英语学霸网 英语学习资料 我是怎样学会英语的



I believe many Chinese people learning English have the same feeling as me,that’s however strinous you are,it seems you still can’t know how to learn it well.But just six months ago I found the secrets of making it and after the six months my English level has reached to today’s condition.


Now first, let me introduce my experiences of learning English like most peole and what failure it was.


From my shoolhood when I first get touched with English, I was told grammer was the most important element of learning good English.So In my junior middle shool I bought several complicated grammer books and studied them ,at last I became proficient in them.But I found I still couldn’t catch the listining tapes and couldn’t speak one integrit and authentic English sentence.I was puzzled.


With my chinese methods of learning English, however I could still pass the college entrance exams and became a batchler ,and then I passed CET 4 and CET 6,but still I was astonished by the excellent students’ oral English, they could express themselves fluently ,seeming without stop for ever.But I, still as same as before, a traditional Chinese English learner.


When I became a postgraduate, I made big determination to learn good English.And I enrolled in the Toefl exam, focused all my attention into English.For the consective 8 months, I just remembered new words and sometimes listened to the English tapes.I found no matter how many words I remembered, I still couldn’t catch the content of the tape and recognize every word they were speaking.I felt it’s a blow to me, at last my Toefl exam failed.


And when I graduated, I didn’t give up learning English, but the progress was still little.But gradually I found a fenomenon that once in a while I read some passages in my professional English books, I felt my language sense had been elevated.It seemed I could speak some sentences with my professional knowledge.

So sudenly it occured to me that reading ,it’s reading ,give me this magic power.I surfed the net to look for the evidence of that reading could lead to the success of learning English. I got these tips:





(1)Reading is the course of intronalize English.

(2)The simple you read, the stronger your language sense will be.

(3)Make sure to read the passages written by native English -speakers.

(4)Large amounts of reading could increase your oral speaking ability and your writing ability,and inlarge your vocabulary.

所以我着手初步用这个办法学英语,我接连的读英语读了6个月,我感触最有作用的材料是《牛津书虫》和《哈利波特》。当读完了这些今后, 如今你可以看见我可以用英语写文章了,而且85%的英语听力的内容,除了有许多单词的以外,我都能听懂。

So I tried this method, I continually read English passages for six months.I felt the most useful materials are Newton Bookworms, and Harry Potter.After reading them ,now you can see I can write English passages in English,and now at least 85% of the content of the english lecture,if w
ithout many new words, I could catch what they say.


Now I share this secret of learning good English will you.


作者: admin




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