英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 2021年12月大学英语六级级试题第三套(网友版)


??以下内容是2021年12月大学英语六级级试题第三套(网友版)供各位考生参阅! 新东方网四六级 频道更新发布英语四六级试题答案。一起广大考生还可随时@新东方网四六级微博及大众号,与线上教师以及考生随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生亲近重视新东方网四六级频道以及2021年12月英语六级试题解析专题。






No one in fashion is surprised that Barberry burnt 28 million of stock

36.[G]Over- production is perhaps the biggest
concern forBurberry . While there has been much outrage at the elitist思connotation of burning goods rather than making them afIpfordable….

37.[B] The practice of destroying unsold stock , and even rolls of unused fabric ,is commonplace for luxury labels .Becoming too widely available at a cheaper price through discount stores discourages full -price sales…

38.[K] While these are honorable schemes ,it makes it harder for Burberry to defend these latest figures . Fifteen years ago,Burberry was at criis point as their signature check pattern was widely imitated by cheap ,imitation brands ..

39.[E]In an online forum post ,which asked if it’s true that Louis Vuitton burned its bags,Ahmed Bouchfaa,who claimed to work for Louis Vuitton , responded that the brand holds sales of old stock for staff members twice ayear….

believes that brands need to re address their exclusivitytactic.“Exclusivity elf is being to be challenged ,”she says.”I think that goes hand in hand with how luxury its challenged ….

41.[D] A source ,who chose to remain anonymous , shared her experience working in a Burberty store in New York inC October 2016.“My job was to toss items in boxes so they could besent to be burned.

42.[F] Richemont ,who owns several luxury brands ,hit the headlines in May for taking back 437 million of watchesfor destruction in the last two years to avoid markeddown price It’s not just luxury brands either . .

43.[J] One such partnership is with Elvis&Kresse,anaccessories brand working with Reclaimed materials .Co- founder KresseWesling said,“Late last year we launched an Ambitious five – year partner ship with the Burberry Found ation.

44.[A] Last week ,Burberry’s annualreport revealed that 28.6 million worth of stock was burnt last year . The news has let investors and consumers outraged but comes as little surprise to those in the fashion industry .

45.[H] In September 2016, Burberry switched to a” see now,buy now”catwalk show format. The move was a switch to leverage on the coverage of their fashion weeks how to make stock available immediately to consumers .


Social media is absolutely everywhere Billions of people use social media on a daily basis to create,share, and exchange ideas, messages,and information.

46.D)Whether social media should be used to screen job candi-dates.

47.A)Moral or legal issues might arise.

48.A)When it is separated from context.

49.B)By using it in a legitimate way.

50.C) Seeking advice from management and legal experts.

In recent years, the food industry has increased its use of labels.

51.D)Consumers’ increasing desire for clear product informa-tion.

52.A) Stressing the absence of certain elements in their prod-ucts.

53.D)They cause anxiety about food among consumers.

54.C) Erode consum er trust and reduce sales.

55.B)Exercise caution about the use of absence claims.



The site of the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China,located at #76, Xingye Road, Shanghai, is a residence of typical Shanghai style which was built in the autumn of 1920.On July 23,1921, the 1st National Congress of the CPC was held here, where the first creed and the first convention were passed, the central leading body was elect-ed, and the birth of the CPC was announced. In September, 1952, the site was renovated and turned into a memorial hall open to the public, where both the representatives attend-ing the 1st National Congress of the CPC and the history of the CPC are introduced. It has become a patriotism educa-tion base where people know the history of the CPC and commemorate the revolutionary martyrs.




作者: admin





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