101.不痛不痒:scratching the surface, superficial; perfunctory
102.不为己甚:not go to extremes
103.不夺农时:not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right time
104.无视置之:take no notice of; shut one’s eyes to; be indifferent to
105.游手好闲:not do honest work; not live by honest labor
106.不吝价值:at any cost
108.不祥之兆:ill omen
110.昏倒不醒:be unconscious; be in a stupor
111.独具匠心:not follow the beaten track, not be restricted by convention, be original
112.不蔓不枝:not branching out, terse, succinct, to the point
113.穷山恶水:barren land
114.不眠之夜:white night
115.不名一文:without a penny to one’s name, penniless
117.不能赞一词:unable to say a world
118.不能自拔:unable to extricate oneself from one’s plight
control oneself, can’t help, be beside oneself
120.不复古恶:not bear a grudge, forgive and forget
121.不宁唯是:not only- but also, moreover
122.不偏不依:have a just balance, disinterested, unbiased, do not take side
123.不平则鸣:where there is injustice, there is complaint, people will give vent to their grievances
124.不破不立:there is no construction without destruction
125.萍水相逢:meet unexpectedly
126.不期可是然:happen unexpectedly, turn out contrary to one’s expectations
127.不真实际:fancy, airy
128.不情之请:my presumptuous request
129.囫囵吞枣:not seek to understand things thoroughly, be content with a superficial understanding
131.不惹对错:Stay out of trouble.
132.不容置疑:be not
133.不容争议:be beyond dispute
134.不容置疑:be unquestioned
135.不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
136.不塞不流,不止不可:not flowing without damming and no motion
without rest
137.不声不响:quiet, silent
138.不堪枚举:be too numerous to mention
139.不堪其烦:be pestered beyond endurance
140.不失机缘:not let the opportunity slip, seize the opportune moment, lose no time
141.不时之需:provision against contingencies
142.不时之用:provision against contingencies
143.不识大体:fail to see the larger issues, ignore the general interest
144.不识时务:fail to appreciate the realities
145.不识垂青:fail to appreciate sb’s kindness
146.不食人世烟火:not interested in, or out of touch with, mundane affairs, above the material attractions of the world
147.不是冤家不聚头:only the ones with mutual bonds will be thrown together; enemies and lovers are destined to meet
149.不祧之祖:esteemed founding father
150.异乎寻常:peerless, extraordinary, out of common