英语学霸网 优选频道 读报刊学英语 在线教育-精读笔记01

读报刊学英语 在线教育-精读笔记01





With the opening of schools pushed back to March and all extracurricular activities suspended, tens of millions of students have been told to go online to study. And the country’s providers of online tutoring services are suddenly experiencing a surge in interest from students and their parents.



e.g. Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school. 每个孩子都参加了学校的课外活动。


总结一下,有关“推迟、推迟”咱们可以运用postpone/ put off/ push back to/ suspend

e.g. The introduction of the new system has been suspended until next year. 新准则推迟到下一年再行施行。

tens of millions of数千万的

surge :在前几期精读笔记中,咱们学到了其动词用法,在这儿surge 是名词用法,标明“a sudden increase in the amount or number of sth; a large amount of sth (数量的)急剧上升,激增;许多;一大批”

e.g. 经济全球化是前史潮流。长江、尼罗河、亚马孙河、多瑙河昼夜不息、飞跃向前,尽管会呈现一些回头浪,尽管会遇到许多险滩暗
读报刊学英语 在线教育-精读笔记01插图
礁,但大江大河飞跃向前的气势是谁也阻挡不了的。Economic globalization represents the trend of history. Like the world’s great rivers, the Yangtze, the Nile, the Amazon and the Danube – they all surge forward in relentless flow, and nothing can stop their mighty movement, not the current of undertows or hidden shoals or rocks beneath the water.(动词用法)

e.g. 群众创业万众立异深化推进。Business startups and innovation continued to surge nationwide. (动词用法)

e.g. 咱们说坚持经济运转在合理区间,首要是要保作业,不让经济滑出合理区间,就是不能呈现“赋闲潮”。Keeping our major economic indicators within a proper range is first and foremost about ensuring employment and preventing a surgein unemployment. (名词用法)

a surge in interest:我觉得这儿的interest是有双关的,interest不只有“快乐喜爱”的意思,也有“获利、优点;利息”的意思。根据这段话在原文的上下文语境,因检疫阻隔学校推迟开学,在线教育作业在这时刻广受重视、教育作业上市公司股价大涨,所以了解为“快乐喜爱激增”或许“获利激增”都说得通。你觉得呢?


I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.(不当银行家可所以因为没快乐喜爱了,或许因为没有获利了。)




Analysts say that education companies are likely to benefit from the increased attention for their services for some time. After both students and parents become more familiar with virtual classrooms, they can be enticed to try other products and pay for services down the road. Terry Weng, a Shenzhen-based analyst at research firm Blue Lotus Research Group, estimates that 22% of Chinese K-12 students will take part in online tutoring by end of this year, up from 17% in 2019. Driven by tough competition for good schools and jobs, as well as technological advances in virtual learning, China’s online education market is expected to more than triple to 696 billion yuan ($99.3 billion) in 2023 from last year’s 203 billion yuan, according to research firm Frost & Sullivan.


Driven by tough competition for good schools and jobs, as well as technological advances in virtual learning, China’s online education market is expected to more than triple to 696 billion yuan ($99.3 billion) in 2023 from last year’s 203 billion yuan, according to research firm Frost & Sullivan.


“Driven by A as well as B”曩昔分词短语作状语,“在……的驱动下”;复兼并排连词as well as联接两个并排成分,但要留心的是,as well as在具体的语句中有偏重,偏重的是前一项,后一项只是趁便提及, A as well as B恰当于not only B but also A;假定as well as联接并排主语时,谓语动词就要与前一项共同,也就是咱们所说的“就远原则”;翻译时一般要先译后边,再翻前面;


virtual classrooms虚拟教室

entice:to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do sth, usually by offering them sth 诱使;引诱

e.g. The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores. 低价的价格意在把顾客从其他商铺招引过来。

down/along the road :at some time in the future 往后;在将来

e.g. 当前更大规划减税降费正按预期顺畅推进,咱们将及时处置实施中遇到的疑问,保证不折不扣实施到位。Larger-scale tax and fee cuts are being implemented as scheduled. Timely measures will be taken to address problems down the road to ensure their full implementation.

K-12 students:不一样于国内的九年责任教育体系,许多欧美国家实施的是K-12的教育体系, 即从学前班期间至12年级的教育,包括了从4-6岁至16-17岁年纪期间。

tough competition剧烈的竞赛


汉语在倍数的表达上常常运用“翻番”,例如double是翻一番,quadruple是翻两番。但千万别将triple译为“翻三番”,要么译为“添加至三倍”,要么就说“添加两倍”。Increased 3 times/folds,increased by 3 times, increased to 3 times都是译为“添加至3倍”或“添加2倍”。

e.g. In the past five years, the number of in-force Chinese invention patents has tripled, and the annual volume of technology transactions doubled. 曩昔五年,我国有用创造专利具有量添加了2倍,年度技能生意额翻了一番。


分析人士标明,在一段时刻内,教育公司可以会获益于我们对其效能的重视。当学生和家长都了解了虚拟教室之后,他们就会被招引去领会其他产品,并为将来的效能付费。蓝莲花研讨机构(Blue Lotus research Group)驻深圳的分析师翁泰利(Terry Weng)估量,到2020年年末,我国参加在线辅导的中小学生比例会从2019年的17%添加到22%。弗若斯特沙利文征询公司(Frost & Sullivan)的数据闪现,跟着对优质学校和作业的剧烈抢夺战,再加上虚拟学习领域的技能前进,到2023年,我国在线教育商场的规划估计将从2019年的2030亿元增加到6960亿元(合993亿美元),增幅跨越三倍。


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