本场六级口语考试话题中两人讨论部分的考试话题是“ it is wise to to ”。你每月的生活费够花吗英语口语零基础费用英语口语零基础费用,有没有从信用卡、支付宝里借钱消费呀?这个话题蛮贴近生活,应该有很多话可以聊。下面给出了一个对话范本,供大家参考。
A: Do you use any card in life?
B: I own one card by Bank, I use it.
A: Why is that?
B: I don’t it is wise to to . You pay you need by card, you from the bank. And that is not to you any . You use the from the bank, you need to pay back the more than you . And if you fail to the debt on time, your be and that bad on your life.
A: I with you. We stay of and . are the idea of “ life ”, we be to into the —.
B: , we need to our and stay away from debt as far as .
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本文链接: 2019年5月英语六级口语考试真题:生活费够花吗