英语学霸网 优选频道 最全英语量词表示方法a blank of snow,a fall of snow等

最全英语量词表示方法a blank of snow,a fall of snow等


a fall of snow一场雪 a drizzle of rain一阵小雨

a heavy fall of snow一场大雪 a blank of snow一片白雪

a single shred of cloud一丝云 a drop of water一滴水

a torrent of water一股急流 a sheet/piece of paper一张纸

a pair of glasses一副眼镜 a gust of wind一股风

a flood of sunlight一片阳光 a bowl of rice一碗饭

a loaf of bread一个面包 a batch of bread一炉面包

a pit of water 一坑水 five head of sheep五头羊

ten head of cabbage十棵卷心菜 an excited group of people一群冲动的人

a truckload of steel一卡车钢材 two lorryloads of sand两卡车沙

two spoonfuls of hot water两勺热水 a spiral of smoke一缕炊烟

a pad of paper一叠纸 a flash of light一道光亮

a cloud of dust一阵灰尘 a cloud of birds一群鸟

a cloud of flies一群苍蝇 a case of clothes一箱衣服

a fleet of ships一对船 a stalk of grass一根草

a crowd of people一群人 a cluster of cloud一大札

a string of beads一串珠子 a column of smoke一股烟

a stick of
最全英语量词表示方法a blank of snow,a fall of snow等插图
chalk一支粉笔 a burst of fire一条火舌

a shipment of goods一批货 a team of players一队运带动

a suite of rooms一套房间 a set of furniture一套家具

a set of mahjong一副麻将 a set of chess一副象棋

a sack of cement一袋水泥 a patch of wheat一块麦田

a gleam of hope一线但愿 a suit of armour一副甲胄

a dozen of eggs一打鸡蛋 a bar of light一柱光

a bunch of flowers一束花 a bunch of grapes一串葡萄

a basket of flowers 一篮花 a cluster of grapes一串葡萄

a bar of soup一块番笕 a batch of guests一批客人

a pair of earrings一副耳饰 a pack of cigarettes一包烟

a flight of stairs一段楼梯 a flight of birds一行飞鸟

a lump of sugar一块糖 a bag of sugar一包糖

a tube of toothpaste一管牙膏 a herd of cattle一群牛

a swarm of bees一群蜂 a flock of birds一群鸟

a roll of cloth一匹布 a dish
最全英语量词表示方法a blank of snow,a fall of snow等插图(1)
of greens一盘蔬菜

a cry of pain一声痛楚的叫嚷 a murmur of pain一阵痛楚的呻吟

a volley of curses一阵诅咒 a volley of questions连续串的问题

a group of pupils一群学生 two copies of newspaper两份报纸

a spool of thread一轴线 a roll of paper一卷纸

a pile of sand一堆沙 a pile of books一堆书

a piece of baggage一件行李 a scrap of paper一个小纸头

half a cup of water半杯水 a cup of tea一杯茶

a handful of bandits一小撮匪贼 a bale of cotton一包棉花

a handful of salt 一把盐 a handful of rice一把米

a jar of jam一罐酱 a can of meat一听肉

a tin of tea一听茶 a ball of string一团线

a bottle of milk一瓶牛奶 a glass of milk一杯牛奶

a couple of twins一对双胞胎 a chain of events连续串事务

a mass of troups一批军队 a package of towels一包毛巾

a peal of thunder一声雷响 a peal of applause一阵喝彩

a peal of laughter一阵笑声 a flash of light一道光亮

a flash of hope一线但愿 a flash of lightning一道闪电

a flash of anger一阵愤慨 a flash of grief一阵哀痛

a flash of elation一阵满意

a fit of coughing/anger/fever/laughter/colic/enthusiasm/jealousy/the blues一阵咳嗽/愤慨/发热/大笑/腹痛/热忱/妒忌/郁闷


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