英语学霸网 英语学习资料 2021年1-4月雅思口语新题part2&3 体育竞赛

2021年1-4月雅思口语新题part2&3 体育竞赛

??Describe a live sports event you watched before.

1. You should say:

2. When it happened

3. Where it took place

4. Who you watched it with

5. And explain how you felt about this experience

I have seen a lot of live sports, actually, because I’m a big sports fan.But the live event that I liked the most was a football game I saw at thestadium in Beijing. It was a huge game, and lots of people went to see it. Itwas an especially exciting atmosphere, and it was the first time I had been inthe crowd at a proper football match. Usually the live sports I go to see aremainly basketball and martial arts contests. Football is a whole differentatmosphere and the crowds go really wild with excitement – that’s a key part offootball culture really. I went with a few classmates from university and mybrother. We got really into the spirit of the game. I have often enjoyed thewhole atmosphere of games like football, and to be honest, though I am not ahuge fan of the game itself, I came to understand after watching this game livein the stadium, just why so many people follow football and get really reallyinto it. There’s a very strong fan-culture associated with the game, and peopleget incredibly passionate about it, chanting football songs, cheering on theirteam, shouting at the opposition players and things like this. Sometimes it canget a bit too passionate and quite aggressive in a way, too. I’m not sure it’sreally my kind of game, really, but it was a very exciting experience and onethat I might repeat from time to time, especially if there is a big match on andmy friends are also going. We went to a nice restaurant afterwards, ate lots ofgreat food, drank a few beers and talked about the game. It was definitely anoccasion I remember very fondly. I’d love to see a game in the UK, likeLiverpool United, or a big team like that.

2021年1-4月雅思口语新题part2&3 体育竞赛插图


1. Do you prefer to watch live sports or watch it on TV?

2. Why do some people like to watch live sports?

3. What kinds of sports do Chinese people like to watch?

4. Do you thinkcompetition is good for students?



作者: admin




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