英语学霸网 成人英语 新概念英语NewConceptEnglish的正确学习方式演示AI剧情版




新概念英语作者官方指导的学习方法,虽然放在第二册课本之首,开宗明义了,但是很少有人去看,更很少有教师学生照着做的。买椟还珠和叶公好龙的现实版。你想不一样,你想比别人更快更牢固学好英语,赶紧去看第二册To the Teacher这部分。

本人朋友J N年前上的奇葩大学本科段有一半学生必修日语,他就是不幸的一个,导致英语荒废6年,也没考过四六级。后来考研果断选英语,以全省各类考生前10名的高分通过研究生英语考试,并且读研期间直接以仅失几分创全校历史记录高分的方式直接通过6级(现在可能必须要先考4级了),全部得力于考研前几个月在旧书店里面发现了打包当纸卖的新概念英语全套四册。然后原原本本老老实实按照作者指示的路数学习了2~4册。


新概念英语New Concept English的正确学习方式演示AI剧情版 |学了那么多年新概念 原来都学错了_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili




Mei-Jia: 自從這樣學新概念,媽媽再也不用擔心我的英語辣
2 Daniel: I'm Daniel, I teach English.
3 Serena: I'm Serena, I teach English.
4 Kate: I'm Kate, I teach English.
5 Oliver: I'm Oliver, I am learning English
6 Mei-Jia: I'm Mei-Jia, I am learning English
7 Serena: Now I'm going to read you a story about a visit to the theatre. It's called 'A Private Conversation'. Keep your books shut and listen please.
8 Kate: A Private Conversation
9 Kate: Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I couldn't hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I couldn't bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily. ‘It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’
10 Serena: Now turn to Lesson 1 please. We'll go through it carefully and make sure everyone has understood it. Ready?
11 Kate: Now what about the title, 'A Private Conversation'. Let's take the word conversation first. A conversation is a … ?
12 Mei-Jia: A talk
13 Kate: Yes, that's right. It's a talk. But what about a private conversation, what kind of talk is that?
14 Oliver: It's a a talk between you and me.
15 Kate: Good. It's not his business or her business. It's our business. It's private. 'Last week I went to the theatre.' Went, of course, is the past of the verb … ?
16 Mei-Jia: Go
17 Kate: Yes, go. I went to the theatre. What would you expect to see at the theatre?
18 Oliver: Work?
19 Kate: No, it's not a work. It's a … ?
20 Mei-Jia: A play
21 Kate: Yes, it's a play. You'd go to the theatre to see a play. 'I had a very good seat.' Now what's the difference between a seat and a chair? Anybody knows?
22 Oliver:
23 Kate: Ok, both seat and chair are somewhere we sit, but notice we always use the word seat to describe the place where you sit in a theatre or, say, a church. We don't use the word chair. You can move a chair round, but you can't usually move a seat round in a theatre. … Got it?
24 Mei-Jia: Got it.
25 Serena: Now I'm going to read the story again. Then, we're going to do some exercises. Keep the book shut. Listen carefully.
26 Kate: A Private Conversation
27 Kate: Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I couldn't hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I couldn't bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily. ‘It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’
28 Serena: Ask Questions on the Text. Now, try to ask questions on the text. Here is an example:
29 Kate: Ask me if I went to the theatre
30 Serena: Did you go to the theatre?
31 Kate: Yes, I did. When …
32 Serena: When did you go to the theatre?
33 Kate: Ask me if I went to the theatre last week.
34 Mei-Jia: Did you go to the theatre last week?
35 Kate: When …?
36 Mei-Jia: When did you go to the theatre?
37 Kate: Ask me if if had a good seat.
38 Mei-Jia: Did you have a good seat?
39 Kate: What kind …?
40 Mei-Jia: What kind of seat did you have?
41 Kate: Ask me if I saw an interesting play.
42 Mei-Jia: Did you see an interesting play?
43 Kate: What …?
44 Mei-Jia: What did you see?
