英语学霸网 英语口语练习 雅思口语范文 一个有水的地方

雅思口语范文 一个有水的地方

  Describe a place that you have been to that has a
雅思口语范文 一个有水的地方插图
lot ofwater.

You should say:

where this place is

what people do at this place

why (& when) you went there

and explain whether you like this place or not.

My hometown is famous for springs. In the centre of our city, there are agroup of springs located together. They all flow into one lower pool. Peoplename it Black Tiger Spring. It has become a symbol for my city and attractedcrowds of local citizens and tourists.

Summer is the best time to visit the spring, especially on a hot day,because spring water makes the air cool down, plus there are trees providingshelters. All these have contributed to the popularity of this place. Peopleliving nearby like to come to fetch spring water. It’s also a paradise forfishing lovers. Old men could spend a whole morning there fishing. They seem toenjoy themselves a lot. At weekends, English learners come and get together tohave English corner. Calligraphy lovers practice writing characters on theground with a huge brush pen and spring water as ink.

A few decades ago, there were even more springs flowing. For one time, therapid developing industries consumed a lot of water. Some springs thereforebecome dry. However, in recent years, the local government has been working onreconstructing the city’s underground water system to make dried springs flowagain. They did a good job. Springs now come back into our life.

I was there last July. It rained slightly that day, which made the tripkind of romantic, as you could see rain needles dipping into the water surface.I walked along the pool, feeling so peaceful in mind. I like the place, and Iwill go there again.

  Part 3

  Water Usage

Do you think people use more water today than they did before (e.g., 20 or50 years ago)?

I think so. First of all, industrry is the largest user of water. We arenow having more industries. Industry requires a great amount of water. So, morewater is being used. The second largest user of water is domestic use. Peopleuse more, drink more, and most sadly, waste more.

Do you think it’s important to try to save (conserve) water? (Why?)

It is of vital importance for human beings to save water. We need water –our lives depend on it. We all know that the world’s population is gettinglarger day by day. More water is being consumed. At the same time, there aremany places on this world where people are suffering from lack of drinkingwater. Water is a precious resource. It is urgent to save water from beingwasted.

How can people save water?

Water conservation has two aspects: one, use water efficiently so thatthere is enough for the needs of all living things; two, keep freshwater clean,so that it can continue to support life on Earth. As an ordinary citizen, Iappreciate what my family does in saving water. We reuse used water. It’ssimple. I’ve always believed that if every family devotes its own effort, watersaving will no longer be a mission impossible.



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