅览102 | develop your own helping rituals(附音频)中英双语阅览101 | in life we are happiest when…(附音频)中英双语阅览100 | one true love(附音频)中英双语阅览99 | liberty is order(附音频)中英双语阅览98 | born to win(附音频)中英双语阅览97 | we were dear to each other(附音频)中英双语阅览96 | the strenuous life(附音频)中英双语阅览95 | success is a choice(附音频)中英双语阅览94 | dig a little deeper(附音频)中英双语阅览93 | you are what you do(附音频)中英双语阅览92 | clear your mental space(附音频)中英双语阅览91 | you are what you do(附音频)中英双语阅览90 | as i grew older(附音频)中英双语阅览89 | when you are old(附音频)中英双语阅览88 | solitude《孑立》(附音频)中英双语阅览87 | the smile(附音频)中英双语阅览86 | 艾玛·沃森读英文诗《the orange 》桔子(附音频)中英双语阅览85 | 永久关照着自个的天使(附音频)中英双语阅览84 | someday(附音频)中英双语阅览83 | ?frankness(附音频)中英双语阅览82 | 泰戈尔《我一无所求》(附音频)中英双语阅览81 | 冰心的经典译作《i have》(附音频)中英双语阅览80 | how to grow old(附音频)中英双语阅览79 | 我喜爱你,不只是因为你的姿势(附音频)中英双语阅览78 | 人生的回音(附音频)中英双语阅览77 | the road not taken(附音频)中英双语阅览76 | 你就是这样毁了你自个的中英双语阅览75 | 如今,你是我的中英双语阅览74 | 日子的艺术中英双语阅览73 | 世界上最悠远的间隔中英双语阅览72 | 孑立 ,献给正在尽力的你!中英双语阅览71 | 舒婷《致橡树》中英双语阅览70 | 奥黛丽·赫本经典名言,句句发人沉思!中英双语阅览69 | 11句话告诉你如何变成一个心里健壮的人中英双语阅览68| 论一般人和富豪的5大差异中英双语阅览67 | 10招让你在异性前更有魅力中英双语阅览66 | 《违法心思》第一季名人名言精选中英双语阅览65 | 咱们为啥接吻?中英双语阅览64 | 怎样应对难缠的老板中英双语阅览63 | 十二生肖中为啥没有猫中英双语阅览62 | 恋爱,你预备好了吗中英双语阅览61 | 生长进程中没有人会告诉你的20件事中英双语阅览60 | 必不可以少的电梯礼仪中英双语阅览59 | 改动日子情绪的五种办法中英双语阅览58 | 我的老友记中英双语阅览57?|?德国0:2打败无缘16强中英双语美文56 | 像戒烟那样改掉手机瘾中英双语美文55 | 为啥你会独身中英双语美文54 | 不开心就要说出来中英双语美文53 | 《再别康桥》英文朗读中英双语美文52 | 让将来的你谢谢如今尽力的自个中英双语美文51 | 有时分人生更需要耐性中英双语美文50 | 最终一天中英双语美文49 | 沙子与石头中英双语美文48 | 我跟自个有个约会中英双语美文47 | 陪你从a走到z中英双语美文46 | 教育好自个的孩子,是你最重要的作业中英双语美文45 | 拥抱日子,从此时初步!中英双语美文44 | 悉数都只是刚初步中英双语美文43 | 假定跨不出第一步,愿望终归是愿望中英双语美文42 | 咱们在旅途中中英双语美文41 | 10件事,让人生变得夸姣!中英双语美文40 | 或许你没知道到,其实你很狂妄中英双语美文39 | 有种旅行叫做人生中英双语美文38 | 5个年迈之年才理解的道理中英双语美文37 | 日子的艺术(the art of living)中英双语美文36 | 少了你,我只是一个空荡荡的躯壳中英双语美文35 | 最美的情书中英双语美文34 | 每个女人都大约记住的10句名言中英双语美文33 | 为啥你一向感触意外福?中英双语美文32 | 你不前进,再好的年代也与你无关中英双语美文31 | 终身获益的9种自我前进法中英双语美文30 | 当我老了(the day you see me old)中英双语美文29 | 父母之间的恋爱中英双语美文28 | 你可以选择自个想过的日子中英双语美文27 | 不开心人的7个坏习气中英双语美文26 | 在25岁写给50岁的我中英双语美文25 | 三毛最美的九句话,道尽了人生中英双语美文24 | 有些事老是太晚才理解中英双语美文23 | 愿咱们都能从心启航,活出自个的秀丽人生!中英双语美文22 | 多1℃的恋爱中英双语美文21 | 我想改动世界中英双语美文20 | 年青时最大约理解的五件事中英双语美文19 | 要用一辈子的时刻去忘掉你中英双语美文18 | 放下手机,抬起头来中英双语美文17 | 无言的父爱中英双语美文16 | 家是我奔波的意义(白岩松)中英双语美文15 | 在最美的时分你遇见了谁?中英双语美文14 | 变成最佳的自个中英双语美文13 | 现已失掉的,留作回想中英双语美文12 | 你是怎样的人 就配具有怎样的恋爱中英双语美文11 | 为母亲恳求中英双语美文10 | 雨中的回想中英双语美文9 | 看不见的笑脸中英双语美文8 | 如何变成一个自傲的人?中英双语美文7 | 鱼和水的故事中英双语美文 | 拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书中英双语美文5 | 假定爱一自个,就可认为了他做一辈子哑巴中英双语美文4 | 奥巴马给女儿的一封家书中英双语美文3 | 读书与不读书的人不一样中英双语美文2 | 没有过不去的坎中英双语美文 | friends 兄弟英语学习是一个绵长且需要坚持的进程,英语口语的前进也是需要不断的堆集和操练,期望可以和我们一同尽力,加油吧~















作者: admin







在线咨询: QQ交谈

邮箱: email@wangzhan.com