45 Kate: Ask me if a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
46 Mei-Jia: Were a young man and a young woman sitting behind you?
47 Kate: Who …?
48 Mei-Jia: Who was sitting behind you?
49 Kate: Where …?
50 Mei-Jia: Where were a young man and a young woman sitting?
51 Kate: Ask me if they were talking loudly.
52 Mei-Jia: Were they talking loudly?
53 Kate: How …?
54 Mei-Jia: How were they talking?
55 Kate: Ask me if I couldn't hear the actors.
56 Mei-Jia: Couldn't you hear the actors?
57 Kate: Who …?
58 Mei-Jia: Who couldn't you hear?
59 Kate: Ask me if I turned around.
60 Mei-Jia: Did you turn around?
61 Kate: What … … do …?
62 Mei-Jia: What did you do?
63 Kate: Ask me if I looked at the man and the woman angrily.
64 Mei-Jia: Did you look at the man and the woman angrily?
65 Kate: How …?
66 Mei-Jia: How did you look at the man and the woman?
67 Serena: Oral Composition. Now let's try oral composition. I want you to try and tell me the story from those notes.
68 Kate: Last week – went – theatre
69 Mei-Jia: Last week I went to the theatre.
70 Kate: didn't enjoy – play
71 Oliver: I didn't enjoy the play.
72 Kate: young man – woman -behind me
73 Mei-Jia: A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
74 Kate: talking loudly
75 Oliver: They were talking loudly.
76 Kate: I turned – and looked – angrily
77 Mei-Jia: I turned round again and looked at them angrily.
78 Kate: didn't pay – attention
79 Oliver: They didn't pay any attention.
80 Kate: In the end – couldn't bear
81 Mei-Jia: In the end, I couldn't bear it.
82 Kate: can't hear – word – said
83 Oliver: 'I can't hear a word', I said angrily.
84 Kate: 'none – business' – man – 'private'
85 Mei-Jia: 'It is none of your business', the young man said rudely, 'it is a private conversation'.
86 Serena: Comprehension Questions. Now, let's do a role play. I'm going to ask you some questions about the story and you are going to answer my questions as if you were the writer.
87 Kate: Where did you go last week?
88 Mei-Jia: I went to the theatre.
89 Kate: Did you have a good seat?
90 Mei-Jia: Yes, I did.
91 Kate: Was it an interesting play?
92 Mei-Jia: Yes, it was.
93 Kate: So you enjoyed it, did you?
94 Mei-Jia: Yes, I did.
95 Kate: Please listen again. So you enjoyed it, did you?
96 Mei-Jia: No, I didn't.
97 Kate: Who was sitting behind you?
98 Mei-Jia: A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
99 Kate: Could you hear what the actors were saying?
100 Mei-Jia: No, I couldn't.
101 Kate: Why couldn't you hear that?
102 Mei-Jia: The young man and the young woman were talking loudly.
103 Kate: What were they doing?
104 Mei-Jia: They were talking loudly.
105 Kate: Did you get angry with them, or not?
106 Mei-Jia: Yes, I did.
107 Kate: Please listen again. Did you get angry with them, or not?
108 Mei-Jia: I got angry with them.
109 Kate: You turned round, didn't you?
110 Mei-Jia: Yes, I did.
111 Kate: How did you look at them?
112 Mei-Jia: I looked at them angrily.
113 Kate: They didn't pay any attention, did they?
114 Mei-Jia: No, they did not.
115 Kate: Could you bear it?
116 Mei-Jia: No, I couldn't.
117 Kate: What did you do again?
118 Mei-Jia: I turned round again.
119 Kate: What did you say?
120 Mei-Jia: I said, 'I couldn't hear a word'.
121 Serena: Pattern Drills 1. Now we're going to practice making simple sentences. We'll practice in pairs. Ask questions and then answer them following the example.
122 Daniel: walk across the stage
123 Kate: How did she walk across the stage?
124 Daniel: slow
