英语学霸网 成人英语 2019年6月英语六级阅读理解真题及答案-卷一(新东方在线)














46 to 50 are on the

has that the of (AI) will be “ the best, or the , ever to to ”, and the of an to the of as “ to the of our and our .”

was at the of the for the of (LCFI) at , a – that will to some of the open- by the pace of in AI . “We a deal of time ,” said, “, let’s face it, is the of . So it’s a that are the of .”

the – has been AI, that be the of its own if it a – with a will of its own, he was also to the that AI can . “The of are huge,” he said. “We what we when our own are by AI. with the of this new , we will be able to undo some of the done to the by the last one – . And we will aim to and . And of our will be . In , in AI be the in the of our .”

Huw , the ’s and the of at , is also an , said that the came as a of the ’s for Risk. That a of or , the LCFI has a .

AI , of at the of , the of such . As as 2009, she said, the wasn’t , even AI . “AI is ,” she said, “but it has , use.”

The is not in the of AI as well as the . A of from the , most the Elon Musk, have also the that a – AI do to .

46. What did of ?

A) It be to the of .

B) It be a or a in the .

C) It as well as .

D) It be a of .

46. B. It be a or a in the .

【定位】根据题干 of 定位到第一段第一句

【解析】“ the best, or the …”,要么是最好的,要么是最坏的,与选项B对应。选项A不是本文主旨所在。选项C偷换逻辑,文中是说人工智能可能有益也可能有害,不是在说机遇与挑战并存。选项D在原文并未直接提及,也与主旨无关。

47. What did say the of the LCFI?

A) It the of AI .

B) It mark a step in the AI .

C) It was to the of .

D) It was an of – .

47. C. It was to the of .

【定位】根据关键词the of the LCFI定位到第一段第二句

【解析】“ to the of our and our ” 对我们文明和我们物种的未来至关重要,与选项C对应。本题较为简单,选项A、选项B与选项D均没有在原文中提及,而且文章是在说LEFI的重要性。

48. What did say was a in AI ?

A) The of from the past to the .

B) The of from to .

C) The on the of AI.

D) The of ’s past .

48. A. The of from the past to the .

【定位】根据关键词a 定位到第二段末尾句

【解析】it’s a that are the of . 人们研究的是智慧的未来,这是一个令人欢迎的变化。根据前文的We a deal of time …is the of 可知,我们花了很多时间研究愚蠢的历史,可以选出选项A。选项B与选项C在原文没有提及。选项D偏离了重点,题干是在问令人欢迎的变化是什么,对应原文“从研究历史到研究未来的转换”。

49. What did AI?

A) It may or .

B) It may over- the mind.

C) – may its own .

D) — may ruin .

49. D. — may ruin .

【定位】根据题干和 AI定位到原文第三段第一句

【解析】… that be the of its own if it a -…:如果人类有自己的意愿创造出一种超级智能,那么人类可能是自身毁灭的建筑师。对应选项D。选项A与选项B没有在原文提及。选项D与选项C的差异在于,选项D是说人工智能毁灭人类零基础英语六级阅读,选项C是说人工智能毁灭人工智能自身。这是题目陷阱——原文中的its own ,its指代前文的人类。

50. What do we some from the ?

A) They are much by the .

B) They are most to from AI .

C) They the same AI as .

D) They they can keep AI .

50. C. They the same AI as .

【定位】根据关键词some 定位到原文最后一段第二句

【解析】most the Elon Musk, have also the that a – AI do to . 最著名的企业家埃隆·马斯克,也表达了他们对超级智能人工智能可能对人类造成的损害的担忧。这种担忧正是前文的学术界表达的。所以选项C为正确答案。选项A、选项B与选项D均没有在原文中提及。



51. What does the say the ?

A) They lost time in for

B) They want to have a of the ’s

C) They to to try

D) They try to from to

52. Some have been to .

A) have an with .

B) a of .

C) ’ on .

D) show how to use IT .

53. What do we know ?

A) It is a TV to the of the .

B) It is a TV .

C) It is a TV for to view .

D) It is a via TV of a .

54. What does say is in ?

A) from .

B) the and of .

C) on the spot.

D) to .

55. What do we the in the ?

A) Most of them are in the .

B) They are at ease with high-tech .

C) They have much in with .

D) Most of them a life than .


51. B) They want to have a of the ’ .

52. C) ’ on

53. D) It is a via TV of a .

54. A) from .

55. B) They are at ease with high-tech .

本篇延续了过往六级考试中,细节题为主的命题形式,考察大家筛选关键词、原文定位、识别同意改写与总结信息的能力。以 54 题为例,该考察内容在过往真题中也有所体现,比如2016年12月真题第 53题 What does the say is for ? 提问方式和命题思路都与该题极其相似。

54 题问:What does say is in ? 首先零基础英语六级阅读,要注意画准关键词,把握好,,和 三组,进一步对题目分析,我们重点需要寻找的是在的话语中,就推广产品最重要的是什么。人名虽在文章中多次出现,但只要同时验证好另外两组关键词,我们就可以锁定唯一的目标:第五自然段。通过对文段含义的把握,反复提及“这里的居民并不觉得他在卖东西”,“当他们了解我、信任我的时候,就知道我不是在推销什么——他们会有更诚实的反馈”,对应A选项。









作者: admin





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