‘s Day
The ‘s day of year is for June 1。 It is to in the the of life the of , , in to ‘s life, to and and the of the 。At , many in the will be June 1 as the 。
The of ‘s day, and take in a war ii of a ,In June 1942, the shot for the ‘s men over the age of 16 more than 140 and all , and the and 90 and to 。 The , were , good of the was by the 。 The war ii , all over the , of of , have a very poor life。
‘s , some have , in die; Some were to as a , and , life, and life is not 。 In to for the and the ‘s all in war of dead , in 1949, the ‘s in 。 In to in the the of life, the of , in to ‘s , and for ‘s on June when the day for ‘s day。 At the time of many , the 。
In to the and of the all over the , in 1949, the of held in , June 1, year as ‘s day. new was , the of the ‘s on 23, 1949 , will ‘s ‘s day and ‘s day .
为了保障全世界儿童的权益,1949年11月儿童节的英语,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科 召开执委会决定儿童节的英语,将每年6月1日作为国际儿童节。新中国成立后,中央人民政府 政务院于1949年12月23日规定,将中国的儿童节与国际儿童节统一起来。
put :
In 1925 in red ‘s , for the time put the of ” ‘s day”.
This have 54 take good care of the ‘s , in , “‘s “, the . In the , the ‘s due to poor , the , ‘s work to make a , to for, and how to save a such as , all have a .
the , on the one hand, in to , let ‘s , , on the hand also the love and for , have “‘s day”.
In 1949 the ‘s held in , a on June 1, a year for the of ‘s , the ‘s day.
和 组合常用的表达有:
1. Only 独子
例句:He is the only . 他是家里唯一的孩子。
2. -free 没有孩子的(地方)
例句:Many -free when to stay on .很多年轻人在选度假酒店时会更喜欢选择没有儿童入住的度假村。
3. 童工
例句: in is . 在英格兰使用童工是违法的。
4. – 适合儿童的、对儿童友好的地方
例句:It can be hard to find – . 找适合儿童的餐厅有时候不那么容易。
5. 儿童保育
例句:Some are to to work of a lack of . 有些女性在生了孩子后因为要照看孩子而不能返回自己的工作岗位。
6. 照看孩子的人
例句:Good, – are in in big . 大城市里非常需要好的、让人信赖的看孩子的阿姨。
7. 儿童津贴
例句: . 儿童津贴会帮助双职工家庭支持家中的生活。
8. 心中儿童般的情感
例句: ’s day me a to with my . 庆祝儿童节给我一个找回我心中儿童情感的机会。
9. ’s play 非常容易做的事情
例句: to pay for taxi days is ’s play. 现如今用手机付出租车费是非常容易的。
10. From a 自幼,从儿时开始
例句:She has a keen in from a . 她打小就对音乐特别感兴趣。
11.With 怀孕
例句:I ’t seen Mary for a . She is big with .我很久没看见过 Mary 了,看样子她快生了。