英语学霸网 英语口语练习 王蔷《英语教学法教程》第2版配套题库合肥英语培训哪家好呀


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Ⅰ. Fill in the 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 blanks.

1. According 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 to the _____ theory represented by Vygotsky, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the
teacher and the 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 learner and between learners.(山东师范大学2018研)

【答案】so合肥英语培训哪家好呀 cio-constructivist


2. The 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 functional view not only sees language as a _____ system but also a means for doing things.(安徽师范大学2015研)

【答案】linguis合肥英语培训哪家好呀 tic


3. There are at least three theoretical views of language and the nature 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 of language proficiency. The first is ______, the second is _合肥英语培训哪家好呀_____ and the third is ______.(天津师范大学2012研)

【答案】structural 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 view,functional 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 view,interactional 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 view


4. The constructivist theory believes that 合
肥英语培训哪家好呀 _____ is a process in which learners construct meaning based on their own experiences and what they already know.(山东师范大学2017研)

【答案】learn合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ing


5. _____ theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 learning takes place, such as the number of 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 students, the kind of input 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 learners receive, and the 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 atmosphere.

【答案】Condition-orient合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ed


6. The _____ theory of language 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 learning was initiated by behavioural psychologist Skinner.



7. Skinner suggested that language 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 is also a form of _____.



8. The term _____ is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 asked to think rather than simply repeat.



9. 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 According to Chomsky, 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate _____ system 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.

【答案】rul合肥英语培训哪家好呀 e-based


10. The _____ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 based on his/ her own experiences and what he/ she already knows.

【答案】const合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ructivist


11. _____ theory emphasizes interaction and engagement 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 with the target language in a social context.

【答案】Socio-construct合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ivist


12. The most important and most difficult part of the making of a good language 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 teacher is the development of _____.

【答案】professional 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 competence


13. Wallace uses a _____ to demonstrate the development 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 of professional competence.

【答案】‘reflective model’合肥英语培训哪家好呀


14. In language 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 teaching, methodology is the study of the practices 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 and procedures used in teaching, and the _____ and _____ that 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 underlie them.

【答案】princi合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ples,beli合肥英语培训哪家好呀 efs


15. The functional view 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 not only sees language as a _____ system but also a _____ for doing things.

【答案】ling合肥英语培训哪家好呀 uistic,means/ 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 tool


16. The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influenced by the way they _____ 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 languages.



17. Different views on language generate different _合肥英语培训哪家好呀____.

【答案】teaching 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 methodologies


18. In the 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 of language: the _____ view, the _____ view 合肥英语培训哪家好呀 and the _____ view.

【答案】structu合肥英语培训哪家好呀 ral,functio合肥英语培训哪家好呀 nal,interactional合肥英语培训哪家好呀


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