英语学霸网 英语口语练习 托福写作材料 前进职工技能是重要出资

托福写作材料 前进职工技能是重要出资

【观念类 + 作业类】

The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiencyand proficiency of its employees. 前进职工技能是公司最重要的出资,是不是认同?(2012年9月16日)







1. on-the-job training for the internal employees n在职职工的培训

2. managerial skills and experiences n打点技能和经历

3. fill managerial position v满足打点职位

4. sb could have the particular skills and experiences required for the job或人可以具有作业所需要的技能和经历

5. impose a good impact on = have a really positive influence on v有活泼的影响

6. play a more important role in v在……方面发扬重要的作用

7. motivate employees v激起职工

8. entice and encourage employees v招引和鼓励职工

9. create feelings of optimism v带来旷达心境

10. those employees with highest skills and experiences n有丰厚的经历和高超技能的职工

11. high achiever n高效职工

12. invest in the training of their employees v 投入职工培训

13. generate more economic value v带来更多的经济价值

14. enhance the reputation of the firms in the fierce competitionv在剧烈竞赛中,前进公司的美誉度

15. produce more professionally well-trained staff v培育更多高效职工


1. The competitions among corporations have become increasingly fiercenowadays. 如今,公司之间的竞赛变得日益剧烈。

2. Whether the most worthwhile investment for a company is the cultivation ofinternal employees’ abilities and skills has ignited public debate.是不是公司最有价值的出资就是内部职工的才能和技能培育致使大众的争议。

3. Large companies typically have established standards for management andemployees and therefore have recognized employee-training programs andstandardized dispute resolution methods.大型公司关于打点层和职工都有清楚准则,而且树立了职工培训方案以及标准化的争端处置战略。

4. In order to generate more economic value and realize the sustainabledevelopment , the companies should allocate more financial budget to thetraining for their employees. 为了创造更多的经济价值以及完成可持续性打开,公司大约在职工培育方面投入更多财力。

5. The most striking advantage is that the motivation of the employees willbe highly inspired, in this sense, they can fulfill their tasks efficiently.最显着的利好就是这可以激起职工的作业效能,因而,他们可以高效结束使命。

6. Qualified and frequent trainings enable the labors to work more actively,so, the profits the corporations could make will be greatly multiplied.高效的惯常的培训使职工活泼尽力作业,因而,公司可以获利。

7. Employees will have more passion and confidence after receivingprofessional trainings,meanwhile,
托福写作材料 前进职工技能是重要出资插图
the sense of being valued and respected by thecorporations they are serving could successfully stabilize highachievers。承受作业培训后,职工愈加热心和自傲。一起,他们会有被公司注重和尊敬的感触,因而,高效职工不会丢掉。

8. Paul has been carving out his own career after working for severalcompanies . In the past, when green hands were hired, they needed a long periodof time to adapt to the working conditions and familiarize themselves with theprocedures 叔叔保罗,阅历职场,自我创业。在曩昔,新职工被雇佣后花费很长时刻习气作业以及了解作业流程。

9. Then my uncle begun to invest large sums of money providing professionaltrainings to make them excel professionally . 叔叔初步花费重金前进作业技能培训,以使他们通晓事务。

10. Much to his relief, new employees are less likely to make mistakes andmore likely to be adept at new jobs. 使叔叔无比欣喜的是:新职工很少犯错,更快擅长作业。

11. Polishing up the skills of the workers can, to larger extent, enhance thecompetitiveness of the firms. 前进职工技能,在很大程度上,可以前进公司的竞赛力。

12. There are a great many things business leaders can do to stabilize andprosper their corporations. 公司家可以做许多作业来完成公司的平稳和昌盛。

13. More precisely, managers can allocate the budget to advertisement orbetterment of the equipment. However, it is the individual who has the mostsignificant role to play in making companies function smoothly and efficiently ,the benefits other activities bring in are obviously dwarfed.具体而言,打点者可以分配猜测出资广告,可以改进设备,可是,因为人才是公司平稳地高效地作业的要害,其他的利好显着微缺乏道。

14. High achievers can inject new life into the further development of thecorporations 高效职工可认为公司的打开写入新鲜活力,

15. Therefore,the companies have to spend time and money training internalemployees for their jobs. 因而,公司理应花时刻和财力培训内部职工。




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