英语学霸网 成人英语 2019年6月英语六级阅读解析(新东方版)




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has that the of (AI)will be “ the best, or the , ever to to ”,and the of an to the of as “ to the of our and our ”.

was at the of the for the of (LCFI)at , a – that will to some of the open- by the pace of in AI . “We a deal of time ,” said, “, let’s face it ,is the of . So it’s a that are the of .”

the – has been AI, that be the of its own if it a – with a will of its own, he was also to the that AI can “The of are huge”, he said, “We what we when our own are by AL. with the of this new , we be able to undo some of the done to the by the last one— . And we will aim to and . And of our .”

Huw , the ’s and the of at , is also an ,said that the came as a if the ’s for Risk. That a of for , the LCFI has a .

AI , of at the of , the of such .As as 2009, she said, the wasn’t , even AI . “AI is .” She said, “but it has , use.”

The is not in the of AI as well as the . A of from the , most the Elon Musk, have also the that a – AI do to .

46. What did of ?

A) It be to the of .

B) It be a or a in the .

C) It as well as .

D) It be a of .

47. What did say the of the LCFI?

A) It the of AI .

B) It mark a step in the AI .

C) It was to the of .

D) It was an of – .

48. What did say was a in AI ?

A) The of from the past to the .

B) The of from to .

C) The on the of AI.

D) The of ’s past .

49. What did AI?

A) It may or .

B) It may over- the mind.

C) – may its own .

D) – may ruin .

50. What do we some from the ?

A) They are much by the .

B) They are most to from AI .

C) They the same AI as .

D) They they can keep AI .


46. B) It be a or a in the .

47. C) It was to the of .

48. A) The of from the past to the .

49. D) – may ruin .

50. C) They the same AI as .

定位一直是我们在新东方的课堂上,反复强调的做对题目的第一步。这次考试中,大家是否将所学灵活应用,究竟如何准确定位?我们以 “ The for for ” 一文为例,复习探究一下。


The for for $30 by next year, and (初创公司) want in on the . What they lack is from the who they hope will use . So , the ’s of , has been a few just to move in for a few days, show off and hear what the have to say.

That’s what , 28, all the way from to the room of Bay in , . is the and for a . The ’s , , who may not be with to , chat and just and a .

“It’s new, it’s too and it’s lots of have TV ,” says .

But none of that is the of in the room. , ’ on what he get on his and how he the . was on the , as well as to play (麻将).

says it’s that here don’t feel like he’s them . “I’ve had more in a ,” he says. “ pool, , , ,” all “than a of . When they get to know me and to me, for sure I’m not them — ’ll be more from them.”

is just the to move into one of ’s 1,100 . new in the have a kind of full-body blow and that with to and .

Mary Lou , 93, to try the . She hat it be good for , but not for her.

“I have the and , I talk with my on,” she . She also has an iPad and I . “So I do much I need to do.”

To be fair, if had from some more (害怕技术的) , he have up in the . This one is in the of ’s . Many have in , and .

says he’s by into this : “ are more tech- than we .”

And , else he to play ?

51. What does the say the ?

A) They lost time in for

B) They want to have a of the ’s

C) They to to try

D) They try to from to

52. Some have been to .

A) have an with .

B) a of .

C) ’ on .

D) show how to use IT .

53. What do we know ?

A) It is a TV to the of the .

B) It is a TV .

C) It is a TV for to view .

D) It is a via TV of a .

54. What does say is in ?

A) from .

B) the and of .

C) on the spot.

D) to .

55. What do we the in the ?

A) Most of them are in the .

B) They are at ease with high-tech .

C) They have much in with .

D) Most of them a life than .


51. B) They want to have a of the ’ .

52. C) ’ on

53. D) It is a via TV of a .

54. A) from .

55. B) They are at ease with high-tech .

本篇延续了过往六级考试中,细节题为主的命题形式,考察大家筛选关键词、原文定位、识别同意改写与总结信息的能力。以 54 题为例,该考察内容在过往真题中也有所体现,比如2016年12月真题第 53题 What does the say is for ? 提问方式和命题思路都与该题极其相似。

54 题问:What does say is in ? 首先零基础英语六级阅读,要注意画准关键词,把握好,,和 三组,进一步对题目分析,我们重点需要寻找的是在的话语中,就推广产品最重要的是什么。人名虽在文章中多次出现,但只要同时验证好另外两组关键词,我们就可以锁定唯一的目标:第五自然段。通过对文段含义的把握,反复提及“这里的居民并不觉得他在卖东西”,“当他们了解我、信任我的时候,就知道我不是在推销什么——他们会有更诚实的反馈”,对应A选项。







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