英语学霸网 英语学习资料 高中英语翻译之高一名校卷汇编(3)


No.1 2019-2020学年复附高一期中卷

1. 他的父母为他考入抱负大学而感到骄傲。(admit; pride [n.])

2. 尽管他关于把自个的理论使用于实习不感快乐喜爱,但他仍是为咱们的社会做出了无量奉献。(apply)

3. 北京奥运会开幕式向我们展示了绚烂的中华文明,给中外观众留下了难以忘掉的形象。(impression)

4. 她一看完那个关于动物的电视节目,就抉择要参加野生动物维护组织。(No sooner)

5. 联网年代,快捷和风险共生,唯有立异,方能在虚拟空间具有作用感和平安感。(unless)

1. His parents take pride in his being admitted to the admirable university.

【考点】:固定分配:take pride in…对…感到骄傲;be admitted to…考入…

2. Although he was not interested in applying his own theory to application, he still made great contributions to our society.

【考点】:although引导让步状语从句;固定分配make contributions to… 对…作出奉献

3. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games showed the splendid Chinese culture to the people, leaving an unforgettable impression on tourists from home and abroad.

【考点】:leaving如今分词作状语;固定分配:from home and abroad 国表里

4. No sooner had she finished watching the programme about animals than she was determined to join in the wildlife conservation organization.

【考点】:No sooner….than…固定句型,主句要倒装;固定分配:be determined to…下定决计去做…

5. In the era of the Internet, convenience and risk coexist. We can’t have a sense of accomplishment and safety in the virtual space unless we innovate.

【考点】:not …unless=if 条件状语从句;

词组:a sense of accomplishment and safety 一种作用和平安感

No. 2 2019-2020学年行知中学高一上英语10月月考

1. 他老是依靠父母几乎从不自个做抉择。(depend)

2. 服打扮演展示最新的潮流,常常招引许多观众。(audience)

3. 这座城市对各行各业的英才都有着无量的招引力,特别是那些怀揣愿望的年青人。(fascination)

1. He always depends on his parents and hardly makes a decision on his own.


词组:depend on…取决于… ;make a decision 做出一个抉择

2. Fashion shows display the latest trend and usually attract a large audience.


3. This city holds a great fascination to talents from all walks of life, especially those young people who have dreams.


词组:hold a great fascination to…有着无量的招引力

No. 3 2019-2020学年南洋榜样中学高一上英语9月考试

1. 我毫不犹疑地把底细告诉了他。(withouthesitation)

2. 墙上的海报让我想起旧时的好韶光。(remind)

3. 李先生是本银行的高档行员。(senior)

4. 他那规整的书写给教师留下了极好的第一形象。(impression)

1. I told him the truth without hesitation.



2. The poster on the wall reminds me of the old good days.

【考点】:固定分配:remind sb. of…提示或人…

3. Mr. Li is the senior clerk in this bank.


4. His well-written handwriting has left a good impression on teacher.

【考点】:well-written 复合词作描述词;如今结束时

No. 4 2019-2020学年南洋中学高一上英语10月月考

1. 咱们无法保证这药会当即收效。(guarantee)

2. 在公共场合大声说话被认为是粗鲁的,而且要避免。(consider)

4. 因为短少自傲,昨日他在扮演时一向避免和观众目光交流。(lack)

5. 到当前中止,有200多人向那家公司请求了那个职位,可是只需不到10自个被选择了。(apply)

1. We cannot guarantee that the medicine will take effect immediately.


词组:take effect收效

2. It is considered rude to speak loudly in the public, and it should be avoided.


3. Please contact us if there is anything we can do for you.


4. Due to lack of confidence, he kept avoiding eye contact with audiences during performance yesterday.

【考点】:due to介词词组标明缘由;keep doing sth. 固定用法

5. So far, more than two hundred people have applied for that position, but only less than ten people were admitted.

【考点】:so far状语用如今结束时;but转机连词

No. 5 2019复兴期中试卷汇总

1. 能否抢救林林尚不亮堂.(remain)

2. 听到她被那所闻名的大学选择的消息,她欢欣若狂.(admit)

3. 只需学校的教师和学生才干在假期运用图书馆.(access)

4. 沿着位于小城西面30公里处的小河走一走,你会被那里美丽的风光所招引.(…and you’ll)

1. It remains unclear whether Linlin can be saved.


2. Hearing the news that he has been admitted to that famous university, she is wild with joy.

【考点】:the news that…同位语从句;hearing如今分词作状语

3. Only teachers and students in school can have access to the library in vacation.

【考点】:固定分配: have access to…接近;接近

4. Walk along the river situated at the 30 miles south of the city, and you’ll be attracted by the beautiful scenery there.

【考点】:situated at曩昔分词作后置定语;被逼:be attracted by…

No. 6 2019-2020学年天山中学S1A

1. 这些相片会让你晓得咱们的村庄是啥样的。(what)

2. 英国想要坚持其世界强国的方位。(maintain)

3. 众所周知,短少杰出的学习习气和办法会影响往后的学习。(lack)

4. 为了维护咱们的环境,咱们必需要多留心咱们处置废物的方法。(attention)

1. These photos will show you what our village looks like.


2. Britain wants to maintain its/ her position as a world power.


3. As we all know that/ It’s common knowledge that lack of good learning habits or learning methods will affect/have an effect on the future study/study in future.


4. To protect our environment, we have to /must pay more attention to the way we deal with garbage.

【考点】:不定式标明意图作状语;省掉that/in which的定语从句

No. 7 上海交通大学隶属中学2019-2020学年度第一学期高一英语期中试卷

1. The concert by Mayday to be held this weekend ________________. (估计会招引许多的观众, expect)

2. Our school library _________________(配备有一台新买的机器人, equip), which is called Yoyo.

3. _______________________(我历来没有想到过寻求时髦, occur) was so common among the teenagers nowadays.

