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经典英文儿童小故事篇一:The and the fish渔夫和小鱼

once was a who in a by the . He day to feed his . One day, he one fish. “This isn’t much,” the , “but it’s than .”

The fish in the net and out to the . ” me to the !” he said. “I’m too to be a good . , I’ll be big and fat. You me then and feed your for a week!”

The as the fish . He knew his love a big, fat fish.

But he also knew that the was very big. If he the fish back, he find it .

” fish,” he said, “I be a fool to put you back. You’ll only be a meal for my , but at they will have food. I feed them with !”

the that you have. Don’t give them up to .

经典英文儿童小故事篇二:The wind and the sun北风与太阳

One day, the wind and the sun were who was the . “It is that I am the ,” said the wind. “When I blow, off the , and the beat on the .”

“That’s ,” said the sun. “I am much than that.” Just then, they saw a man a coat. “We will both try to make this man take off his coat,” said the sun. ” will be the .”

The wind to go . He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man cold and held onto his coat with both .

Then it was the sun’s turn. He came out from a and down on the man. The man and took off his coat to the warm .

“You see?” the sun. ” and are than in the .”

经典英文儿童小故事篇三:The man who 守财奴

Once upon a time, was a man who . He it so much that he ‘t any of the he . He ‘t part with even a tiny bit.

This man didn’t buy new . , he wore old that he in the . He didn’t buy food, , and he and .

He put all the that he in a box and hid it his bed. , he the box and at all his .

One , the man in the box and the was gone! had it! “I’ve been !” he . “My is gone!” He lay down on the bed and and .

The him and came over to see what was . When they the , one said, “Don’t cry over your . You used it . Fill the box with and it is . It will do you just as much good.”

经典英文儿童小故事篇四:The deer at the pond池塘边的鹿

once a deer who had , . The the deer from , so left him .

One day, the deer went to a pond to . The was like a . When the deer at his big in the , he was . “I look like a king,” he said, “and this is my .”

Then he else. “My legs are and my feet are ,” he said. “They look so weak. I hate them.”

the deer was , a wolf at the pond. When the deer saw him, he ran the . The wolf ran him.

The deer was a fast and the英语儿童小故事英语儿童小故事,but then his got in some . When the wolf up to him, the deer out with .

“I my , but they are the of my . My legs and feet have me, but I them. I didn’t what was !”

经典英文儿童小故事篇五:The and the 农夫与驴子

once was a who to buy a . He a one that help him on his farm. He went to a and saw one that .

“May I try out his for a day or two?” the . “If he is , I will pay you a good .”

“Of you may,” said the . “I’m sure that he will you.” The the and took the back to his farm.

When they , the new the on the farm. He the , . The his head and took him back to the .

“Show me ,” said the . “I don’t want this one.” He told the what the had done.

“I don’t ,” said the . “What’s with lazy ?”

“Well,” said the , “you can a lot if you look at the he .”









作者: admin





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