英语学霸网 英语学习资料 雅思口语经典考题及范文 A Magazine or Newspaper

雅思口语经典考题及范文 A Magazine or Newspaper

下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语经典考题及范文:A Magazine or Newspaper,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。
  A Magazine or Newspaper

Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine.

You should say:

– what magazine or newspaper it was

– when you read it

– what the article was about

and explain why you remember this article.

Part 3

Magazines and Newspapers in Your Country

Which do you prefer to read, magazines or newspapers?

In your opinion, why do people like reading magazines?

What (types of) information can people get from magazines?

Do you think the news in magazines is reliable?

Is there much difference between newspaper articles and magazinearticles?

Do you think it’s important to read newspapers?

What sections of the newspaper do you (or, do people) prefer to read?

What are some of the different types of magazines (and newspapers) thatexist in your country?

Is it easy to buy magazines in in your city?

In China, do people from ‘different walks of life’ (different
雅思口语经典考题及范文 A Magazine or Newspaper插图
jobs) readthe same magazines and newspapers?

What types of magazines do you (or, do people) prefer to read?

And what about different age groups in China – do everyone read the same(kinds of) newspapers and magazines?

Who do you feel is more interested in reading magazines, men or women?

What topics (or, subjects) do these magazines cover?

Many girls spend a lot of time reading fashion magazines. What’s youropinion about this?

Do you think that (all) magazines are interesting (or suitable) for youngpeople?

What kinds of articles are you most interested in reading?

What impact do magazines have on young people?

Can you think of any positive and any negative things about magazines foryoung people?

Do you think fashion magazines are beneficial?

Do you think fashion magazines tend to make people all the same?

What kinds of magazines do you think will be the most popular in the next20 or 30 years?

Why do many people prefer to read newspapers rather than magazines?

What do you think of the future of newspapers?

Do you think newspaper readership will change very much in the future?

News in Different Media

How do most people (in China) get their news?

Is there much difference between news articles in newspapers and the newson TV?

Which information do you think is the easiest to understand, that innewspapers, magazines, on TV or the information on the internet?

Which news stories do you think are more interesting, those on TV or thosein magazines and newspapers?

Which news articles make a deeper impression on you, those in newspapers orthose in magazines?


I am going to talk about my favorite magazine which is called TrendsHealth. I usually pick up and read it at the campus library and it is publishedon monthly bases. I find it interesting because they take our health seriouslyand promote a healthy lifestyle to us. It constantly keeps me updated with themost recent discoveries in health promotion.

As the name implies, it contains information, news and reports about thelatest developments in medical and health. Recently, I read an awesome articleabout 100 Easy Ways to Be Healthy Inside and Out. I was totally fascinated byit, for it points out that we should pay close attention to life details to keephealthy, such as, trim your hair with a regular time, don’t over-wash your skin,and get at least 60 minutes of exercise daily and so on. Read on to learn about100 different ways to make an easy and healthy change for the better. That’s thereason why l prefer to read this magazine.

以上就是新东方网雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语经典考题及范文:A Magazine or Newspaper,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在新东方网雅思频道。最后,新东方网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!

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