4. Hardly ______________________ (这个外科医生刚下定决计给患者做手术, mind) when he suddenly changed his mind.

5. The more I learn about Mogao Caves, _________________________. (我越对这个当地感到入神, fascinate)

6. It is a good habit ________________________. (把一切的阅览材料收拾好, put)

7. In our school, it has been ___________________(聘请一位德高望重的教授现已变成了常规) to give a lecture on Fridays.

8. In his biography, Jack Ma said that he _______________________(阅历了一个又一个困难) when he was establishing Alibaba.

9. Failure is not a completely bad thing, ___________________(可是假定你习气于让人绝望, let), the desperation is the real failure that hurts.

10. We were surprised to find that _______________________________. (他能把一切的新词都背下来, capable, learn)

11. 传闻政府所作的陈述遭到了各行各业的人的等待. (receive)

12. 这个年青的教授受邀在结业典礼上做讲演,他感到非常侥幸.(… it …)

13. 当被采访的时分,这位篮球明星说他不想卷进任何和篮球无关的争论. (involve)

14. 假定某件事烦扰了你的学习,即便你企图去忽略它,它也会对你的回想产生长时刻影响. (distract, impact)

1. is expected to attract a large audience;

2. is equipped with a new-bought robot;

3. It never occurred to me that going after fashion;

4. had the surgeon made up his mind to do the surgery to the patient;

5. the more fascinated I am to this place;

6. to put together all the reading materials;

7. a custom to invite a well-respected professor;

8. experienced difficulties one after another;

9. but if you are accustomed to letting people down;

10. he was capable of reciting all the newwords.

11. It is said that the report made by Government has been well-received among people from all walks of life.

【考点】:it作方法主语,真实的主语是that…;well-received 复合词

12. The young professor found it was considerably honored that he was invited to deliver a speech at the graduation ceremony.


13. When being interviewed, this basketball player expressed his unwillingness to get involved in the argument that has nothing to do with basketball.


14. If something distracts your study, it will have a long-term effect on your memory even if you try to ignore it.

【考点】:if引导条件状语从句;even if引导让步状语从句

15. When watching the national parade of New China’s 70th anniversary, all can’t help feeling proud of being a Chinese.

【考点】:when引导时刻状语从句;固定分配:can’t help doing 不由自立做…

No. 8 2015上师大期中试卷

1. 教师的言行对学生的影响是终身的。(stay)

2. 想与别人交流时不要把自个的主意强加于他们。(force)

3. 我还没有想好啥样的圣诞礼物合适我介意大利的兄弟。(work out)

4. 一般人很难愿望这位巨大的雕塑家在年少受训时阅历了啥。(… it…)

5. 他在运动会上夺得了一块又一块奖牌,因而对自个的体现恰当满足。(satisfied)

6. 各行各业的我们不由自登时敬佩这个医生做了对咱们来说如同不可以能的事。(can’t help but; seem)

1. The teacher’s words and behaves on his students stay a lifelong effect.


词组:stay a lifelong effect 终身的影响

2. Don’t force your ideas on others when you want to communicate with them


词组:communicate with…和…交流

3. I haven’t worked out what kind of Christmas gift would suit my friends in Italy.

【考点】:work out后边接宾语从句;what kind of Christmas gift是宾语从句中的主语从句

4. It is hard for ordinary people to imagine what happened to this great sculptor when he was young

【考点】:it引导方法主语,真实的主语是to imagine;what happened作imagine的宾语从句;when引导时刻状语从句

5. He won medal after medal in the sports meeting, so he was quite satisfied with his performance.


6. People from all walks of life can’t help admiring the doctor for doing things which seems impossible to us

【考点】:can’t help doing 固定分配;which引导定语从句

No. 9 2019-2020华二高一上期中英语卷

1. When I asked him to pick me up at the airport, he _____________________(毫不犹疑地容许了), which made me astonished.

2. After talking with her son’s teacher, the mother knew that her son had a good performance in the spots meeting, which ________ (使她高兴至极[top]).

3. The Lijiang City Council collected a lot of money to ________ (维护丽江古城和其他游旅行地[preserve]),which would greatly improve the tourism industry in Lijiang.

4. The Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That’s why ________ (她熟练地掌控了汉语口语)in less than three years.

5. In terms of lifestyle, I like to stay home and ________ (用各种舒畅围住自个 [surround]), while you need to go out and get stimulated by the big, bad world.

6. My family wasn’t satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so we shall ________ (向司理诉苦咱们不公正的待遇).

7. 地震后,许多古代的建筑都变成了废墟,一起,我们无法运用互联网,也没有洁净的饮用水。(access)

8. 根据这位科学家的讲座内容,咱们晓得到分析细菌与疾病的相关,有助于我们龟龄。(connection)

9. 司理需求商场部的职工记住这些数据,亲近留心商场的改变,研讨新的战略以前进公司的商场比例。(commit)

1. agreed without hesitation

2. made her happy to the top

3. preserve Lijiang ancient city and other tourist attractions

4. she masters spoken Chinese fluently

5. surround myself with all kinds of comfort

6. complain to the manager about our unfair treatment

7. Many ancient buildings were left in ruins after the earthquake, and people had no access to the Internet or clean drinking water.

【考点】:were left被逼;and并排连词

8. Based on the scientist’s lecture, we learned that analyzing the connection between bacteria and disease helps people live longer.

【考点】:曩昔分词作状语;that引导宾语从句;analyzing 动名词做主语

9. The manager committed the marketing staff to keep these figures in mind and keep an eye on market changes, and develop new strategies to increase the company’s market share.

【考点】:to increase是不定式作状语标明意图


作者: admin




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