125 Kate: She walked very slowly across the stage.
126 Kate: Let's begin
127 Kate: walk across the stage …
128 Mei-Jia: How did she walk across the stage?
129 Kate: slow
130 Mei-Jia: She walked very slowly across the stage.
131 Kate: behave at the theatre …
132 Mei-Jia: How did she behave at the theatre?
133 Kate: rude
134 Mei-Jia: She behaved very rudely at the theatre.
135 Kate: sleep on the train …
136 Mei-Jia: How did she sleep on the train?
137 Kate: quiet
138 Mei-Jia: She slept very quietly on the train.
139 Kate: drive through the park
140 Mei-Jia: How did she drive through the park?
141 Kate: quick
142 Mei-Jia: She drove through the park quickly.
143 Kate: listen to his story
144 Mei-Jia: How did she listen to his story?
145 Kate: patient
146 Mei-Jia: She listened to his story patiently.
147 Serena: Pattern Drills 2. Ask a question on the given topic and then answer it following the example:
148 Daniel: hear the radio
149 Serena: I can hear the radio now. Can you?
150 Kate: Of course, I can. I can hear it perfectly well.
151 Kate: Let's begin
152 Kate: hear the radio
153 Mei-Jia: I can hear the radio now. Can you?
154 Oliver: Of course, I can. I can hear it perfectly well.
155 Kate: hear the actors
156 Mei-Jia: I can hear the actors. Can you?
157 Oliver: Of course, I can. I can hear them perfectly well.
158 Kate: see her house
159 Mei-Jia: I can see the house. Can you?
160 Oliver: Of course, I can. I can see it perfectly well.
161 Kate: hear the rain
162 Mei-Jia: I can hear the rain. Can you?
163 Oliver: Of course, I can. I can hear it perfectly well.
164 Kate: see the policeman
165 Mei-Jia: I can see the policeman. Can you?
166 Oliver: Of course, I can. I can see him perfectly well.
167 Serena: Pattern Drills 3. Put in 'saw' or 'heard'.
168 Daniel: Last night, a good talk on the radio.
169 Kate: I heard a good talk on the radio last night.
170 Kate: Let's begin
171 Kate: Last night, a good talk on the radio.
172 Mei-Jia: I heard a good talk on the radio last night.
173 Kate: just now, a knock at the door
174 Mei-Jia: I heard a knock at the door just now.
175 Kate: at lunch, a hair in my soup
176 Mei-Jia: I saw a hair in my soup at lunch.
177 Kate: last night, a cry outside
178 Mei-Jia: I heard a cry outside last night.
179 Kate: last week, a monkey at the zoo
180 Mei-Jia: I saw a monkey at the zoo last week.
181 Serena: Pattern Drills 4. Ask a question on a given topic and then answer it following the example:
182 Daniel: see the race …
183 Serena: Didn't you see the race?
184 Daniel: large crowd
185 Serena: I couldn't. The crowd was too large.
186 Kate: Let's begin
187 Kate: see the race …
188 Mei-Jia: Didn't you see the race?
189 Serena: large crowd
190 Oliver: I couldn't. The crowd was too large.
191 Kate: read the letter …
192 Mei-Jia: Didn't you read the letter?
193 Serena: bad writing
194 Oliver: I couldn't. The writing was too bad.
195 Kate: swim in the lake …
196 Mei-Jia: Didn't you swim in the lake?
197 Serena: deep water
198 Oliver: I couldn't. The water was too deep.
199 Kate: see her face …
200 Mei-Jia: Didn't you see her face?
201 Serena: poor light
202 Oliver: I couldn't. The light was too poor.
203 Kate: finish your lunch …
204 Mei-Jia: Didn't you finish your lunch?
205 Serena: hot food
206 Oliver: I couldn't. The food was too hot.
207 Kate: That's all for today
208 Daniel: bye bye
209 Serena: bye bye
210 Kate: bye bye
211 Mei-Jia: bye bye
212 Oliver: bye bye


作者: admin






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