英语学霸网 英语口语练习 雅思口语论题 Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching

雅思口语论题 Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching


雅思口语论题:Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching

You should say:

What it is

What it’s about

When did you first watched it

And explain why you like watching it

以往这一类标题是需求描绘电视节目或许影片, 这一次是电视剧哦, 尽管只是改换了一下品种,可是关于电视剧, 表达上仍是有一些不一样的, 例如有一季(season), 一集(episode), 描绘上故事也会更丰厚, 对观众的影响也会因为整个故事打开有一些高低.

以下的解析是选用了迩来笔者很喜爱的看的一部美剧:13个缘由(13 reasons why)来打开的, 分为两个sample供我们参阅

Sample1: band 7

Okay, I’d like to share with you a TV series I’ve been watching these days called 13 reasons why.

It’s like, em, last month, I got instantly intrigued(招引) by a recommendation from a famous blogger(博主), saying this show was rated 8.8 out of 10on IMDB(打分高达8.8. *IMDB类似美国豆瓣). Then, for the past month, I quickly finished the whole season(季), 13 episodes(集). Actually, this TV drama is basedon a best-selling book(热销书), depicting(描写) a story after teenager ClayJensen found a mysterious box with his name on. Inside he discovered a group of cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker-his classmate who tragicallycommitted suicide(自杀) several weeks earlier. On these tapes,Hannah unfolded(打开/呈现) an emotional audio diary(有声日记), detailing the thirteenreasons why she decided to end her life.

I guess the reason why I quite enjoy this teen series (青少年电视剧) is, to my surprise, it made me think a lot about life, about how our different behaviors may cause negative effects to others we interact with. Seeing Hannah suffering fromconfusion and desperation(苍茫和绝望) the whole time, I really hope someone like her classmates or parents couldgive her a helping hand(协助她). Sadly, nobody read her mind(晓得她的心思) successfully and chose to leave her alone when she said so. I know somehow it’s also Hannah herself who pushed a
雅思口语论题 Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching插图
way those who wanted to be close to her.

Anyway, I have to say committing suicide is a super recklessdecision(草率的抉择). Just like one guy inthe show said: suicide is for the weak. Instead of hiding or ignoring the problem, the better way to deal with depression is to go get help from others, telling them directly what you’re really experiencing.

Hopefully, this show could give us some insights(给咱们一些启示) into cracking many of the problems(处置疑问) that high schoolers(高中生) are facing, like suicide, school bullying(学校霸凌), drug abuse(毒品), and etc.

Sample 2: band 6

Okay, let me say sth. about a TV series Ienjoy watching recently called 13 reasons why. It’s highly recommended(力荐) online so I started to watch it last month.

Generally, it describes a story about teenager Clay Jensen found a box at home. In it, there’re some tapes recorded by HannahBaker-his classmate who committed suicide(自杀)about several weeks earlier. On thesetapes, it’s the thirteen reasons why Hannah decided to kill herself.

Talking about the reasons why I enjoy thisshow so mush, first, my favorite pop singer Selena Gomez works as theproducer(制片人) of this show. I guess it’s thefirst time she works as a producer of a TV drama instead of an actress. So, asa fan, of course I need to support her. Not to mention, itenjoys a very good reputation(口碑极好) both in America and here in China.

More importantly, I’ve keen on(喜爱) teen series for the whole time ever since high school, so this show is just my cup of tea(是我的菜). But the difference is this one discusses some very serious issues like suicide and school bullying. I think it’s not only for young people to watch but everyone, even parents, inorder to prevent teenagers from killing themselves so easily because of these problems they meet in school.









作者: admin




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