英语学霸网 成人英语 电子商务英语演讲稿.docx 9页

电子商务英语演讲稿.docx 9页

电子商务英语演讲稿.docx 9页

电子商务英语演讲稿篇一:电子商务演讲英文稿 is “e-“, how do we it? The has be same, we can find and , but as far as my view “e-” is a , and also is a , so I it “E-” are a , on , and .It very “on the big”! In we have many of “e-” , , , , and so on, us have a . , it is to us, and , , of and so on.It us a lot, is not much , we don’t have to go to the Bank line for , “e-” for of my ., “e- ” to give our a sea , it us more and more , ‘s , and , our of life has been ; And, It made our more , , and ; , It in the and of -— of has to ‘s . The same time, “E-” also has been the all of life, , , , and so on. In , the you can of, it will or to it., has two just like can a boat also can . When move to a , with the “e-” is and , line of of will lose part of the , as well a of will also . of is an in and , just too many of loss of with , and a of . Such a is ? A lack of “” of , the lack of make “” in more ? , the is . , is , is not , and from the led to a of is more and more , will get some for a time, buat in the long term, in the of such , not just part of the , but also the .At the last but the , the ” “. and is not , 、In the name of , but real is , poor of , , to a , and , and so on. I not have said, I used to be the .”E-” is an that and . What the of “E-“? it can be , or in some to ? “e-” a wide of —The ‘s , , , and so on,. in , , the of , high code of and is the of . we can’t the , but we can , to the , we are the of the .控制工程孙洪恩篇二:电子商务演讲稿 电 子商务演讲稿电子商务的发展前景近几年电子商务发展之快远远超过我们的想象,普及速度之快让人难以置信。


如果有人问电子商务的市场有多大?边界有多长?那我的回答是:市场要到大就有多大,边界要多长就有多长。电子商务是一个没有边界的庞大的虚拟市场。据预测,在今后几年内将有数千万亿的美元的潜在市场。电子商务基础建设的巨大投资又给电子技术的发展提供了庞大的商品市场,这不仅会吸引信息产业巨头们的兴趣电子商务英语,而且会带来巨大的发展机会。巨大的市场需求必然带来社会生产力的巨大提高,与此同时带来的还有文化的发展,生活的丰富,创造力的发挥,追求人与自然的和谐等等。电子商务是个综合性学科,适合的岗位很多,你在学习的时候就应该有个偏向或爱好,这样毕业后才能有目的的找个好工作。你找工作就看你的学习方向了。在相关政府机构、企事业单位从事现代商务管理、电子商务开发、应用与管理的高素质专门人才电子商务专业是建立在传统商业基础上的,只有把眼光放广一点,姿态摆低一点,还是有入职某个职位的机会。电子商务可以做很多行业,主要和市场营销的抢饭碗,和市场营销相关的如销售、客服、推广、公关、业务。 英语水平过关可以去外贸.如果技术过关的,对硬件、软件比较熟悉,熟练掌握一项开发技术,可以应聘相应的技术职位。或去IT、互联网行业应聘销售、服务。

行政职位,一般文员、秘书、助理之类的。篇三:电子商务 英语作文e- of , has past . all of are with . , has two .On one hand, is the way so far to make far . It it to do at home, time and (不必要的手续). That’s why e- is to .(优势) On the hand, many .It is hard to the . , is e-. , are to time. So we hold risk to on e-.(问题) Most of must “” this word is of in . , few go to in ten ago. with the of in the , The has a new , the e- , and it has the main of the . a and way of and ,e- has .A As can be seen from the that of is in the . In 1997, the of is $ 2.6 , the $1000 , 500 that of 1997. why is ? to this . , the of is the . The of to have to and . , the of is more and more (成熟). , who at do not on , now (深信) that on is very and . , is the way so far to make far . It it to do at home and it time and as well. That is why is to the of . The a e- is . let’s get to this t(转载自: 小草 范 文 网:电子商务英语演讲稿)rend


作者: admin





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